Massive Frame Rate Drops (console)

After the update and playing 3 games, I have noticed abnormally large frame rate drops on all characters. I play on PS5 with 120hz monitor and settings for that output, but randomly either in fight or walking back from spawn, even on menus, I am dropping down to what seems like single digit to low double digit frames per second. I saw the maintenance notice plastered on the start screen, hopefully that is what they’re looking in to. Has it been this bad for any others?


Yep super laggy in the menus. Haven’t played any games yet but kinda’ freaked by it.

Laggy menus?


yeah i have noticed that aswell its really odd


Lagging a lot too both in menu and in game. Hope it doesn’t last.


Same here, ps5 with 120hz monitor and im getting bad frame rate right now. I think balanced mode has been a little better but i honestly don’t know lol hope its fixed asap.


Despite using the balanced mode on my PS5, I’m experiencing significant frame drops. Additionally, the menu interface is noticeably laggy. These issues seem like they should have been detected during testing.


Played a little today, noticed the same level of frame rate dropping. Thought maybe it was just me but… I don’t think so now.

Should clarify, I’m on PS5 as well. Only started happening with the newest patch.

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Same. PS5 with frame rate (120hz) enabled. :pensive:


I’m also experiencing insane in-game and menu lag, and I’m also on PS5. It seems to be a PS5 specific issue. I have friends who play on PS4 and Switch and they both say they were on since the update and played with no issue. Hopefully blizzard is aware of the issue and fixes it ASAP.


I’m on xbox series x performance mode with a 120hz tv and can’t say I noticed anything like this in the few games I’ve played…

Happening to me, too, on PS5. Never happens with OW, so hope they fix it soon.


yea the playstation version is messed up not sure if it is a server or client thing sadly we have to wait for blizzard to fix just hope it is fast because the game is unplayable most of the time

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Yup. PS5 is unplayable. Hope they fix asap!


yea very serious issue should be addressed soon

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“We’ve noticed there have been issues with framerate drops, but we’d like to wait and see how the meta settles before we make any changes.”

-Balance Team


wtf that could take days :sob:

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Same issue on PS5. I talked to several other people and they all have the same issue. I play 120 on a monitor as well.

Laggy menus, massive lag/frame drops in matches and other performance issues. Pretty unplayable atm cuz it runs like a slideshow half the time. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.


Im experiencing the same thing on PS5 and its definitely bad. Enough frame drops that it can be jarring and disorienting mid-fight.

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Guys i have the same exact setup and issue, best thing to do is turn off HDR and turn on reduced menu movement, keep it on balanced mode, seems to help a bit for me. Blizzard needs to fix this tho.

Experiencing the same issue on PS5. No problem on my Xbox Series X. Hopefully they patch the PS5 build soon.

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