Matchmaker gives really easy or hard games

Theres no close games anymore, they genuinely managed to make winning feel worthless.


I usally Stray away from these topics Cause who cares aslong as i get decent games even on a loss but nowadays im getting 7/8 KD with a team way under that but enemy team go 42/3 Usually im like they have the better DPS owell and move on but Bruh when the whole Team synergise and combo whilst My team stares at the sky and randomly spins 360 ?? Like what lmao


Anymore? The game has been like this since the beginning.

There are many situations where your Wins that you worked so hard and then you’ll get stomped for the next few games. You might win once and you stomp them but there’s a high chance your next games you’ll get stomps as well.

Don’t forget to add the team mates who cannot adjust to repick or randomly disconnect.

This is all that i am experiencing every season. It sucks and many here will gaslight you as well.

overwatch is fun but it’s so bad because you’ll be forced to carry dead weight team mates most of the time and it’s not that even easy to win.

EDIT: To add more, Comms on Competitive is Dead. Im like what’s the point of this now??? Compared to other games that has competitive matches as well.


The devs think the matchmaker works as intended, but it give trash matches. It is stomp after stomp after stomp, and the match quality just keeps getting worse under this dev leadership.


I also do think its cus of lack of players? I mean im all Team ow but im not delusional enough to say this games thriving and pushing pre MR Numbers Especially when I go up against The Same players 2-3 times in QP

It is funny going into matches though, its really easy to find the schedule and say “Well, I won 2, so I’m scheduled for a loss now” … Then you’ll get something like a genji trying to blade orisa all game :joy: like yep, there it is

I think that’s kinda the 1-2 punch the lowered my gameplay time, not just the one dimensional gameplay, but the predictable lobbies on top of that.

I guess you could argue bans/perks might add some depth… yes and no. It will for a little while, but bans will quickly turn into the same heroes (even rivals does that with wolv/hulk), and meta perks will be established.


Honestly this is almost every single pvp on the market right now. Marvel Rivals does the same, it’s EOMM. They all do it.
I had really hoped that Rivals would have a better matchmaker but it is 1 for 1 exactly 100% the same as Overwatch’s. Same “win too many times? time to go on a huge loss streak” and “lose too many times? here’s a free win” mechanics.


The match maker has been a known issue for quite awhile, and all of us are pretty much sick of it.

The whole response of Keller blaming leavers for people being unhappy with matches was pretty childish if you ask me. When he could have chose to be a strong leader instead and stated they knew why people were upset with matches and went ahead with a new approach.

The other issue is free account creation and people that smurff out of their skill rating caused all of these unbalances.

Only freeloaders will tell you that “free was necessary for the game to survive” despite most video games cost money. However, with the complexity of Overwatch it should never have been made free 2 play.

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I’m honestly surprised these developers even managed to make a matchmaker at all given they were drooling all over themselves the whole time


Ahh drive weekends. 6 losses in a row during placements for tank. 4 or 5 games where I have one healer that does half the heals of the other. That or a dps moira.

I really really hate 5v5 anymore.

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I just got out of a win streak to a losing streak. It doesn’t matter what I do, I won’t win a game where even when I got huge advantage. When I’m on a winning streak, the games are chill and can even get AFK. These fake wins/losses just make doubt if I will stick to this game in the short term. Everything is artificial. I will play some matches of Season 15 and get out. Everything is looking good in Season 15, but the MM destroys all that.


Overwatch doesn’t use EOMM, it uses extremely poorly calibrated SBMM, prioritizing queue times over match quality because 1% of the playerbase complained about a minor issue so they completely dumpstered the game (introduction of 5v5) and matchmaker to appeal to boosted streamers who have their own private discord “good boy” club.


Its because the MM either gives you hackers or no hackers.

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Nah, only since they removed matchmaking restricitons during S1 of OW2 in order to get rid of 10+ minute queues for both DPS and Tanks because most of the support (a role that doesn’t even exist anymore; rip) players quit.

In fairness, this was introduced because they decided to very stupidly force the new engine on us, which is incredibly bad to this day.

I actually had this in a game labelled as diamond yesterday…I came back after a few months to this? :joy:

Top 0.5% or something btw. :joy:

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5v5 and RQ are the problems. You know if we just nerf the support role the game would go back to being fun again, but the biased people around here just want their hand held so badly.


6V6 is a complete big F BS, imbalanced matches, win 1 loss 3, win 2 loss 5, win 3 loss 7, getting tired of this bs matchmaker

It’s not just the matchmaker, it’s the way the game is designed entirely around tanks. Even in the most balanced match, if your tank plays worse you cannot contest space or make any progress, no matter what you do. And you cannot duel the enemy tank ofc as a support or DPS, so it feels impossible.

This goes in the other direction, where you can spawn camp the enemy team because they have no space, but it feels less like a tank diff even when it is. I had so many of these types of games in competitive that I just hardly play this game anymore. It is not fun having your game dictated by a single player on each team.

I also feel like it does use engagement based matchmaking, because whenever I play my three games a week, the first few are consistently always so easy and then I end up losing hard as I play more.


For me. Just “tapping” what the match maker is doing.

i. Every time a person turns on the game the first match is most often a backfill, and a team that is losing.

ii. Typically almost all of the first 5-7 matches are extremely strong enemy teams too far above my skill range and contains at least one person on the enemy team that loves to hyper-focus and bully one player.

iii. match maker takes nearly 7 matches to realize the person is struggling before it pulls them down into the appropriate skill level. Which by then a person is already worn out from the abuse.

I dont know what it is with those two that claim they work for blizzard as match making engineers but they come off as very sadistic people to have designed the system the way they do.

It comes off as snarky and arrogant of them to say the intentions of this is “acceptable” and “working as intended”. So if that really is the case and that is their goal is to accomplish making matches to be toxic by design. I think they should be careful since it intentionally shows they may be held responsible and liable, personally for what they are doing. Not the company, but they, themselves.

I can imagine that with today’s climate of how the courts are. That it could be grounds for some form of personal prosecution or a personal lawsuit.

Yeah, I love OW, but wide matches and giga tanks are huge turn-offs for me, and they’re pushing me away from the game.

Unfortunately, they didn’t even mention these issues during the spotlight event, so they’ll likely go unaddressed for another year.

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