Matchmaking is terrible - and it's the ONLY reason I'll quit

I’ve never seen such terrible matchmaking in a skill-based ranking system.

I am S5. I get matched in games with players from B5-G5. At that point it’s just luck who gets the better team.

That’s not skill based matchmaking. That’s “Let’s just throw a bunch of players together.”

I’m on the edge of being ready to go back to Valorant. It’s not fun having a G5 Reaper destroy my whole team so we can’t leave base because the rest of my team is Bronze.

I ONLY PLAY SKILL BASED MATCHMAKING GAMES. I love the competition and the grind and this is by far the worst system I’ve ever seen.

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nothing to add - but remember, its not like blizz had the capacities and time for overwatch 2 to improve the MMR.

anyway - blizzgames do by far hold the world record for worst mmr system for years now. dont expect this to imrpove, just quit these games if u cant handle the rage.

It isn’t.

If you are S5 on tank, and you ahve a B5 and G5 DPS and 2 S1 supports.

The enemy team will have a B5 tank, and most likely S1 DPS and S1 supports

I don’t know if the two are related, but I never check rank of anyone in the game and I also don’t find myself tilted. Played like 15 games today solo queue comp support.