Matchmaker queue time estimates are lying in 6v6

Some sort of glitch with the estimate shown for time to find a match. It usually says anywhere from 3 to 8 minutes for dps. Out of over 100 games I’ve never waited more than a minute. Practically instant queues when it says 8 minutes is an issue.


It did the same when role queue mystery heroes was around. Always said 7-15+ minutes for each role yet I don’t think I ever had queue times above 3-4 minutes at worst.

No clue how it works, but something does seem off

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i have also had queue times much lower than the posted estimates for 6v6.

But they aren’t even attempting to matchmake around baseline playability.
My survey group noticed countless games featuring crossplay stacks with solo players, backfills and improper server hosting. All kinds of anti-engagement that wastes your time and fails to set you up for what i would call “legit” data collection and playtesting.


I’ve been playing every day queuing all roles and honestly it’s so strange because I keep getting the reverse of regular roleQ as in 6v6 roleQ I get DPS most of the time, then support and hardly any tank games…which ig makes sense cause everyone wants to try tanks but I thought maybe it would be different after the first day or so…but no haha
in 5v5 roleQ I get tank most of the time then support and then dps is super rare…crazy how wrong the estimates are


When they are talking about queue times I assume they mean across all ranks. Maybe the median wait is 7-8mins which is pretty long with for the ranks with the most players would likely mean 2-3 times longer for the highest and lowest ranks.

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Someone noticed really high queue times in their game too and said the same thing - it wasn’t actually anywhere near that and was typically fast. Sounds like the queue estimates are goofed up for some people/regions/whatever

Queue times haven’t been accurate since the launch of OW2.

Also I never had a queue shorter than 2 mins like ever. Even games with less players have shorter times and more quality matches than OW.


Oh, god, the amount of scrim lobbies I’m getting shoved in is diabolical. Also, backfills into games where teams are getting absolutely rolled.

This is really not reliable and honestly I’d rather wait 20 minutes to play in my own MMR than get shoved in these lobbies which are not fun. I’ve played enough QP for it to calibrate my MMR however it does that. Of the 6 or 7 games I played today, only 1 was won. The rest were what I Said above. Ugh matchmaker

They are posting false queue times because they actually don’t want to bring 6v6 back as the main mode.

I’m pretty sure it takes everyone’s queue time and just averages it out. If you only play during peak hours, my guess is that the queue times would be incorrect. (I don’t really know either though)

Imagine theres 20 people waiting for a match and there’s no tanks available….on average tanks show up every 7 minutes or so……so what does it show you (the dps player)? 7 min average wait (or more depending on how many other dps are queued as well)

Then all of a sudden 3 tanks show up…oh look your 7 minute wait time became 0 instead

Now obviously this is a very lean version of a possible scenario….but essentially the same type of thing is happening and the numbers vary depending on region, time, rank, mode, mmr…etc etc

Estimate does not mean it’s going to be what happens…or even be close