Massive Frame Rate Drops (console)

Seconding this, the ps4 version on ps5 works just fine for me


I can’t even navigate the menus properly. I also am getting inputs eaten; I have to hit square twice in order to queue.


The FPS drops in the menus has been this way since OW2 came out. It locks to like 30 or 60fps, can’t remember which and is even hardcoded that way for PC as well. So that part is not new at all.

Nah this isn’t a bit of lag. This is you press a button and nothing happens.

They straight up broke the PS5 version. Idk how this could be allowed to happen, beyond some Microsoft maliciousness lol


It’s been a whole day they haven’t fixed it yet?

They havent even said anything.Really awful communication given that an entire console of players cannot play.

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Still not fixed ridiculous.

Probably won’t see anything until an emergency patch tomorrow.

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It comes down to the transparency that Aaron talked about in an interview after BlizzCon. Acknowledging that problem is there and giving us expectations on what happened (in layman’s terms) and what they’re doing to fix it.

Going from a smooth 120fps to almost a slideshow is literally unplayable and after a day of lack of response, is honestly unacceptable. We’re talking 25% of the platforms this is playable on, not being able to play without massive stutter.


The Hard Light Well has been corrupted by unchecked corporate greed! :astonished:

Remember the Light Well :man_elf::moneybag::woman_elf:

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unplayable on ps5 completely unacceptable


I understand that bugs happen, but where’s the communication? It’s so frustrating and disappointing that they keep saying they will get better at communicating with the player base, but it just doesn’t happen…


Jared Neuss on Twitter:

“We’re aware of the performance issues players are experiencing on PS5 and the team is working super hard to resolve them ASAP.

When we’re confident in the timing of our fix going live, I’ll let y’all know. This is a top priority for us.”

As of 1 hour, 27 minutes ago.


Ps5 is unplayable :frowning:

it’s insane that it’s still not fixed yet. embarrassing look from this small indie company.

Still not fixed very frustrating

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Looks like I will be playing other games on PS 5 today.

Shame it is running like Arkham Knight on PC launch

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Blizzard Polish ™


How has there been no communication or fix on this?

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Still not fixed come on now

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