Matchmaking in QP Broken !?

Im a new player and need to win 50 games to go play ranked.

But after 3 days grinding over 100 games i only have 28 wins.
Every time i look at enemy public profile they are Plat, Diamond or Master something plus.

That doesnt really seem fair, i thought the QP matchmaking system was going to match you with players your own skill level.


The matchmaker is a simulator of who’s turn it is to win next. If you lose too much you can literally afk in the next few lobbies and still win because you need to be around 50% winrate.

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I think the tinfoil hat might be a bit too tight


How so? I’m not talking about rank here.

This is simply win/loss and how the system wants to keep everyone at 50% winrate. Theres nothing wrong with that.

If you win too much you will literally get lobbies you will lose no matter what. If you lose too much you will literally get lobbies you cannot lose.

Its simple.

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Yea definitely got some tinfoil digging into the brain or cutting off blood flow

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It does not “want” anything. Only thing it does is match people to the lobbies based on their mmr.
If you win more games your mmr has been going up and you’re playing with and against higher mmr people.

It does not force 50% winrate on anyone in any way.


Either the game thinks you belong in those ranks and is matching accordingly, or friends are stacking for fun and that just unfortunately means a rough game for newer players.


im the kind of player who likes to play ranked since i dont find it fun if you dont have anything to fight for.
But i think its annoying that you have to win 50 qp games first when you can loose that much.

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The match maker doesn’t take into account skill, except maybe to a small degree in Ranked.

Matchmaking is done via EOMM (Engagement Optimization Match Making), in which the primary goal is to keep you playing and buying skins.

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but who wanna keep playing if the gets matchmaked to loose all matches ?

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Think it doesn’t work? You yourself said you’ve only won 25% of your matches, yet have played over 100…

I’m not saying EOMM has 100% success rate on every player, but Activision and other companies have been using it for a while now. Call of Duty is notorious for it too. It does work.

People feel compelled to keep playing, thus increasing their exposure to skins and battle pass information, increasing FOMO and thus the likelihood to buy and spend money.

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im for sure aint gonna keep playing… waste of time like this.

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Sounds like it’s not good for new players. At least in your case. It’s possible there are not enough new players.

That’s to be expected. The more you win, the higher your SR should go.

I’m not sure how I feel about this. You really don’t know the game with such few games, but perhaps people should just start at the bottom and learn the game. If it dumps you in plat, you won’t know enough about the game.

all i wanted was to play ranked with friends

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Its funny watching people think they’re good at OW meanwhile its the MM all along creating an illusion.

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Oh right one game you are stomping the enemy who are literal bots and the next you cant leave spawn. Such a great MMR system.

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I honestly feel sorry for you if you really believe this. I played OW from 2016 till late 2024 and I can with 100% certainty tell you that OW2 MM does NOT do this. Its basically a system to attempt to keep you playing and it fails miserably at it. And when it doesn’t do that it just sacrifices match quality for speed. There is nothing that involves MMR or your “hidden rank” as the con-artist devs want you to think.

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Even funnier seeing the ones thinking their losses MUST be a result of a MM issue and couldn’t possibly be that you just lost a game cuz you’re not as good as you thought. There’s this magical new thing called :sparkles: accountability :sparkles: try it maybe


Doesnt matter whether you think its great or not, but that is how it works. Just on MMR’s. There is no forced 50% on anyone.

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And i feel sorry for you not believeing the developers. I really do.

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