Matchmaking getting better!

wow just had a top500 tracer in my plat game , with 2 pocket gm healears) guess what kind of healers i had ? silver ! balanced game for sure


I was ready to educate you on how garbage the matchmaking is but I see it was sarcasm :joy:


Its an abysmal joke of a system. They need to trash the entire thing. Its completely and totally garbage!


Dear Blizzard,

are you about to fix that?


hey, hi, Blizzard here, no


Devs were repalced with ChatGPT. Rich suits are making massive gains in money and ego. They’re shameless.

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Fun fact it’s also the opposite. Go click on any t500 (below like #300 above 300 they’re all legit) profile and I’d guess about 4/5 are gms from rank inflation and were low diamond seasons before :+1:

My guess is the matchmaker gave them two golds and suddenly ya it’s fair!

We really need 6v6 to counterbalance all this bad matchmaking. It would be a start at least. The hardpocketed dps is far too strong when there is only one non-squishy to worry about. This is also why snipers are so strong right now.

We need 6v6 back.

Time is running out Blizzard, more and more people are leaving, when are you going to fix the MM, lots of people are going to quit by season 6 if it’s not fixed. Tired of having inflated people on my team playing like garbage, having garbage stats and when I look at their profile they are 1000-2000 above their usual SR. Your Matchmaking has done this, fix it, fire the idiot who programmed it.

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Go play CSGO or Valorant. OW has no competitive integrity. It has fun mechanics and gameplay, but that doesn’t mean much when the matchmaking is so bad.

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Just win more.