Matchmaking is terrible but can be better

Hey when will the matchmaking system be based off more of the gold cards you achieve At the end of the game instead of being grouped up with people that don’t work as hard as you. It seems this game doesn’t really reward supports and especially people that play this game daily

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The medal system is useless, if you have gold medals it doesn’t mean anything really.

Do note that it’s a team game, it’s only reasonable that the system doesn’t cater to individual skill.


I just wish I had more even matches

How does gold healing equal anything? If u have gold healing on mercy you’re probably not damage boosting enough so that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing “good”. Just as an example

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Agreed, gold is never guaranteed to mean anything. You could tag all enemies and get gold elims and objective kills, you can get gold damage spamming you bullets at barriers for gold damage you can be pocketing hog for gold healing, you could even technically afk on the cart and get gold objective time.

A carried Lucio can bounce around the cart, spamming healing boost and primary fire tagging everyone you see and destroying leftover barriers while your team is forced to stay relatively close to the cart’s/your perimeter both to advance it and to take advantage of the heals emanating from the 5 medal noob.

It’s actually the less you base it on the better it will be in the long run. The only advantage of having a bunch of complicated algorithms is that it potentially can make matchmaking seem better but unless you program a matchmaking ai that would analyze games not only statistically, but psychologically, strategically, and creatively (thinking of legitimate strategies that could have been done alternatively and how they compare, it will not be able to do any better or even up to par. Whereas basing it only on wins/losses can be done easily and value judged perfectly as wins are always are good and losses always bad. The only thing that may happen is the occasional noob getting carried but it would sort itself out better and more effeciantly due to seperation of ranks and matches being based on establish facts and not predictions by an AI with limited analytical capacity of things that cannot be described/expressed in mathematics.