Massive Barrier Nerf = Sniper Watch

They should’ve just reworked armor to go in reverse: Armor reduces all damage by 20%. That way it works on one shots too.

Sure. But they don’t take a whole year to change up a meta.

If you want an example of excellent balancing efforts; take Dota. Everything basically changes with every patch because the devs actually have a backbone without having their fans riot for everything they do.

What do you mean? TF2 hasn’t been updated for 2 years. They take even longer.

Pyro has hard-countered Spy and Engineer has hard-countered Scout for 12 years.

You know what people do when they’re getting hard-countered? Switch to a different character.

Hard counters can be fine. People just suck. ‘Hard counter’ also doesn’t mean you can’t outplay your enemy - it just means they have the advantage in every way.

It’s a rock paper scissors game. You can’t take it to Overwatch where it just ends up with all rocks and one paper. Also TF has like 1/5 the her roster of OW. Not really comparable where things just ends up with a definitive best comps where choosing anything other tham the 6 meta heroes is just shooting yourself on the foot.

We used to have a lot more abilities like that, and they were removed

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Just dodge the bullets dude


Can’t do that when people walk straight out of spawn and die on the same spot, the same way, over and over.

Might as well unbind crouch if people aren’t going to use it anyways.

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What the hell kind of drugs are you on?

Actually no, I need a drink. Dota 2 and Balanced are something that have never happened. The only reason why Dota 2 feels balanced because it took so freaking long for patches to happen (like I have been expecting a patch for a good 3 months or something like that, idk, I lost track) that the players just accepted it.

There definitely will be another meta that’ll be annoying.

Honestly, this will be an unpopular opinion, but nerfing the barriers was NOT needed.

What was needed was not creating 2-2-2 instead of actually working to balance the game. They should have lowered the DPS of all heroes a bit, made more Support/Tank heroes that feel good to play, and given certain heroes passives who needed them.

But instead Blizzard takes the bandaid fix and the game suffers as a result. And it’s not surprising given how they admitted to putting more attention into OW2.

Not everyone is chosen one to bend physics in Matrix.

Except both got some tools to counter their counter. Scout got his drink to become invulnerable and get past sentries. Spy got icicle to become immune to afterburn effect, allowing him to slip past Pyro. Both have other advantages - speed for Scout, range for Spy - to handle slow-turning sentry gun/close-range pyromaniac.

Yes, we had many of those. As well as strongest of them all - ability to bring multiple dead players back, regardless if they were DPS or tanks.

But, one by one, all of those were removed, or nerfed. That’s how we got to Goats, to double barrier. Next can be “survival” meta, where every category picks heroes, that have better chance of surviving damage. Probably Baptiste will see wide use too.

As for sniper meta - Mercy can’t heal tanks good enough to have Mercy-Zen combo for such meta. Pick main healer, instead of Zenyatta - graviton dragons ruin your day. Replace Mercy with someone else - less damage boost and other supports aren’t that good at empowering snipers.

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Snipers and barriers were never the issue that cc is


you need to accept that you’re not entitled to the opportunity of winning every match you participate in just because you’re there

you don’t need “hard counters”, you need “a deeper hero pool” and to “git gud”

if you want to play pokemon and rock paper scissors, they have all of that on the nintendo.


Snipers need to be meta every few months so we can shut them up.
Most metas revolve around either shutting down snipers or resisting the ability to be insta killed by a headshot before you can actually get to the fight.
Snipers in this game are not well balanced but are kept in check by shields and armor and shield generators…
Oh wait, shield gen was removed…
…and so were armor packs…
…and also rally was nerfed from +150 armor down to only +100 armor, so a headshot will leave a target with a laughable 5 or 55 hp remaining, which can be almost instantly dealt with, unless that sniper is blue beamed…which means insta kill…

…and now barriers are being nerfed across the board…

Monkey+Ball is the next tank meta, but inb4 the next sniper meta has us all complaining about snipers until we can figure out how to keep them at bay once again…

Snipers haven’t had much power creep since the Hanzo rework; its more like methods to outplay and resist snipers are being systematically removed and/or nerfed.


Shields weren’t keeping snipers in check at all. People need to stop pretending they do/did/will.

They were, as you can’t one-hit kill through shield. And walking through shield removes range advantage snipers have.


Then tell me why double/triple snipers disappeared the moment players finally figured out that shield spam was the answer to snipers?


Here… just found the problem for you. I don’t see any problem on Widow/Hanzo being the counter to Widow/Hanzo… now if you can’t aim, that’s not a game problem…

Besides that:

They nerfed Widow as well.

Yes widow was slightly nerfed, but she shouldn’t be affected too much by this cooldown adjustment.

Any true anti sniper knows that Genji is one of the best DPS counters to snipers, alongside barrier spam. Tracer is a great sniper counter too.

Agreed, but let’s not pretend that interpolation doesn’t heavily favor Hanzo.

Soo what you are saying nerf doomfist since hard counters zen and game shouldnt have hard counters ? I agree with you completly

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I mean… that’s exactly why this nerf is important. It will be even easier for Genjis, Tracers, Winstons and Hamtaros to take a Widow off…

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