Matchmaker is RIGGED

have you tried being better at the game?


Have you tried playing a hero that isn’t mercy?


Deliberate is implying that the humans that created and programmed the software had specifically created the matchmaker to make you stumble and trip rather than climb like you should.

they used to make games super hard back in the day to extend out the play time, how is this any different? making it ridiculously unfair matching you with literal anchors every single game to drag you down PURPOSEFULLY.

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But if that’s the case, then why are there so many players in Diamond, masters and grand masters?

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Play a different game

I went into a lot more detail here, but my assumption is that players are distributed between teams in a 12 person lobby based on their personal performance relative to their rank.

This would mean anyone who belongs several ranks higher will have high enough impact regularly enough that nobody in the lobby can balance them. Someone who’s at the high end of the lobby, but not high enough to hard carry, is going to continually get poor teammates to try to make an even match, which will cause stagnation.

I approached it from the standpoint of a developer, and explained both how and why it could exist. If you’re not opposed to entertaining opposing viewpoints, please give it a read.


Cause it is normal in competitive games and sports for people to fluctuate between skill brackets like a bouncing ball. Oh wait there is about zero data to ever support this as the most common curve across all sports activities and video games, competitive ones go in a straight curve upwards as players progressive improve depending on how much time they spend with the game until they reach a plateau with minimal fluctuations. There is legit thousands of data logs to follow of this phenomenon.

So tell me, why would OW be any different, why would a players measured skill level variate on a daily basis as their consolidated knowledge and progress with the game disappeared over night? People can play a minimal amount of games, experiencing absolute close to zero impact on their results due to tilt and deepening loss streaks still occure and they will fluctuate going on losing high amount of SR from previously achieved levels only to be followed with win streaks.


Low endorsement players = leavers / throwers / inactive people

He never said it had anything to do with skill

Streaks: exist.

Some players: the evidence that my rank is not my fault


People don’t want streaks in the first place. That’s the problem.


I dont agree with what is said about Jeff.

But the rest is true. Since WoW. Blizzard’s competitive system for all their game titles is a… a DUMPSTER FIRE now.

I use to always get amazing matches and get to play on teams of really good players.

Now it is so bad, I could think of something better what to with Match maker servers (and the backups of the scripts) for competitive, and that is called putting the hard drives into large Electric Arc Furnace, turning it on and MELTING the metal down for decorative doorstops. and wishing bad Karma on those whom are responsible for sabotaging Blizzard’s community. While everyone is too afraid of terminating them.

Really, it is a harsh truth about the system. It IS rigged, especially when a person is on a 5-stack of SMURFFS that are dancing in the doorway and the other team has a group of players, all with 1,000 hours EACH to their teams.

I am NOT a great player at this game. But I would expect not to repeatedly see hundreds of matches where the players are Dancing smurffs and do NOTHING the entire match.


That’s too bad because streaks happen when you play a series of somewhat balanced games. It’s a mathematical fact. So in order to get rid of streaks, the matchmaker would have to be heavily rigged.

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Funny, when I stopped allowing the MM to connect to games that are objectively not balanced. IE: Backfill, users in stacks, while other team has no stacks, stacks higher than 2, low levels either being new or smurfs. My streaks magically stopped. I would get several losses and wins. But it wouldn’t be the 10 win or losses anymore. And I haven’t gotten since I’ve left games (I DO NOT PLAY COMP) that violate my personal rules of balance. Notice how I still have a 50% WR. But streaks are gone.

You played 10 games and your largest streak was 3. That’s what is expected.

After 10 games there’s approximately an 82% chance you have a streak of 3, and a 45% chance you have a streak of 4.

You’re not stopping the matchmaker from doing anything.

Record 100 games. I’m willing to bet you get a streak of 7.


You know how easy it was getting 10 wins, and than 10 losses. over and over. It was many many times. It stopped, that’s all I care about. I did 100 games like this. Never got more than 4 losses or wins in a row.

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I do not. I’ve never had a 10 game losing streak in my 3.5 years of play. And I’ve very rarely had a win streak that long.

This thing is absolutely rigged, and it makes sense. Who wants to play a game that’s either too easy or way too hard, no one! They want ppl playing their game they want to get them addicted, so they throw some statistically easy games their way and then they ramp up the difficulty by 1000, but here’s the real crappy thing they don’t make the enemy team better they just make your team worst. To where you have to absolutely carry to win that game, don’t think about playing a team oriented hero you’ll get smashed. It’s so obvious to me now, after doing multiple test. They want to addicted ppl


yo, thanks for necroing


Order of wins and losses doesn’t matter. Whether you go WLWLWWLL or WWWWLLLL your winrate is still 50%

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This is actually real. I love the provide evidence weebs. The evidence is clearly the non stop people coming into forums and saying the same thing. Literally the only solutions to this are playing broken meta to hard carry, using op team combos, and to 6 stack with smurfs.

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