Match Quality Just Continues To Go Down

6 games in a row now I’ve been put on teams that drop 2-9 kills with 10+ deaths and the enemy drops 22-30+ kills with 3 deaths. Quite literally as a support what am I supposed to do in these games to climb? What does this game expect me to do? Helping DPS does nothing, focusing only on healing does nothing, pocketing does nothing. There is no excuse possible for matchmaking to be this incredibly unbalanced and unfair. The way the enemy just consistently gets a team that coordinates and sticks together, and I don’t get that ever is just astounding. Almost every game the enemy has 1-2 default OW profile icons with private profiles that are just unkillable and dominating, and the ones that do have open profiles their profile says they’ve always been gold 4-5 but they’re dropping 30 kills like nothing and have like 2 deaths.


I know right, this does NOT feel natural matchmaking. Especially if you play for 8 years like I do … I know im not the greatest, I make mistakes. But when you have 20-30% winrate on multiple accounts. Somethings is terribly broken

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Get the required picks yourself?

Do you stream your competitive sessions at all?

another bad night, 8 losses in a row, I cannot do anything, im against smurf top 500, and my team is bronze … RIP

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That’s how it is in team based games. If you can, play with a team.

The issue is I’ve tried, there is only so much I can do. If I get the required picks needed and the team still does nothing with that then there’s not much more I can do for the team. Especially if they’re all scattered or just charging in and dying. I cannot be the only one on a team of 5 doing something

Yes and no really depends on my mood etc

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You are correct about it specifically continuing to go down. These last few days have been incredibly bad. Whatever changes blizzard made took a bad system and make it so much worse.

I’ve been placed with people that afk mid game, leave mid game, being toxic whole game… More these last few weeks than EVER before, playing since release…

Something is totally screwed within the system… Also I’ve had 2 friends getting Full season bans, the kind of guys and girls who only communicate slightly and never say a bad word.
While these “OK IM GOING AFK” -guys keeps playing without a problem… wtf is wrong?

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Quality will continue going down. Smurfs, cheaters + mixing people from all ranks + game more casual than ever = no fun no quality games. They don’t care. They haven’t cared for 10 seasons. They just want to sell skins.

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I think this is a consequence of matching narrow groups of only solo players. Everyone’s MMR/level is likely deeply tuned to the prior 9 seasons matchmaking implementation even after the soft reset (done a full season before the narrow/wide changes), so it will take time (a lot) to even out. Some people were boosted by groups on their team and are now floundering in narrow at their current MMR/rank when there is less team cohesion. You also get the opposite where people’s MMR was dragged down and now are outplaying others. It should level out, but because of the matchmaker aiming for 50/50 swings, I think it will take forever.

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The matchmaking is rigged bud. plenty of people talking about how the game gives you win and loss streaks intentionally by pairing you with either good teammates or braindead feeders. I play all roles in Gold rank.

The OW community is in more cope because this game appeals to more snowflake types, meanwhile the COD community (also owned by BLizzard) at least has balls to speak about the obviously rigged matchmaking system.

Blizzard literally stated the goal of the matchmaking is to “keep the player of engaged” aka not to be fair. What this means in corporate speak is to keep you on a roller coaster of emotions to create some addiction to their product.

Nowadays I trick the queue, I only log on 1 or twice a week and it gives me decent matches sometimes. By not playing everyday the matchmaking gives me better teammates in hopes that I will “engage” more play more. Also I switch heroes I don’t main one hero for weeks at a time because the game will pair me with enemies who have high win rates against my main hero.

inb4 tin foil hat conspiracy theory —> bro it’s literally a giant corporation, they DGAF about you they just want you to sit at home all day drinking soy and buying skins. and playing with your emotions is how they do it.


gg go next

I know right. I am a low master support on a good day and high diamond on a normal. I have been stuck in gold for so long and it feels like most games a certain class is expected to carry the team beyond what is actually capable. I think Blizzard think they are trying out something new and failed in every way.


This…… Being FPS gaming for over 15 years now…… This game literally makes major design decisions based on a super small non competitive minority. MM and balance choice have been trash for 3 years plus now. Blizzard more worried about pronouns then gameplay


100% felt this OW 1 and early OW2 I bounced high plat-low/mid diamond for support now I’m stuck bouncing between gold 5-3 I cannot get back up to where I used to be. The teams I get are exactly as u described