Matchmaker is unfair (PG13 version)

Did you just start playing comp mode? I was looking at your profile and it doesn’t seem like you did your first placement matches all that long ago (could just be Overbuff too if you didn’t use it before).

Most people start around gold. Unfortunately, it’s a rough go if you are actually a Bronze level player.

I know the feeling.

Just keep going, trying hard, and wait until you get low enough that you can easily win the games. You’ll soon climb high enough that you can easily lose the games. :wink:

Hey, it’s how it works. If you want constant climbing competitive isn’t the mode for you.

The point of all my posts about the matchmaker is that I want a comp model where you win, you win points, you lose, you lose points.

And then you get matched with people with the same points as you, randomizing them.

That is all. There’s no need for anything else in a matchmaker.

Don’t say they do that, when Jeff says they have an engineer working full time on the matchmaker and keep updating the system regularly.

Go play some games. You hardly even play this.

This would be nice. Until you are in a rank without anyone in it when you like to play. They can’t have a different system for prime time Gold players than they do for off-peak GM players.

So they design a system that tries to find what you say you want…but then opens up to less ideal options.

The less ideal options have to be compensated. It would most certainly be “unfair” for some poor team to lose a bunch of points because the only available opponent was a Top10 duo-queue.

QP and arcade matchmaking is much more complex due to factors such as ability to leave, only playing one side of the map, etc…so of course they have a full-time matchmaking expert.

You have a point and you’re right. It’s because people are horrible. Which is my overall point. All the effects you blame to the system is much more easily explained by the simple fact that people are inconsistent and bad.

If I were to play comp right now I’d be a mess. It was a long day and I didn’t sleep well last night. On the weekend I sleep ok, but I have things to do and there’s all. those. children…

Edit: Also, I’m colorblind and the game looks like unicorn poop. It’s hard to play until they fix the colorblind mode…which is what I wish all this “MM is forcing losses on me because i’m too good” energy was going towards instead.

It’s your reasoning.

But it’s easier to change the system than it is to change the people.

A clean simple system would negate all theorycrafting and stop people from doing things like “throwing when they think the game is going to be a loss, so they get better teammates next time” or “leaving the game, so they lose SR, but don’t change the MMR”. These are all things that people do and hurt the game.

As for not having people to make games. you could still make games. I don’t mean only pair 1500 players with 1500.

If you form a 1500 team against a 1800 team you just need to give very few points on a win for the favorites and vice versa. I mean, if you were on the 1500 team, you lost, but only dropped like 7 or 9 points, you’d not feel too bad. You’d even have a positive reinforcement to try hard because you’d win a lot of points if you managed to get a victory.

My reasoning is just to abolish the MMR completely and make it all transparent.

I agree with this.


I truly don’t understand how you get this reasonable statement mixed in with defending things like “forced loss streaks” and other things that make it sound like Blizzard is either intentionally or unwittingly but systematically putting bad players on your team.

It sounds to me that you would be attempting to convince people of the real problems with the MM, i.e. the grouping penalty, the role hole/role duplication problem, where to start people after placements, what level you should allow comp, whether there should be a team queue, or any other truly legitimate debates that we COULD OTHERWISE BE HAVING.

Rather, you APPEAR to be contributing to these attitudes that you mention.

Your support of these “conspiracy theories” as I call them, is what I think DIRECTLY LEADS to things like “throwing when they think the game is going to be a loss, so they get better teammates next time” or “leaving the game, so they lose SR, but don’t change the MMR”.

I mean…it’s quite often that people that have what seem to be crazy ideas just come out and say things like this that are completely reasonable.

It really makes me wonder if we’re all just talking past each other sometimes. That we really want the same things. I don’t necessarily agree that the system you propose will get us where we want to be, but we could have that discussion.

But we can’t really have a discussion where you (or anyone else) claims that Blizzard is intentionally putting bad players on your team because you are so good, which is what Prophet and Cuthbert really, truly, actually think.

They don’t think that a complicated MM system leads to bad behavior. That’s much, much closer to Kaawumba’s viewpoint. They think that the complicated MM system puts them on your team to bring you down.

I also think the system should be changed. Quite dramatically, in fact. I think the design changes I propose would lead to better behavior. That’s my primary goal. I’ve written extensively on it.

