Matchmaker is broken for QP

i have been watching the level numbers of my last 50 matches in QP, and the amount of smurfs i have been fighting this last match in particular prompting this post. there was not a single player besides 1 that had an account over 50. bronze boarder no stars all of them. “brand new” players and they were playing like high diamond. my team got wiped out even with me and my friends playing to the best of our ability with accounts with much higher account time. hundreds of hours mine in particular being nearly 1000. none of us were surprised to see all 6 of these players using hero techs and ability canceling moves, and organizing two ult team wipes for the whole match.

this is ruining the game. you are tuning the game too hard toward competitive players and they are being rewarded with easy fluff games in QP. honestly remove the arbitrary rank 25 minimum for entry to competitive. if players with a “new” account want to cut their teeth on the ladder. just let them. tune the matchmaker to make fairer matches and stop rewarding these players with ego boosts. 50 matches and i can pretty much take one look at the low account time ranks and know my team no matter how well they play are going to get creamed.

this is unacceptable. there is no way this is an accident. it happens too frequently and at such a regular interval i can not possibly believe it isn’t on purpose.

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Hello, my account level is 10. Started this game less than 2 days ago. Yesterday I had similar problems ALL the time. I lost 10 out of 10 matches in a row due to bad Matchmaking. I got teamed up against highlevel silver, Gold and even a Grand Master. Tried another match (11) and lost that too. There is no way to progress or to have fun when the MM is like this. Makes me regretting getting the game in the first place.

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Your ticket has received the following response:

Hail and Well Met, I am Specialist Game Master Marconford bows

I’ve been going over your concerns here and within Overwatch player level has absolutely no bearing on the matchmaking system. Player level simply indicates the amount of time/experience a player has accrued. Whether or not they have used that time to become masters of the game’s mechanics and characters is up to the individual.

Depending on individual skill, a level 100 player could have relatively few matches if they have performed extremely well and won their matches, or a level 100 player could have hundreds of matches if they performed poorly and lost their matches.

Regardless if you believe that there is an issue with the matchmaking systems that is something that needs to be reported to the Quality Assurance team, and not to Support. Support has no ability to investigate, nor manipulate the matchmaking systems in any Blizzard Title, and by intentional design we are not liaisons for feedback or to report bugs. If you believe there is a bug you will want to report it directl y to the QA team through the use of the Overwatch Bug Report forum located here.

There you go, its clearly working as intended…yey :\