Matchmaking made me close the game yesterday

Diamond 2 support, my duo is masters 5 on support so usually we have pretty high-ranked games and it just makes such a difference, you can actually play the game at that level since most people have an idea on what they’re doing. But yesterday we had two games back to back with gold 3 tanks that just kept feeding and staggering themselves and I had no idea how to even impact the game, really felt like the game said “it’s your turn to lose now” and that was after a three loss streak already so I just quit the game for the day because I was so tilted after loss 5. Every week they say “we improved matchmaking” and I feel like it gets worse every week, literally unplayable because what’s the point of climbing from silver to high-diamond if your tank is still gold :skull:


haha i get it man

i used to get stuck playing ow2 all day

but now with the new and improved matchmaker, i have never been more productive

Thank you blizzard, you have motivated me to get my life into order


Yup, I recognize that feeling. You can usually almost feel that the team is somewhat “off” even early on before stuff starts to happen, that some of your teammates decisions just seems a bit weird and strange.

I usually don’t check the ranks of my teammates that often or care that much about it. But having had similar weirdness going on constantly for the last few days I finally asked what my teammates ranks where during one match and the answer I got where ‘Silver 4’. My own visible rank at the time was Diamond 4.

I’m sure there where other players in my team higher than low silver but our team felt sort of anemic and low impact compared to the enemy team. A couple of my teammates got completely humiliated at the start of the match by the enemy team making it look like there was an obvious skill gap. They did shape up a bit though. It was almost like they suddenly where placed against a bit higher skilled players than they where used to.

This is the general feeling I’ve had the last few days, and it really stands out from the weeks before that in a really strange way.


I guarantee you wouldn’t have minded a 3 loss streak if you could honestly look at your teammates and see them behaving in a way that looks like it’s the same tier as you. A 3 or even 5 loss streak isn’t a problem, it’s a problem when as soon as it happens you can clearly see the matchmaker placing clueless individuals on your team, or the other team is clearly full of smurfs. That’s what makes me quit, is clearly these loss streaks are induced by the matchmaker.


matchmaking is indeed garbage. It mixes two ranks together. If you are in silver you will get mixed with gold players. So if the enemy team has a gold doomfist and you are a silver healer and your team has no idea how to counter doom and doesn’t listen to suggestions.
It’s a one sided game, get steam rolled.

one rank max is fine, gold and silver is fine, diamond and masters is fine but masters and gold is literally unplayable