Matchmaker got worse somehow

Just get a new team to work on matchmaker. Clearly this one is not qualified. Period!


How much did one of your teammates drink?
I am not kidding here, I get 4 good matches to 1 bad match where its clear from voice comms they are either intoxicated or on drugs :smiley:

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It’s not the matchmaker, it’s the ranking system. The matchmaker itself is actually running really well, particularly for solo queues. If I solo queue I’m almost always getting people within the same or maybe 1 or 2 divisions above me (ex: Diamond 3 to Diamond 2)
What doesn’t make sense is some of the teammates/enemies you’ll get in those matches that are HEAVILY underperforming compared to the rest of the lobby. Why? Bc of the ranking system.
I actually like this whole narrow/wide group thing, the problem is it wasn’t implemented LAST season during the rank reset. Now it’s all just a jumbled mess of players with overinflated ranks that got carried by their teammates and throw games for people that are actually performing at that level. I do think once the rankings level out and players are properly demoted/promoted games will start looking a lot less one sided, but man is it a hard play until that happens.


The match maker hasn’t changed in years.

Doubt it’s got better or worse.

What’s the specific issue you’ve had?

match making for groupt is horrible, don’t find a match as group

One of my team mates had “drunk” in his name @.@

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It is the only way to enjoy the game anymore, unfortunately.

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you typed all that just to be wrong

is this roku again?

this has to be roku again


I’m use to being in diamond or master. I am seriously stuck in gold and can’t get out. Watching the last pathetic video they put up about how they are more concerned about friends in low ranking playing with friends in high ranking rang some serious alarm bells and now the matchmaking is beyond repair.

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Same lol. This week had been miserable matchmaking, I’m looking at bronze level positioning from my teams all day. I been plateau between P1 and D5 for the last month in pretty solid feeling games then this week I been getting loss streaks and volatile dropping me into P3. Skill range of players seems super off. I’m in “narrow” queue only as well. Maybe the system is ironing itself out? Were there tons of boosted players before?

But this will not happen for MONTHS if ever due to the fact that one bad player brings down the other four on their team and those other four need to then play hundreds and hundreds of games for the variance to work the bad player taint away. Basically what I am saying is, players cannot find their level when they are constantly being artificially (and wrongly) screwed by crap teammates who are trying to find their own true level. Very few people are going to put up with the grind needed for it all to work out.

So far as solo player, my matches in s10 have been better than any recent seasons. S9 was a disaster.

Blizzard has used the same matchmaking algorithm forever in ALL their games. That’s why PvP sucks in ALL their games. Just look at how TERRIBLE the PvP experience was in WoW. Why would it be any better in OW?

Their matchmaker is designed to do one thing and one thing only - ensure a complete and utter stomp. Best players on one team, worst players on the other. The goal has NEVER been a FAIR match. Why TF would they do that? It’s all about feeding the rush of a total stomp.

9 losses, 1 win, 8 losses, 1 win, 8 losses

this is my last 3 days… I deranked from Plat 5 to almost silver now. consistently have tanks that go 4-7 while enemy tank is 22-4.

Everytime blizz has said match maker is better, it’s gotten worse.

Same pattern for me. Horrible games for a handful of losses. 1 win then more losses. Usually it goes group of wins then group of losses repeated for me. This is a new one though. When I see the stuff some of my team mates do it looks like they are silver players. Running to spawn doors, no cover, running in straight lines. Then enemy team will have top 500 snipers and I can barely peek a corner without dying. Something feels off for sure.

I had my friend play with me today who’s same rank and the same things happened. He was even like “I can’t heal them. They keep running around corners or out in the open”

If Blizzard had half a brain and read the forums of why people are uninstalling this because of what they are doing to the game, maybe they could fix it and make it what it was. But it seems all they care about is people handing out $$$ for skins no one cares about.

  1. No one said it wasn’t.
  2. No one cares.
  3. I’m not wrong.

If all you’ve got is that, then I must be right otherwise you’d just show where the match maker changed…

actually, R, the matchmaker has changed somewhat over the years

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They know. They don’t care because the matchmaker is doing exactly what they want: quick games. They don’t care about quality games