Mauga buffs incoming

Mostly likely going to be a midseason patch along with some ither changes.

What bothers me though is that they are buffing his defense only.


I really would much rather they just nerf Anti Nade now and not in Season 9 instead of buffing Mauga again
he’s so unfun to play against


I think I found my “Tom” to my “Jerry.” In Mauga. (Tom and Jerry reference ftw.)

But yeah
as a tank player Mauga just makes the role even worse. When all an inexperienced tank player needs to do to diff the enemy tank is to just swap to Mauga, then you know the role is bad.

I have good news for you: ball is getting a rework

In like season 11

I just wanted his counters to be addressed not a kit rework!

If you get diffed by Mauga without him popping off, you’re the one that’s inexperienced

Play Rein properly into the average Mauga and he’s a cakewalk

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His dps is higher, he heals from it, and like a Bastion he eats through shield. Then Overrun beats his charge and Cagefight is a death sentence for Rein.

Ana is such a polarizing hero and it gets worse with every patch. They should rework her abilities completely and give her something else. It will take a while, because it always does with new abilities and voice lines, but I would not mind sending Ana to the “funny farm” for a few months like Hog did. Games without Ana are so much more enjoyable.

You block the damage, if he isn’t getting crits then he isn’t healing. Save shield especially for when he pops cardiac overdrive but also just try not to catch on fire. His charge beats Rein’s but Rein’s is much more dangerous, if Mauga charges into you then you either just dodge and block or counter charge or block after he’s done. Earthshatter is free of course and extra free in the cage fight if your team is ready to go.

Mauga’s raw damage is not that high, most of it comes from crits off burning people. He can’t burn shields and therefore he can’t crit them, so Mauga actually doesn’t hurt Rein’s barrier that badly and doesn’t heal off it either. If he’s not ready to jump behind cover then it’s free damage for your team any time he’s shooting it.

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Someone needs to reread the numbers, because burning does not deal much damage.

Its the crits that do. Which can still be procced off head hitboxes.

Then Rein is big
so naturallt he’s just going to each a ton more bullets.

This match up is so weird in that both are just psyching each other out daring one to make a move so that they can strike them down appropriately.

“You go!”

"No you go!

“No-no! You go!”


In the end if no one makes a kove Mauga still gains favor by constantly wittling down shield with an infinite ammo supply.

Idk what some of you guys are smoking, Mauga eats Rein alive

Easy. Cardiac Overdrive is Mauga’s only method of tanking damage.

Without him getting those direct shots off you can essentially deny Mauga any healing.

So when you hear him yell thats when you hide then burst out after the 4 seconds to burn Mauga again.

Rein, or any shield for that matter, doesn’t last long, but it denies Mauga healing leaving him wide open and with majoroty of his ammo spent taking the shield down.

This is a vulnerability window that many lower ranked players will not take advantage of. But in higher levels of play this is a legit way to indirectly counter Mauga across the board.

Mauga’s right gun crits burning players regardless of where he shoots them. If you aren’t on fire then his damage is much lower and he’s healing much less. Aiming for headshots when shooting both of them is not good for damage or healing unless you’re right up in their face due to the accuracy of his guns.

Which is where Rein wants to be

Idk where you’re going with this.

Mauga is literally called “Fat Bastion”, dude.

You use your shield to kill Mauga

He can’t heal by shooting it, which means your team hurts him while you don’t take damage

The difference between your theoretical on-paper argument and the actual interaction in game is that it’s not a 1v1 and Rein literally can’t do anything to Mauga besides block, all of the pressure is on Rein. Mauga wins the war of attrition 10 times out of 10 against Rein (just like every other poke tank which is why Rein is so trash)

I feel like they could also just very easily do a bandaid hotfix where they make nade only do 50% heal reduction on tanks and 70% on squishies, or even go lower on both numbers, and then if she sucks then give her 25 HP like they did for Zen

+10 DPS for a short time and better life steal. Thats something. But Nade will still be a hard counter.