Matchmaker Designed To Keep You At The Wrong Rank

What are your goals when you play?

Do your own thing?

Play as a team?

Use voice comms for callouts?

Coordinate plans of attack and defensive strategies?

Help teammates check their blindspots?

Are you an asset to your team? How do you not notice what your team is doing?

How do you not notice the very people you are playing with?


That’s really all it takes to see what the game is doing.

matchmaker is a joke…as the nature of the game…
Blizz believes they did an outstanding job, when actually they did a terrible job here.
there are games that I afk and win, and there are games the entire enemy team focuses only me, I 1v4 and solo-kill 3 of them, and yet my team loses fight.
Also, other players have 3-4 acc, and each account has different rank (so the statement “you belong in the rank you are” is entirely false).


I’ve said this before, but I think part of the problem with the perception of the matchmaking and the grind for SR is that people have the wrong time scale in mind.

OW players are concerned with this match, their last match, maybe the last 5 or 10 matches. With winning or losing in the here and now. But realistically, properly evaluating your SR is more concerned with 50-100 matches or more, and with the overall consistency of your play during that window. Spikes up or down not only happen, they are statistically likely in small samples and don’t carry significant weight in terms of conclusions. Everybody has a bad game now and again, or even streaks. Everybody gets that time when you get smurfs on the other team, or leavers. Everybody pops off now and again and becomes, briefly, a god of death and victory unchallenged in their domain. But what do you do over the long haul?

I continue to believe that the closest analogy in the sports world is a baseball batting average. Over a small sample size it’s a virtually useless statistic. But over the course of an entire season (which may be 400-500 at bats or more) it gives an incredibly valuable measure of consistent performance. It can’t be shifted dramatically by anomalous spikes of unusually high or low performance in the short term once you reach such a large sample size.

Your specific SR isn’t a terribly valuable number in and of itself, in terms of evaluating your performance. But over longer time thresholds and larger sample sizes it becomes a much more accurate measure of your consistency. Which is it’s true concern, as a statistic. Over any period of time you are going to both win AND LOSE games. That’s the nature of team competition, losing sometimes is part of the bargain even if you’re good. But if you play well, consistently, then you are going to be more able to enable your good teammates to play well, or better still, pick up your teammates who aren’t playing well MORE OFTEN. And OVER THE LONG RUN, that should translate into more wins, and thus a higher SR.

But that’s over the long run. It’s a grind. Not because it’s rigged, but because the system isn’t as concerned with how well you played in your last 10 games, but with how well you played in your last 100.


Um, winning ~10 games and losing ~10 games over and over doesn’t explain anything.

The window itself is skewed towards a bias of 50%. So the window itself is meaningless. Unless you manage to hit at least 51% by season’s end, every season, there isn’t any real metric of player growth to go on.

My goal is to try to play the game as best as I can.


Always, even when others do not want to.

Always try to do both.

Yes, always.

Yes, I try, but I fail sometimes, since I do not always recognize the right opportunities since I am not that good at this game.

I hope that I am an asset. I try to be. I do not always succeed but that is not for the lack of trying, that is just me lacking certain things.

And yes I do see what my team is doing, all the time, I do see when my teammates are feeding, Rein suicide charges, Mercy’s rezzing out in the open when everyone else is dead etc… I do see all of that, I am just not toxic about it.

I do not have illusions of grandeur where I think that I am always better than everyone else who gets Q-up with me. I do not consider my team to be “potatoes” because whether I like it or not we are all in the same SR for a reason, a good or bad reason.

I do not go off on my team before the match even started with comments like “GG boys we have a Gold Widow main on our team, we lost” or trashtalk any of my teammates because yeah that is what that Widow was waiting for the whole game, for someone to call her trash so she can be like “well, finally you called me trash, now I can pop off”.

Do I get frustrated? Yes I do, I am human too, but I do not blame my teammates for being in Gold and doing Gold things. I expect nothing less. If everyone. including me, did their role properly none of us would ever be Gold in the first place.

The problem is we all like to think how we are better than others, not only in a video game but in life as well, in all aspects of life and we as humans most definitely do not like it when someone says otherwise.

