Matchmaking 10/10

same here wiped the floor with us


You usually have an advantage if you’re the solo team. There’s a reason high ranks dont 6 stack where the skill disparity is more pronounced.

Now I just played a game (I’m platinum) and my team had a silver player… Blizzard wtf??? 0-2 in Dorado (tbh I don’t know how we held last point)

thats not true. you have a disadvantage, calculatable

Oh they wont. They still believe it’s basically the best MM ever created.


I mean folks harp that 6astacks are OP but I seem to find at best they have a 50/50. It’s usually some equally uncoordinated LFG grou vsing some like trile 2 stacks or like 3-2-1 or even 6 solos. At least at lower level stacking is not really an advantage.

I’m hoping that we get guilds and 6 stacking gets a lot more common.

Even losses are a lot more fun if you’re a bunch of friends that can josh and banter together, rather than listening to tumbleweed rolling as nobody in comms.

The games are a lot more intense as well when 6 stack vs. 6 stack.

usually when solo que vs 6 stack, the 6 stack will has much lower sr and MMR. But the system is not always accurate.

I just had a 3.75k game on my main all solo vs 6-stack AND they had higher group SR.

Believe me it’s a problem, and a problem at every rank

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Were you the 6 solo or the 6 stack? Cuz usually the solo players are higher SR than the stack in order to “balance” it out. I was part of a 6 solo team that wiped the floor with a 6 stack earlier today

same thing here…

just had a 5 stack put against 6 randoms.
they wiped us every push and this match was certainly NOT fun…

Good, we should be getting more of it… stacking should be encouraged. The obly way to do it is if stacks are the primary in the queue and it should fill the enemy as close to its avg as possible

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6 golds VS 3 plats and 3 golds
Guess what? We got rekt.

More often than not I beat 6 stacks in soloQ unless it’s an obvious smurf/boost stack. But usually it’s just 6 friends who happen to be on at the same time and the matchmaker gives up and puts them against 6 higher SR soloQ players.

I think devs said 6 stack vs solo has 60% chance of winning, but the mmr will take it into account.

again, just remove Groups or keep them in a seperate comp mode.

This is no longer true.

Sure seems like it. I never go on wild loss streaks in soloQ. Very tight 200-300 SR spread from my peak to my rock bottom each season but on my grouping account where I duo or trio we’ll have days where we lose 10+ games in a row. That’s literally never happened on my soloQ account.

That is more a comment on the people you are grouping with (and your lack of synergy with them) than the matchmaker.

There’s one guy in particular who hits high master on his own too but when we duo even on low diamond accounts we can go on 5+ game loss streaks