Matchmaker still bad and always will be

As usual the devs are full of it, the matchmaker is jsut as bad as ever and almost every game is a stomp for or against, they fixed nothing and this game i still horrid in comp. why not just tighten the sr requirements to be on a team as people of different ranks should not be in each others games; the devs will never admit this and so this game will always be a matchmaker dumpster fire.cannot put in two plat dps vs a team that has a plat tank and plat heals and two silver dps as it will be a stomp. matchmaker is bad and so is the system and the devs refuse to admit their failures.stop letting different ranks play with each other.(and no not tell me solo que doesn’t get ranks above or below theirs as we do and its still 2-3 rank diff which is crazy to even consider thinking its balanced somehow.they need new leads for this team BAD!!


the only reason they removed a second tank is to reduce queue times, there’s competitive lobbies with silvers and diamonds on the same time to reduce queue times even further. they even have the audacity to not show players ranks to cover up what they are doing. And all of this isn’t for player enjoyment it’s to increase engagement in the cash shop.

just treat this game like a joke, make multiple accounts and ruin games, use cheats/hacks, talk **** about the game any chance you get. It deserves to be treated like trash.


If there are so many player why is all this needed for the matchmaker to make a game. There should plenty of a rank online at one time for the whole lobby to be the same rank/ division…. u know millions of players n stuff

Those million players are too busy checking the shop apparently. Skinwatch 2 is their favorite game

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When they made changes in S3, that’s when it started getting worse and now its got to a point where I don’t play the game as much!

OW2 legit gets worse with every “update” they do. There hasn’t been a single patch where the game got better because of it.

there have even been patches where they were buffing overpowered heroes for whatever reason. The entire balance team needs to be fired.

Because you can smurf alt accounts, this person here is the perfect example why overwatch 2 will always be terrible. They don’t realize they’re the reason why it’s terrible unfortunately but it’s only going to get worse and only blizzard can fix it.

If you could only play on your own account and it was impossible to smurf people wouldn’t be as toxic because they’d have to be responsible for their actions.

Probably never going to happen. The games seems like it’s always going to be infested by the people who say they hate it who somehow get a kick out of being awful people in a team game.

This guy just said what every smurf is already thinking.

overwatch isn’t terrible because im smurfing or because other people are smurfing. It’s just an inconvenience being stomped by a smurf – and that smurf is going to be on your team half the time anyway.

overwatch is terrible because the company behind overwatch is terrible. :100:

imagine if overwatch was ran by Riot/Valve/Respawn where we had balanced heroes and a fair matchmaker like Valorant/CSGO/Apex have. A smurf didn’t get the e-sprots scene shut down and PVE canceled and make your favorite heroes miserable to play against counters. Blizzard did that.

Go actually play those games and see how much more better it is, don’t even try to defend overwatch this game has far less players and it isn’t because of some smurfing widow you occasionally encounter.

It should be obvious to you that the matchmaker can’t ever be good if people (who are exactly like you) just roll a new account when they get banned/derank.

I suppose you thought you were the first person with the idea to to make a smurf account to ruin other peoples games because you didn’t do well on your main.

You admitted to rationalizing habitually ruining peoples games as if you were the solution and not the problem.

If the matchmaking was any good you wouldn’t be in it at all. You’d presumably be banned.
And the game and the matchmaking would be better for it.

You just wouldn’t be allowed to play because you don’t know how or what that means on a fundamental level.

I support you being able to play quick plays on your main for like 150 games or so until you sort out your predisposition to want to ruin everyone’s games.

And if you didn’t like it, it would have been better for you to play something else. Everyone else considered.