I just had a game where my tank left in the first 30 seconds before the round even started, and the game did NOT get cancelled, so me and my temmates all ended up having to derank because the system messed up. Please fix this ASAP. Replay for proof: F8XA4K
You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Competitive Match Disconnection And Temporary Ban. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads would be greatly appreciated.
Azdyph, I’ve been having issues with D/C. Everything is fine, then toons float off the screen followed by the wonderful spinning OW2 symbol. My internet is fine as my roommate is raiding in the next room; but in the event that I can re-connect prior to the game ending I experience extreme lag, particularly in strafing movements. Note: This only seems to happen when I am tanking. I am currently somewhere in gold, although I expect to continue dropping due to the constant server D/C’s. I have already followed all the Blizz recommendations for tech supp.
Most often, this is due to errors with the servers, like with DDOS attacks recently, or some other issue, or with your network provider, which doesn’t appear to be the case in your scenario. There is also a theory going around which basically says that this error is due to the matchmaker placing players in lobbies that just ended and is closing, resulting in a bugged disconnect. Unfortunately, as far as I’m aware though, no one has been able to consistently fix this disconnect bug. Only thing left to do is to keep pestering the Devs to address this issue. I hope this helps.