Matchmaker has killed this game

You actually think diablo would have anything to do with it? Second to that you actually feel like D4 looks good beyond the CGI trailer? And finally do you even think that game will release on time?

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How do you expect your matches to go when you Q for comp? In Silver/Gold/Plat?

What do you expect of the matchmaking?

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teammates of equal skill instead of
which team got the least amount of throwers/grievers
i honestly dont even care about smurfs because i’ve played this game so long, i know how to deal with them.
What i can’t deal with is teammates that are so below the MMR of the other team’s carry that they give up or literally do not have the skillset to contribute anything to the match other than enemy ult charge


You get all of that once you reach High Diamond/Low Masters.

You expecting that in Gold is on you not the game or the matchmaker.

Getting teammates of “equal skill” is a very broad term in this game tbh. What you consider to be an appropriate play for your elo, someone else on your team might consider it to be throwing and vice versa.

Hence why we also have topics about ppl talking about throwing, and everyone has their own, personal vision of what throwing actually is.

People are going to flame and post topics about their Gold Cree being Gold Cree and missing his shots and ppl will report him for throwing. What ppl do not realize is that you cannot expect from your gold Cree to be able to do anything. Ppl expecting that Gold DPS/Tank/Heals play like Kabaji/Emongg/ML7 is ludicrous. People always want that someone else in their game deals with smth else. It is never them, it is always someone else who is lacking something.

Expecting low elos to play as a team, combo ults, do not peak Widow, do not run straight to choke when Widow has her ult up is outright hilarious. If they all did that then none of them would be low elo and low elo would not exist.

You are blaming the game for low elos playing like low elos.

I personally do not agree with the concept that you actually have to frag your way up on any role in order to reach an elo where teamplay and everything we all rly want comes into play but it is actually how it works, whether you like it or not. I personally do not like it, not because I lack the mechanics to do all of that or gamesense, but I do not like the concept of it. But it is how it is.

I understand your frustration and believe me when I tell you that I had games where I begged, like literally begged, using the words “I beg you, pull back, you are going in 1 by 1, please pull back”, and I got ignored. I also literally pleaded with my team to group up, telling them how the enemy has more ults than we do, how we should not get picked before the fight even starts, etc. and none of that mattered ever. I got so angry, frustrated, everything.

In the end it is rly all about you and you alone. If they feed there is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to prevent it. If they are angry, drunk, or do not care, they will throw no matter how good you are. It is low elos being low elo. That is all. It is not the game, it is the people playing this game who decide that will sit in spawn the next match no matter what.

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as someone who plays in diamond and masters, no it does not get better.
Even in masters and low gm is full of trash matches with very uneven teams.


It’s entirely different. Imagine a project class where the class is split up into pairs, but each group receive the same grade (on a curve) as the rest of the group. They assess all the students, and try to make all the groups “fair.” You’re an excellent student, taking this class for your major, with a 3.8 GPA. You get grouped with someone who God only knows how they got into the class, who clearly doesn’t have the prereqs to be there. Why? So the groups will be “fair.”

Now imagine all of your courses were like that. You sure as hell wouldn’t have a 3.8 GPA. Everyone would tend towards a 2.5 (or whatever your uni curves to). Of course that makes no sense. The point of grades is to judge who, AS AN INDIVIDUAL, is average, above average, below average, etc. Just like the point of a RANKED, COMPETITIVE mode is for the rankings to show who is better. If you’re higher skilled for your rank than most people, YOU SHOULD WIN A BUNCH. If you’re the smartest/most hard working student in your class, you SHOULD GET AN A. It shouldn’t be handicapped so that EVERYONE has a “fair” chance at that A.


hey diablo is fun and its easy to get sucked in, im definitely going to play it when it comes out.

It isn’t tho - and very few people are saying this. Though i have seen it. First of all I’m a Gold Mccree and i can shoot the nuts of a pharah at all the paces. wich makes it extra frustrating when my dps can’t do the same when i tank or heal… MMR makes it harder than it shoudl be to climb for people who are performing over the norm.


this a perfect comparison

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if you ever play a match of solo queue blizzard knows you dont care about this being a team sport.

This is a terrible comparison. I just had three thrower games in a row. I got gold healing each game, and played well, but I still lost points each game, because of Mercy playing with a pistol and feeding, a ball that literally spun on the spawn because they threw a temper tantrum, and some afk players.

The comparison would be if there were two groups in the class working on a class project, and even though some of the kids in your group are decent students working on the project, one or two of the kids scribbles all over the presentation board and rewrites all of the project’s info into fart jokes cause they think it’s funny. Meanwhile the other group of varied skill students works together and gets a good grade.
When you keep getting stuck with the bad students, your GPA will drop.

That comparison also wasn’t “perfect”, because the class groups aren’t trying to destroy each other’s projects? When someone in your team isn’t doing their job, you get killed, and the point gets taken. Each team doesn’t play in a bubble.

You can play as good as you want, but if you have people literally throwing over and over, it’s not going to do you much good.


the same people that complain about mcrees that cant aim
cant land a pin to save their life,
aren’t in good positions to heal and avoid dmg,
use their cooldowns with no goal in mind,
lose 2v1 to an enemy tank
there will always be boosted grievers
the point is as long as they are just as bad the people they’e critiquing it’s balanced but if they’re below and criticising a mcree who cant even peak because their tanks are feeding or their ana is dying to an enemy moira and their zen can’t sustain 5 ppl without a main healer that’s losing a 1v1 or is being denied area.

The point if that mcree had a pocket and a team that stayed alive or a rein that gave him the space he needed or a zarya that bubbled him during matches.

These are basic things that are problems all the way up to masters

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People were literally defending alt accounts as not/never an issue. I’d dig up the quotes/people, but it would basically violate CoC. The flat-earthers know who they are.

For years on these forums, “iT WilL BaLaNcE oUt” was the mantra. A mantra from people who chose to game instead of math. You can have symmetric noise, but if the signal/noise ratio gets too low you don’t have much more than a dice-roll.

I fully agree/support this, which is why a full and total ladder reset would be necessary to restore integrity and minimize grind/mobility setbacks. It would recalibrate SR as a meaningful indicator of where you rank on a normal pdf of players by skill. Not the 4+ years no-reset winrate it currently is (you don’t get better cheesing wins and you skillup a lot from losses).

In tandem, you’d have to turn-off the unnatural rigging. Ship matches along a narrow SR band - mmr is redundant and is only used for engagement i.e. business cash reasons.

Except they didn’t use a harmonic mean. Team games are a parallel operation/effort. 10/10 would audit their code and spot 18+ other mistakes. Never send a software intern to do a math/engr job.

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No. A thousand times no.

All a reset would do is cause more chaos than currently exists in game.

A ladder reset would be the end of Overwatch as players leave in droves rather than be stuck in matches that see former low ranks pitted against former high ranks in what would then be legitimate match-ups because of a reset.

Plus it would make smurfing easier since all of a given player’s accounts would now be unranked. No need to throw matches any more to drop in SR!

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You’re just throwing out typical gamer nonsense. This sentiment really needs to stop, unless it can provide math otherwise.

A reset-to-middle minimizes the mobility disruption for the maximum number of people (viz. Virial Theorem). You can sieve/partition N=10,000 players into 22 ranks within 13 matches and playout a few more for higher confidence. That’s getting you tighter bounds (5000/22=227sr and deltas than your typical match shipped on live right now.

The intersection probability of GMs and Bronzes in the same match is small, and decays by half after each subsequent placement. Within a few matches, you have less disruption and elo hell chaos then your typical smurf-infested nightly grind.

A few will leave. Others will return. Elo hell will suddenly exist because some content creator said so to their following? Because some of their washed friends cba to climb back? They managed to dodge it for 4+ years, but because 5-6 of their matches were weird, it’s time to make a yt vid about how much worse the game is?

For normies, it’s a small price to pay for esports integrity and recalibration assurances.

Well that’s what we want isn’t it? Legitimate match-ups and correct labelling without the grind/disrupt? No hardstucks, no washed parked accounts, mains and alts remixed and redistributed so as not to repeat impact edge matches?

