Mauga got a hefty nerf (Is it bad?)

Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - December 5, 2023:

On paper, this doesn’t seem like a lot, but this is a odd nerf.

This not only nerfs his closeup play, but also nerfs his ultimate quite a lot.

Lets do the math…
Mauga used to do 25% increased firerate if both guns were fired. Each gun did 4.5 damage (not factoring in crit on-fire enemies). Maugas base shooting is 18 shots a second. So, in total, Mauga does 81 damage with one gun. Now, with crits from his burning ability, that goes up to 162 (Using the base critical modifier of 2.0). With the 25% fire increase, that makes his damage roughly 202.5.

However, with his damage increased to 5 from 4.5, but losing his 25% firerate while firing both guns, his new damage is 90 dps with a singular gun, 180 with both.

So…overall, Maugas damage is nerfed by 22.5 damage per a second…but this is without factoring in the spread buff and falloff buff, ammo buff, movement speed…etc.

Still, I liked the power fantasy of wildy shooting both guns and mowing down anyone who got too close to me. I hope this doesn’t affect Mauga too much since this nerfs his ultimate pretty hard as well.

I think it’ll be fine. He’s still going to deal crazy damage, just a bit less than before, but how he’s more survivable and better at range.


I’m being very optimistic about it. Hopefully it doesn’t affect him too much

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He got lots of other buffs, yes? He’ll be fine, ammo buff can make up for damage loss


Hes been buffed overall


He got one nerf and eleven buffs. He’s going to be on what Blizzard gingerly calls ‘the safe side of strong’.


He also got massive buffs to every other part of his kit including self-healing from damage and a set of armor plates which will have overhealth stacked on top of them from his passive.

In no universe is this a nerf.


Well they gave him some armor (which always means extra resistance), narrowed the headshot hitbox (I guess all the hair), made him truly unstoppable in the charge, increased the healing gain by 10% and reduced the spread of projectiles. I’d say it’s a much better compromise though if you imagine it with Bastion + mercy on the team.

However, they are very small numbers for what was a ntak that did damage… but also took too much damage on himelf (and deaths).

That nerf isn’t that big of a deal in combination with his other buffs. Spread is buffed, damage per shot is buffed, falloff is buffed, ammo size is buffed, movement speed penalty is buffed, he now has armor, overrun does 50% damage reduction, lifesteal during cardiac overdrive is now 70%!!!, overhealth conversion rate on his passive is now 50%!!!

The dude is going to be insanely good after all these buffs, unless there’s an Ana on the other team. Then who knows.

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ahhh he got Lifeweaver treatment? :sunglasses:

Judging from the math here he can now poke better, but brawl a bit less?

So the changes really emphasize on suppressive fire. Which was one of Mauga’s weaknesses during the testing. Which was his subpar range factor which forced him to often get up close or do meager damage til an opening appeared and then he can just auto shotgun everyone up close, if that makes any sense?

He did more than enough damage to melt someone up close and I doubt they want to create a Bastion tank meta when everyone is already super unhappy about Bastion’s meta status in keeping tanks in check.

I see that the reduction is to help prevent Mauga from going the same route and just outright bullying the other tanks in roster.

So overall a good change. Mauga during the testong almost specifically called upon a Dva or a Sigma to deal with all the bullets flying about.

Im holding my breath because the buffs he got are really good, but its almost never a good idea to nerf damage output from a sole source

Hes going to be an insane wall with the armor life steal damage resistance ontop of ana and kirikl being his perfect supports

Fyi…Orisa’s Fortify currently is 45%

Mauga has 50%…with Lifesteal that turns into overhealth

All hail the new brawlwall tank! Horselady replaced with (what shall we henceforth call this unfun wall?)


It was kinda necessary to make room for his other buffs, otherwise he’d be able to W key into every other tank and passively deplete an entire team’s resources just by holding m1+m2 into anything in front of him.

I’d imagine this is more of a movement in power than a buff. If he’s dealing less damage, then they buffed the healing to compensate. Perhaps his healing will be the same after the dmg nerf.

Big boi.

He’ll be fine. His CQB damage output will remain considerable even with this change.