Matchmaking - Just as broken as before

Sorry but after an hour of playing the games are just as one sided as they have ever been. Love all the communication but when your tank has 10 elims and theirs has 30… you know that the algorithm is not working as intended.

Hope we have an update soon from others on how they are finding it.


Yes, ppl say the same in others topics.

Low queue time = bad team quality, bad balance.

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It’s never their side that isn’t working. It’s client side. You just need to buy 10 battle passes and play 10 billion matches so the MM knows where you belong.

I hate to play devils advocate, but if prior matchmaking messed up everyones MMR. It would take a while to adjust and fix everyone’s MMR to where it should be, no?

I don’t think an hour or two is enough time.

The funny part : they said they put tank with same skill in each team.

The reality in 90% of games : headless tank vs skilled tank

Good job dev team. In changing nothing.


It is Season 3… we should have it fixed in first season… not the 3rd and it still be broken and making excuses for this company… again.


They’ve stated that early in the season that population changes are drastic and have a big impact on match quality. That’s very plausible. I think giving them the benefit of the doubt and 2 weeks is fair and reasonable. Help out everybody’s ratings by not throwing.

Matchmaking cannot be perfected unless humans become perfected to be 100% consistent forever.

The teammates you are paired with probably played similar to your skill level the last few games and just fell off when grouped with you + the other side may be of similar skill as well but just played better those games.

Overwatch has always been 50% luck, 50% skill, just like every other game and sport in the world. My advice? Get a stack and coach y’all selves to overcome it all. Create the new goats bro instead of crying about something that cannot be fixed.

Learn to read maybe? They said they’re working on it. They never said it’s gonna be ready for season 3.

For my statement above it doesn’t matter when it SHOULD HAVE been fixed. It is irrelevant for what I said. My point still stands that it hasn’t been long enough to see if it has improved since it was implemented.

One change I would like outside of matchmaking is add the criteria to have Rank 2+ endorsement to join comp. This will make it longer for new players to join Comp and also remove toxic players who have been actioned from joining comp for a time (Being actioned locks your endorsement at rank 1).

Smurfs are running rampant again and the matchmaking needs to be tighten up a lot. Unfortunately this is what happens when you rush a game out for shareholders and don’t take the time to playtest and understand what is going to happen.

Overwatch team, your competitive matchmaking needs so much work and you best spend your Season 3 getting it sorted, or people will be ditching this game for the competitive side.