It’s about the same difficulty, but less impactful. They would still have to throw all their ‘placements’. They would be remixed into a more competitive clustering, minimizing repeat disruption against the same vulnerable sub-population. They would also have to wait for the bottom of the ladder to unfold, and would have to grind losses to stay there. Same as what we have now, but with a periodic or seasonal reset, they get tired of having to do it over and over and have more chances to get called out for it.


I agree that your sentiment that the game needs a full ladder reset needs to stop.

No, we do not want to legitimise (former) Masters playing against (former) Bronzes.

It looks like that, your mainly played tank role is Silver and you have below 45% winrate on your most played heroes.

this is speculation but after watching this game devolve for 4 years and watching the BEST players abandon it,
i dont think a reset could make it any worse than it currently is.
Something is better than nothing in this case.

When something is declining, doing nothing just keeps it on that course.

There have been all sorts of alarmists warning us of the dangers of an mmr reset but no evidence.

This is all what if.


And considering that competitive isn’t even a majority in the game, and it’s sull of leavers/throwers/inters/alt accounts
I would even say that i would love for those people to leave because of a reset

A reset would at the very least expose a lot fundamental game issues but also player issues.

An MMR/SR reset is also wanted by a majority of the playerbase

People who dont want a full reset are usually low ranked or casuals or don’t know much about the history of this game.
This is not a generalisation but patterns that keep showing up when this topic is discussed.

I have never heard a good reason for no reset
Matches would get chaotic?
Okay so what im hearing is they will stay the same

There was evidence. When RQ first came out, there was a full reset for a short amount of time.

You had OWL players in Gold matches. OWL players would place Gold after their placements. Soon after Blizzard suspended Comp for a short bit until they resolved the issue. Blizzard said that there would be some kind of a “soft reset”, and I do not know what actually happened but they managed to do a full reset, hence you had T500, GM’s and OWL players placing Gold.

Here’s the link:

One of many videos concerning the SR Reset in Season 18. Blizzard also then suspended the placement for Comp until they fixed the issue.

If you would do a reset now, I know, and I am certain that many others would agree, that I would most definitely not want to be put in with or against players like Emongg, Ml7, Kabaji, etc.

I personally would not come here and complain about my matches, if there were to be an SR reset, I would just wait it out, until things would settle down and ppl would get placed into their appropriate elo, but how long do you think it would take?

And in before someone else says “but the same thing is happening right now with T500 smurfs ruining every single match I play and prevent me from ranking up”, that is mostly bs, because ppl consider everyone to be a T500 if they beat them or if they are the MVP of the match.

Not hard to be an MVP when a Plat is playing below 500 SR. Ppl in low ranks are so delusional about their skill, teamplay, gamesense, that every single person who outplays them is a t500 smurf.

Those streamers who do unranked to T500 most definitely do not aim to stay in low elo forever. They never even reach Bronze. I for example watched Yeatle unraked to T500 on, Zarya and Ball. He spent like one game in Gold, 2-3 games the most in Plat, during his placement and got placed in DIamond. Spent let’s say 10 games the most in Diamond, everything else was Masters until he reached GM. I think that he got to GM on Zarya in like 7 hours.

I do not deny the smurf problem in low elos, because I get them too, I cannot deny them even if I wanted to, but losing 2-3 games due to smurfs and you taking that fact alone for the reason you are not climbing is ludicrous. Loosing 3 games in a row will most definitely not prevent you from climbing.

And I have, never, ever had a smurf in 10 games in a row for example, ever.

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I hear a lot people say “don’t blame matchmaker fo you not climbing, just git gud”
And yeah if the issue was climbing, this convo would be over.
However, i dont hear anyone complain about climbing. i hear success stories every day.

I have not heard any complaints about not being able to climb tho

I’ve only heard complaints about toxicity, grievers, leavers, throwers,
match quality, lone wolfs, and boosted players, and matches that are either stomps or throws all decided before the match even starts because the MMR was just “doing its job”

This is another big contributor to why comp is dying.
People who want the game to be better bash their heads against both blizz/ow team not caring and a deluded player base that feels like its their responsibility to demonise anyone who wants transparency or change in how comp works