I just believe that in order to change the system, you must first understand how it is designed. You wouldn’t attempt to influence Blizzard to stop using elves pulling numbers out of a hat as their MM algorithm, would you? That’s what this looks like to people who read the quotes, do experiments, infer from varied reports, and try to genuinely understand the system.

You don’t have to completely agree with us how it works, most of us don’t completely agree anyways, but one thing we have in common is that the failures are due to bad behavior. That bad behavior may be caused by any number of factors, complicated MM system included, but if you think that…say that…

That the complicated MM system causes bad behavior which leads to people playing throwing/leaving/inconsistent (whichever) which makes games frustrating.

That’s fair. Completely fair.

No it doesn’t. It’s a very small fraction of people who even read the forums. You come across those ideas with a simple google search on “how to beat elo hell” or something like that. It won’t even direct you to overwatch forums. It’s the same in every game.

Frustration and the feeling of lack of control is what leads people to do all sorts of crazy stuff, like buying lucky charms.

As for having changes made. That only comes with pressure, so talking about it, even raging and going overboard, may very well be the only way to precipitate change.

The feeling of lack of control is the heart of my proposal. Have you read it?

I feel like you’re missing my point but maybe I’m missing yours.

I’m not saying here that these ideas in general lead to toxicity, but that your apparent promotion of these ideas that promote toxicity is, unsurprisingly, promoting toxicity. Given that you have a pretty clear idea of what the cause of that toxicity actually is, what I’m saying is that I’m surprised that you promote these ideas at all.

I’ll give you the raging and even a bit of the overboard…but don’t you think you should focus your efforts on what you claim causes the problem…not the forced loss streaks or the handicapping, but the opaque system that causes people to think these things?

Maybe you’re promoting outlandish ideas in an effort to get a response from Blizzard to de-mystify the issue?

I’d very much like to see a “people trying to beat this opaque system is what causes toxicity” thread…again, I might not agree, but I would respect the person who made a coherent argument towards it. And actually, I’d probably agree.

If you are good enough to advance this isn’t relevant.

You aren’t good enough to advance.

PS. I dominate matches even 200 SR below where I am.

PPS. That isn’t to say sometimes you can’t be unlucky and have throwers/leavers in 5 matches in a row. Ever been solo-queuing and have the first thing the 5 stack on your team says on voice is “we’re throwing, sorry about that” and instalock 5 dps? (happened to me 2 nights ago) At least they apologized? :frowning:

401 posts

Did you just start playing comp mode? I was looking at your profile and it doesn’t seem like you did your first placement matches all that long ago (could just be Overbuff too if you didn’t use it before).

Sorry for the late response. Life comes first some times sadly. No this isn’t my first placement’s it’s just I rarely play more than placements because it’s not worth it. If it’s so horrificly toxic and cancerous with perma locking who finds it worth it or fun anymore. A team game in which you play for solo stats. I honestly think im just gonna quit. cant even post links now yay

No one can post links. It’s a really weird quirk of this forum. Ok, a few select people can but I don’t know how you earn that privilege.

lame… lame lammeeeeee lol was gonna post a link of one of the many video’s I have showing that I know reasonably what I am doing… I’m not like new to shooting games and the such… I’ve played them for years and usually really well but overwatch is a different horse to ride apparently…

Start a new thread for VODs. But all you have to do is highlight the text and click the </> above. It will look like this. The text is surrounded by tic marks, `, the same key as the tilde ~.

If you put 4 spaces before you can post a link.

errr here is link i think?
http s://you tu. be/4M hYt_d1E_8

just remove all spaces

The system is broken and it’s been that way for 9 seasons. I am hopeful that they are working on improvements quietly.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

A large batch of users just got the ability to post clickable links. The rules are being reverse engineered here: I'm a Level 3 User now?!

If you don’t have the privledge, you can post non-clickable links by surrounding it with ``

LIke this:

I’m just level 2…of course I got banned awhile back when defending you from being called a shill…


Thanks. :confused:

There is a fine art to insulting someone in an entirely unbannable way. Don’t call some one an idiot. Demonstrate that they are woefully misinformed with data! and links! And embiggened words!

Yeah. I wasn’t so upset that I got banned…I was super upset that the post that I was mirroring didn’t.

By the way, there are some thresholds you haven’t reached yet: 50 days visited and 20k posts read. Go to and tape down the down arrow key.