Everyone likes to call their team “potatoes” but not once did those people stop and think, if my team is a potato why am I being Q up with them over and over and over again? If you get Q up with “potatoes” you might want to consider the fact that you may be a potato yourself. Who says that that feeding Genji does not think the same about you?

The difference between you and I is, I already went through all of the “low elo denial stages” when I first started playing this game. I ended up with the wrong crowd during my OW beginnings, I did not know any better, and thought that this is how one is supposed to play this particular game. From the beginning I was told how it is not my fault and how I should blame x or y or z for why a match was lost.

I was the most toxic player in this community and no I never got banned, or silenced or whatever even tho I deserved it more than anyone else.

I even went that far to buy a higher ranked account. I was that bold that I bought a GM account because I thought I belonged there. And that was during my longest time in Bronze. I still have some of those videos saved on my PC from 2018 (it is when I first started playing this game and when I look back at those videos they are more than humiliating considering how bad I played).

I played one game on that bought account where people recognized that it was a bought account in less than one minute of play. I got reported, we of course ended up losing, since I did not even play my main role support but decided to play DPS (while I had less than 10 hr on DPS in general back then) because I was that cocky.

After that game, deleted the account, left the group that I always used to play with and have Solo Q-ed ever since. Realized how toxic they were and how they influenced my own personal view of the game in a bad way.

I started to work on myself, only focusing on me and from that moment on got out of Bronze in less than a month, by watching some streams and some basic YouTube videos. Did not mean I got good at the game but have gotten good enough to surpass Bronze.

I do not blame my teammates or the System for anything, because in your matches no one plays for you, you are the one who decides when to do what and how. I do not have any disillusions about me not being able to rank up.

I can do it, I just simply do not play enough or as much as I should. I did not even play 10hr during the last Season. I’ve played this game through insane amounts of ridicule due to my accent since I am not a native English speaker and insults due to my gender. Never personally cared for either of those and it never influenced my own personal gameplay but I got enough s* in this game that if it happened to anyone else and if they decided to stop playing this game I would not blame them.

The thing I personally realized is, no matter how much one gets angry over their “potato” teammates or the SR allocations or the System or whatever you want to call it, none of those things influence the simple fact whether or not you can hit your sleeps on Ana or get a clean headshot as Widow. That is what it all comes down to in the end.

I personally stopped caring about throwers, smurfs, cheaters or whatever. Does not mean I condone it and it does not mean, as many other people on this forum like to point out (short minded people) that I am some sort of a Blizzard employee or whatever those tin foil hats like to call me (and hate me as a person for that same reason, because they implement the same kind of thinking they do in RL to a video game).

In the end I play this game for the sake of me, and I do like to see the progress I’ve made from my first beginnings up until today and all the other things I honestly still need to learn.


It is really truly unsurprising that the only people that claim elo hell exists are <3.5 peak.


i still dont understand why do u all think blizzard cares if ur bronze or gm, they dont ur just delusional lol

That kind of just means you’re not really invested in the state of the game itself.

Sure, do what you believe is best for you. That’s fine.

But don’t think what you’re doing for yourself addresses the state of the game whatsoever. Just the same as a bad player can get called out for making bad plays, not caring about what your team is doing and being uninterested in your own team’s composition doesn’t exactly make you a star player either.

The reason I asked you those questions isn’t to challenge your personal level of skill, but that you being unaware of the gamestate of your teammates can severely impact your ability to do your own thing as well.

When your team gets pushed back, let’s say one of your tanks die or is on a flank, do you just hold W and potato walk right past your frontline into the bloodbath?

Or you’re an Ana and you’re getting dived on by Genji and Ball, what does that alone mean for you as a player? What level of skill is going to benefit your current condition? Let’s say your team doesn’t care, and you’re left to fight the 2v1 by yourself. What then? What chance do you have to win the 2 on 1?

It’s perfectly fine to just “not care” if that’s what you prefer but you have to understand that also impacts people who do rely on you, just as well as you rely on them. If you don’t understand why that kind of mindset is a problem for the game, then there’s far more you don’t understand.

There’s no need to be toxic. But it’s not an excuse to just remain ignorant.

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Lol real nice, blame him for having an excuse for his problems while totally excusing a problem yourself. :clap: