Matchmaker is rigged

I believe that matchmaking is rigged, but I don’t mind because it can be beaten. It doesn’t prevent you from getting a winrate above 80% over dozens of hours. If you’re good enough, you can beat its rigging, and it will readjust to your improvement. I don’t think there’s much wrong with this system tbh.

I get that it can feel draining or pointless to grind for someone who isn’t improving. But someone who isn’t improving should have an average of 50% wins and 50% losses because they will end up where they belong… How it makes those balanced win/loss is not that important. It just has to do it for the sake of having a balanced experience. It’s not going to be all highs in a competitive game. Eventually you will need to lose.

Or you can get better at learn from the mistakes the matchmaker shows you, and then you win the games it makes expecting you to lose. Then your SR actually climbs


rigged or not
just REMOVE backfilling

specially when the game ends on a Defeat 5 seconds after you get into it
just close the game and 7day ban people idk

Still, very frustrating that the game generates 0% win conditions for us.

I swear each game is worse than the last to make sure you don’t win the currency challenges. You’re such a disgusting company Blizzard.


I’ve seen this pop up several times now. Another thing that I have noticed is the very poor levels of endorsement rating in OW2 compared to OW1; ones and twos are the norm now, whereas in OW1 a rating of 1 or 2 was rare and indicative of a new player, rating 3 was the ‘baseline’ and rating 4 was the usual. Leaving a game hits your endorsement rating. So it looks like leaving games is a common occurrence now; I have a game cancelled due to a leaver every other session; in OW1 it was a rare occurrence.

Also, my observations on matchmaking fit the patent description exactly. It is clear OW1 and OW2 matchmaking are different as the match quality is much more varied in OW2. EOMM is not unusual; it is clear that Blizzard used it in Heroes of the Storm, but that could be overcome and it was possible to overturn a pre-determined loss if you were good.

In short, ‘Free-to-Play’ is a good business model for the company, (Someone somewhere will pay for overpriced graphics; I did in HoTS!) but the EOMM methodology used to arrange games results a poor gaming experience.


Activision Blizzard holds these patents, not Blizzard Entertainment.

A company like Activision Blizzard holding patents doesn’t mean that the technology those patents describe is being used in every single title that companies under Activision Blizzard release. It just means that they find value in those systems and want to ensure that no other company can use those systems without their permission.

Almost never. Even top10 players doing unranked to gms can maintain 80-85%+ winrates as they climb, depending on the hero. It really depends on your skill as a player more than anything else. Those t10 players when asked would be able to write essays on what they could have done to carry those games instead of what they did. The rigging is very beatable, and figuring out how to beat it is quite literally how you become a better player.
Until you’re in very high elo (t500) and are playing a very underpowered character that finds it much harder to get enough value to carry, the win is always in your hands

The only hero I could think of where this is really a problem is mercy because her value is tied into her teammates and scales negatively despite her own skill by the skill of her teammates, but even then I’ve seen mercy only unranked to t500 streams (by grovylite for example) where he had an 85% winrate with mercy only upon completion. I think that was in 2021.

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While I agree technically that the win is always in my hands, it’s hard when the other team has a mercy pocketed dps 1.2k (12 tiers now) sr higher than anyone else in the lobby, and 2.2k higher than 2 members of my team. This has happened relatively (compared to how often it should happen, which should be never) frequently lately.

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The rigging IS very beatable; just not by gameplay. There are several things that you can do to improve your chances of winning. All you have to do is show the system that wins increase your engagement, and losses reduce your engagement. Quitting on an excessive losing streak is one way of doing it.

In short Engagement Optimisation Match Making maximises your engagement at the expense of game quality, but it is used since EOMM generates more revenue for the game company.


nAaAh YoU’rE jUsT mAkInG iT uP tHeRe’S nOtHiNg WrOnG wItH tHe GaMeS aNd ThE dEvS wOuLd NeVeR bE iNtErEsTeD iN tHiS

Is what the most brainless players have been saying when the room has been quite clearly on fire for years. Some of this stuff like

Really hurts my heart considering that these 2 things constantly happening is why I spent 99% of the time on endorsement level 1 since the entire system came out. Getting the same ds teammates you recognize who are nothing but a detriment to any team they’re in and them magically appearing in your team all the time while you’re making plays of your life and enjoying high performance near deathless games due to your massive input to the game. It really made the gameplay feel horrible without extensive manual work juggling players on your avoid list and managing your games overall too rather than just sitting in the queue to get a game you can actually enjoy


It isn’t. The fact that you think that is amazing, because you have literally nothing to base it off.

If the enemy is playing Mercy, your team has a big advantage.

If you lose, that is on you and your team for not capitalising on their weakness.

That is the default assertion. They are not trying to push the conspiracy theory that Blizzard is a bad actor here.

Secondly, you know, you get people who are really good, and put them on an account which is low rank, they do well, and the account isn’t in low rank any more…

You know, like SBMM does.

When I wrote matchmakers people accused us of doing the same stuff. We were not, but the accusations ALWAYS happen.

You know, because people expect deep down to win 70% of their games.


What is happening? Did blizzard patent their matchmaker and this is your interpretation of it?

You literally responded to this same section of my post 19 days ago.

I won’t bother making the same responses to you i already did- so I’ll just refer to all of our past conversation.

Unless you’re really bent on requoting and restarting the exact same conversation.


I guess he forgot that he replied to it already…



when opposite tank has more eliminations than our whole team combined


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On me and my (severely below their skill) team, yes. But doing it myself can be near impossible at times. Mercy is not a weakness when it’s on someone 1.2k-2.2k sr above everyone else in the lobby, especially if we have our own Mercy that is pocketing a Doom or Orisa or something.

Patents, pfft. You know that just because its patented doesnt mean its used

Theres a patent for a “revolver mouse trap”. Never ever been used

Stop trying to push this agenda. Get your tinfoil hat off OP. Youre bad at the game, the sooner you realise that and learn to improve, the sooner you realise how futile this cult youre a part of is fake

You know this topic is 20 days old right?

I still get lots of updates saying people have replied. I don’t think it’s so much about being a good or bad player, it’s the fact that they actually would patent some of these ideas in the first place.

That’s what’s so wrong. I mean putting people on teams with better players so they buy skins. That is what they have written they do as a company. It’s scummy.

No tin foil hat needed. it’s all written there if you want to read it.

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