Learn and master your skills with Tracer, Reinhardt, and Mercy in new training courses now available in Overwatch 2!
Thought it was supposed to launch with 5 heroes?
“Learn and master your skills with … Mercy”
Seems to be missing a few promised heroes.
Why am I not surprised?
It’s … a neat idea but only three is kinda disappointing sorry
Lol who cares about that? Is that what you spend your time on?
Wait, so not only this was delayed, but not even the promised count of heroes available got done?
I will say, Mercy pakour can be pretty wild… too bad it’s so impractical in a regular game
rarararararara we are angry
oh yeah that’s cool and all, but what about other more important changes?
apparently more courses will come in few weeks,
though I’d rather see some other changes/improvements in this game
i can’t with this game anymore, when will they promise something they can actualy fully realise?
Roma, roma-ma
Gaga, ooh-la-la
Want your bad romance
I’ll break the trend and say thanks, been looking forward to this. I’ll use it to learn mercy movement. Can’t wait till we get dva and junkerqueen, please don’t abandon this mode.
Can we hear what the thoughts are about rock paper scissors and the matchmaking? Both are causing enormous amounts of pain especially to competitive tank players.
I want your promises, and your disappointment
You and me could write a addict romance (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
I want onsided stomps in competitive place
Selling skins for an inflated price
Yes, does appear to be a staggered release. Which they could have mentioned before this. They definitely have messaging issues.
there’s too little people wondering why they are even making these instead of actual changes that will tackle at least one of the forever present problems?
Why is everyone shocked about the handful of people?
Didn’t they say this last season when they pushed it back?
I’m glad I read things.
I’m certain they said launching with 5 heroes, not 3
“Bring out the Holy Hand Grenade!”
Since there’s like 30ish people now, that means next to nothing to me. Most of the people I actually play are not in the mode yet. So -2 (for a week or 2) doesn’t make or break it /: