Matchmaking update: Season three retrospective and future plans

Homie they’ve been promising these kinds of fixes for years


Well I’m not done writing it, and it probably comes off a bit more rude than a finished post would look like. But the issue basically boils down to the counterplay against Snipers being:

    1. Hide behind barriers/walls 90% of the game
    1. Kamikazi divebomb the Sniper 90% of the game and pray they don’t get peels or selfpeels.
    • Note: Lifeweaver has a LifeGrip that turns a Sniper invincible, pulls them 1.5x the width of an objective, and goes through Winston Bubble. And otherwise can pre-deploy rising platforms that need no further interaction from the Wesver player, and then once that gets used, they can immediately use another one.
    1. Snipe Snipers with more Snipers

Which is basically

    1. Don’t have Fun
    1. Don’t have Fun
    1. Only Sniper players get to have Fun

And then the devs use “Survivorship Bias” to cater to the people who are playing Sniper to salvage some fun from the game, or they just quit because they didn’t want to do that.

They are likely butchering their profits and active playerbase counts because of misinterpreting statistics, and not focusing on making their videogame be fun. It’s upsetting.


It’s almost like a huge number of players are boosted by the OW2 rank system and now the matchmaker has no idea what to do since their mmr is wrong. See: Literally everybody who went from gold/plat to masters/gm.

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Probably same high priority as urgent balance changes.

Our data has also revealed an additional area for improvement. Specifically, stomps that occur in matches that should be balanced.

Was this discovered, for the eighth time , before or after the statement “The only constant is you” was made?


That’s why I play with bronze healer for 5 matches in a row, being in platinum, because their level of play is platinum, but they are still in bronze )

I’m glad they’re looking at narrowing the range. This has been by far the largest source of frustration in my overwatch games as a plat that keeps being thrown into masters, gm, and top 500 lobbies.

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We’ve been hearing this… since release.

So like are we supposed to just trust in your Soon™️


Wow, you really believe what you write?

MM is very complex. One of the main issues is how much a game depends on which heroes are chosen. Just because 2 teams appear even based on a number that represents the skill of each player, the hero selection within each team can have a huge impact on the game and whether it’s going to be fair or a stomp.

In some games this issue is reduced because players switch heroes and things even out. But in many, many games, the teams are simply not matched from a selection PoV and 1 team has a comp which is always going to stomp the comp of the other. If the losing team doesn’t switch heroes to better deal with the enemy, then the stomp will continue right through the game.

There is very little the matchmaker can do about this, even if you want to try to apply nonsense conspiracy theories to it, as it seems you do.


Hahaha. Like the other 5 times you said this and nothing happened?


utter fiction. you’re an absolute ignoramus. ask an exceptional if team comp matters, more than match SERVER QUALITY. ignoramus. A comes before B. think a bit. exceptionals can play anyone at anytime. or even 1 hero, every time. when you’re exceptional. composition doesn’t affect exceptionals. while you’re at it, ask an exceptional, do all players on the team, often play at the same pace. therefore, every thing i said was valid. payroll damage control. i get it.

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Sorry, but you misunderstand. I’m talking about the 99.999% of people that are not “exceptionals” as you call them for some reason. You know, everyone but a few people. The top players are irrelevant in this discussion.

still stands. because match server quality even applies to the common majority. how so? because poor match server quality supersedes every thing. your scenario is eligible for validity IF the match client servers were impeccable over half the time. many are/were faulty, misconfigured, or deliberately rigging matches. improvements may be underway, so we’ll see.

As always, it’s impossible to argue with someone that can just make stuff up on the spot, whether it makes any sense or not (which it obviously doesn’t btw).

Your hypothesis is flawed. Skills shouldn’t be determined just by win/lost. Eg: support matchup with a weak Tank and result a lost. Should support MMR be down graded? a weak damage matchup with another strong damage carried him to a win. Should his MMR goes up? I am not saying win/lost is not important. But as long as we are talking about “skill” based rating, then it should be based on skill not merely on wins.

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Two well balanced teams would stomp each other. Like those rare Kings Row games that go for six rounds or more because each team keeps steamrolling the payload to the end of the map 3 times each.

If one team has ALL THE STATS and the other team got utterly humiliated, then the two teams were NOT well balanced, no matter what the matchmaker says. The teams were balanced “on paper only”. Real world performance, the players don’t always play like the numbers suggest they should and I think that’s the real root of the problem. The matchmaker can only crunch numbers to determine your skill. It can’t account for any external factors that can affect that skill.

Has the dev team ever reached out to collaborators at a university to study this problem? I have a phd in operations research, at the intersection of applied mathematics and computer science, and this type of learning+matching problem is studied by colleagues in my field.


I promise you making things more complex is not the solution. Inconsistent play is the biggest reason anyone is lower ranked, and you cannot account for inconsistency through number crunching. Unless what we’re saying that player 1 plays worse on monday evenings but only if he’s not drunk therefore since it’s monday evening just after Q1 lets change his mmr to…

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Release a full spreadsheet with data that we can freely pick apart.

For example give us Competitive Role Division Delta info for all roles and open queue. Not just data that supports what’s inside the blog post!