Massive Barrier Nerf = Sniper Watch

Hmm you are saying something, hmm… Maybe buff Hammond’s HP a little bit? Or give him a CC reduction too just like Reinhardts? Actually i was thinking about maining Hammond and try to find a Doomfist and a Sombra main for myself and imagine a Dive like this: Winston, Hammond, Doomfist, Sombra, Ana, (Mercy,ZEn, Lucio). Winston Jumps in to cause distraction, Hammond boops away the rest of them team, while Sombra hacks the main healer, Doomfist one-shots her/him, and EZ win. :smiley:

That’s why I hate DIVE meta… expect more CC coming in the future updates… that’s the main reason CC’s got to the game and screwed our play style.

Yes, and I know it’s crazy, but that’s why snipers do something called “move”. You can’t stay behind a shield at all times. You flat out cannot always move as 6; very easy to get picked off just trying to get to a shield.
And if any shield, or your positioning, is off by literally a single degree, you will get picked off, at least up here.

Because that did not happen. They’re still rampant in upper ranks.
Also in most cases, double shield made sniper mains almost start one-tricking Doom, because (1) He’s super easy to play, (2) He’s simply far effective, and (3) Snipers are very tedious (but still super effective) to play against shields.
In this meta, Snipers are the Orisa of DPS: Insanely gud and almost mandatory, but so boring.
No one actually wants to play snipers, and DPS often fight over who gets Doom, because whomever doesn’t is stuck playing Widow.


I’m pretty sure neither one of us plays in GM, and the top 1-10% are not indicative of the player base as a whole.

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And as for standing behind shields - that’s why we didn’t have just 1 shield. 2 shields are enough to provide protection from snipers almost at all times.

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Then support survivability goes down and you have the same problem.


They literally nerfed Moira’s healing,so it’s more likely that dive will be back as burst damage will be less necessary.

Then welcome Lucio and Zenyatta back as bread and butter of dive.

I’m sure Mercy/Zen will work fine too :man_shrugging:

Speed boost and team-wide damage boost on demand are too good to pass on. Dive is all about speed and damage.

Well,it’s a good thing then that Mercy has a team-wide damage boost on her ultimate.

Mercy/Lúcio could work well too perhaps.

It’s even better thing, that Zenyatta doesn’t need an ult for team-wide damage boost, and has defensive ult for anti-dive purposes/if enemy outputs too much damage.

Why wait for Mercy to gain her ult, when you can just focus fire discorded enemy with same results at any time, without even having to be grouped together?

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It doesn’t help that every Widow I see lately seems to be half aimbot. Why are they in my rank if they’re so good?

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Discord Orb increases damage against one enemy whereas Valkyrie can increase the damage output of your whole team against more than one enemy. They both have their uses.

You are supposed to target only one enemy, as it’s how you get picks. Then you move all that firepower to next enemy and repeat.

Discord has no cooldown, so Zenyatta won’t have much issues with immediate switching to next target. His damage isn’t bad either, and he benefits from his own discord too.

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100% true, this doesn’t apply to everyone. Mostly only past about the 96th percentile.

… But so what? ‘You aren’t the majority, so oh well’? There’s a reason the game is having a mass exodus of higher ranker streamers: The game is objectively pure hot garbage at Masters+. Shield meta hardly helped. This Widow nerf hardly helped. 222 didn’t help.
None of it is improving higher ranked play. I’m just saiyan maybe we should care a bit about minority groups, and that includes the other end of the spectrum too.

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And why should we care about high rank play? Most of the players don’t even make it to Diamond.

If we are talking about other end of spectrum, we have to talk about bronze too. They are also minority, just in opposite way.

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You know what, you’re right. I compete in a Masters level so I’m a bit elitist and jaded, so maybe it’s good to take care of the lower end of the spectrum for once

Im going to be honest I do not think this is a good idea at all. What we need is a straight nerf to one shot abilities not buffs to peoples health. If that buff goes through then all it will do is make the entire dps cast useless. If someone is able to survive a oneshot because of stacked health then what will that do to heroes like s76?

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Then you just make one-shot heroes obsolete, as their whole power relies on them being able to kill enemy in one hit. If you remove that, they become worse, than most DPS.