Matchmaker is rigged

So yes it’s not a patent for SBMM but it does have to explain how SBMM works and the parts you are quoting are things that exist for that.

I do understand the point of matching based on pure skill vs match quality. Like you explain things that correct for loss streaks and you can see these things openly in old OW comp when people started to lose more SR for a win or a loss after streaks. So basically say after 10 losses in a row it may temporally lower your MMR more a game until you win a game. This exists in OW to correct things like meta-shift ruining games, smurfs, brought accounts or players that have returned after a break.

Do you think a game should let a player lose and ruin 100 games to get to their MMR or have a correction system after it’s clear they are not at their MMR so they have better games and ruin fewer games? Even if you don’t agree with this, this isn’t rigging games.

My issue with what you’re saying is when you look at these things and put them in the context of rigging games. There are basics of skill-based matchmaking, I suppose it is a little more advanced than basic tho when we talk about MMR correction systems.

I also did explain how Quickplay games are matched on quality over fairness and if the purpose of QP is to give people a 50% win rate then it might overdo MMR correction or put you in an unfair game overtaking longer to make a fair game or waiting for you to lose enough games so you’re playing at your skill rank.

The monetization thing

First I’m not arguing the patent is for SBMM and have never made that statement, you think this because it suits your point better.

I’m correcting when you are quoting parts of it that explain SBMM and you’re saying it’s a bad thing when it’s a normal thing that exists in most SBMMer. Remember the patent needs to put the idea in the context of things that already exist.

My point is the patents existing don’t prove they are used in Overwatch. There are features in them that do not exist in Overwatch that support this and Activision has many games that do have these features.

They are proof they could rig games but that is something that is already true so that point is worthless.

My corrections for you aren’t really about that, I’m trying to point out the normal things within the patent. There are bad things in there and I have already agreed they suck in previous points.

I mean, matchmakers are just code. By their very nature they have defined variables and conditions that skew a perfectly neutral result.

Its not a conspiracy


No. I’ve played this game for years. There are games that it takes FOREVER to find people. That’s when you know the match is unbalanced. Normally, you are replaced within 4 seconds. Reconnecting to the same game once, is normal.

I’ve had myself reconnect 8 times. It searched for over 5 minutes. Don’t tell me it can’t find anyone in five minutes. Unless it needs a VERY certain range to “balance” the game. I now always add people to avoid to never have a reconnect. Luckly when you left in OW1. The replay function still recorded the game for you. So I’ve watched the matches to know. OW2 blocks that now sadly.


Hold my hair, I have to go outside before i puke all over my desk. Those patents are receipts for rigging people’s time, effort, and money away. Maybe one day gamers will rise up and hold these companies accountable. Someone should get a lawsuit going.

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i am so sick of stomp or be stomped matches , its boring , it is a thing , getting grouped with complete clueless players after winning a few with good teams its getting ridiculous ,
i know u cant win them all, but playing with obvious new players who end up with 1-2 kills and 10 deaths it is obvious the grouping isnt putting same skilled with or v’s same skill .


I have the pass, it makes no difference, still about 50/50

*“Embrace nothingness”

heh. I got scolded for a post like this earlier…

Yes, the match maker IS obviously rigged just looking at patents and playing this game for OVER 1,000 hours.

But the reason why game companies do this is because the gaming experience for players has to be controlled in order to make the game interesting and feel a certain way.

I mean nobody wants a day of losses, so they HAVE to generate matches that ARE going to be in favor of the other team and sometimes it is the other way around.

There is a “passive penalty” system that is in place, so the less a person leaves Standard matches, the lower their odds are, of landing in a match with a loss. vs constant repeatedly leaving which puts a person in matches with higher odds of losses or an immediate “loss”.

Other factors may include how players treat one another during the match, as I have observed that factor as well…

By and large that is Overwatch, it is NOT an “organic” game when it comes to Player vs player. We have accepted that.


No it isn’t.

The patents are for PvE, IP protection and a bunch of other things.

It’s an official patent in 2016 where activision is purposely matching paying players to play with weaker players, so the payers win more and don’t quit the game and spend more later. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s an official patent.


They have multiple patents on how to monetize match making

But no no. They would never stoop to actually using these. They spent money researching designing and protecting. These ideas not to use them- but to keep them out of the hands of other companies. They would never try and use match making to influence players to spend more money in their highly monetized free to play game. They only and purely use a skill based match making and nothing else.


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They absolutely have patents pertaining to EOMM systems for pvp games.

Whether they USE them- sure. Debate that. That’s up for question.

But they 110% have patents for player retention over “purely skill based” matches with a focus on monetization.


I disagree, but I am not going to say more about that. Just because there has been discussions like that before and the mods do NOT want that taking place here.


I can feel it on myself. Especially now when I can see the damage numbers, it’s so obvious. If they are not gonna use it, then why spend money and research time on it?
After win-streaks I get terrible DPS dudes who do no more than 2000 damage in a 15 minutes match, all of them.
I am not a conspiracy theorist, and I can lose matches without freaking out. I am just saying what I see.
Right now I am climbing from bronze to plat already just by understanding when the algorithm is giving me 100% lose conditions and I just insta quit and switch between accounts. I have 70% winrate on torb on ranked with 14% weapon accuracy. I am planning to climb from bronze to diamond just in a month, but more than diamond I can’t cuz I just simply cannot shoot targets properly.


I knew it, its horrible that the system intentionally handicaps you

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This part is true.

But it’s for PvE I’m terms of match making.

if this is true, I will uninstall the game.

does anyone know valorant uses something similar?

It’s rigged to prevent you from earning currency easily. Simple as that.

Enjoying your spot at the top of the score board? Expect a team full of players that love being at the bottom for your next 11 games.

It’s so pathetically obvious and blatant.

Only tryhard loser groups can bypass it but they just add onto the problem for solo players who should not be fighting them in the first place.

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And still nobody sees the actual problem in the matchmaker, but hey better spew some conspiracies or showing you don’t understand MMR

And pvp. These patents literally, and I mean very literally detail players versus players.