“Mass Rez was disheartening”

Exactly, I can’t tell you. But it had nothing to do with ‘disheartening’ or ‘feels bad’. Do your own homework, homie.

It’s crazy how many people seem to forget that the “Hide and Rez” playstyle was directly influenced by the flawed SR gains the system had at the time. Mercy players would purposely let their team die and attempt to get a 4-5 man Rez because it would grant them the highest number of SR possible. Good Mercy players knew that tempo rezzing was a better, and more effective option.

Not only was the wonky SR gains fixed after her rework, but we don’t even have a performance based system anymore so there is no reason why Mercy players should continue to stick with the hide and Rez playstyle unless absolutely necessary.


Ehh? So how does this contradict that she was played A LOT across all ranks before her rework a few seasons later?

Yes and no. Technically it’s their fault, but you can’t expect the lower elos to have the gamesense needed to keep track of enemy ults properly and focus down Mercy first in their engagements. Higher rated players didn’t have much of an excuse, but then 85% of our player base is below diamond and over half are below plat. That’s a lot of people who really couldn’t counterplay it properly. Because devs DO NOT just balance for higher elos, they consider the casual perspective as well.

I know what you’re thinking, what about other things lower ranks can’t deal with properly? Well, to be honest, nothing had as much value potential as mass Rez. I think that’s why they drew that line.

Utilitarianism isn’t perfect. No philosophical doctrine is, really. I’m just offering some potential explanation outside of “they’re hypocrites!”

Her rework now requires her to actually get on the battlefield.Before she was hiding for most of the time.

The reason for her rework was not flawed.
It was an invulnerable, unstoppable, AoE Res with no LoS required that also granted (obviously) invul for 2 sec to the chars ressurrected.

You guys need to know the game concepts like “counters” to understand that. Everything mentioned in OP has a counter or happens due to a position error. Mercy hiding 30mt away “somewhere” and pressing shift + Q at the speed of light was not fun, nor engaging, nor counterable.

PS: “Kill X before he/she does Y” is not a counter, that works for everyone.

Well the other reason was they didn’t want a main healer leaving the fight.

That was the second point.

They also said they didn’t want the main healer to stop healing.

That was the third point.

Now where is this fun and exciting ultimate we were promised that could match the game changing potential Resurrect had? Clearly it’s non existent and I have a glorified ability with a long active time as an ultimate and a watered down ultimate with the game changing aspect taken from it.

Instead of fixing an ultimate that was SUPER fixable we as Mercy players still to this day have to play a must pick healer for 8 or 9 months. I don’t want to pick Mercy because she’s the only viable healer anymore.

I want a fun and engaging character that puts Rez back on ult much more counterable but still fun to use and Valkyrie as an E ability which it should’ve been designed to be.

You shouldn’t be spamming all your ults in the first place. Mass rez punished careless play like that.

If you only used one or two ults and saved another for after Mercy uses rez, you end up shutting the Mercy down cold. All it takes is some self-control not to spend all your ults at once.


The same argument was used to nerf Sombra. Lets nerf every hero!

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Not completely, because after that they introduced her invulnerability with the rezz, because the defs thought she even need a “buff”. After that her pickrate rose quite fast

As far as I remember, there is no other thing in a game that completely undoes everything that has happened six seconds ago.

There are different levels of “disheartening”. Getting flashed out of an ultimate is annoying. Getting stunned by the Earth Shatter is painful but fair. But getting the results of your efforts completely erased is not only frustrating, it takes away the will to play any further. Why bother when Mercy will Resurrect again and again?

That’s the level of “disheartening” that should not be in any game.

It should be noted that I do not have any personal opinion on the Mercy rework. I am simply explaining the developers’ reasoning.

Most 2016 designs were better.

Barring Defense heroes, which should have seen Widowmaker moved to offense and the rest removed until they could be designed to fit into the game as general purpose.

It’s not instantly. It’s over massive cast time during which Mercy can be shot and killed. Or just denied possibility to res.

Also, nice that you made it to OWL! Congrats! Rest of us still play regular game though.

Good thing you got to keep your ultimate after getting stunned and killed.

If Earthshatter was fair, they would not be reworking it right now.

Of course it is going to keep happening if you keep letting her live and use all your ultimate at once. Kill her before the fight starts. Save and ultimate for when she tries to revive her team.

What is that saying about insanity?

Sure you don’t.

It was disheartening because you often used 2-3 ults only to have them all negated by 1 mercy ult, or you managed to wipe the enemy team without ults only to have them rezed and get an ez win.

If you use 2-3 ults when Mercy has Rez up, you deserve to be outplayed.


Because she was one of the LEAST played characters above Diamond. “All ranks” means “all ranks”.

If they meant “most ranks” or that she was the most played character “on average”, then that’d be correct. But that’s not what their verbiage implied.

Then we (speaking as someone in Silver) need to get better instead of whining. If it’s not Mercy, it’s Genji. If it’s not Genji, it’s Tracer. If it’s not Pharah, it’s Brigitte.

There’s always going to be another character with “value potential” in low ranks, because we suck at taking away their value.

Just dismissing the problems being pointed at as “no philosophy is perfect” is insufficient, though. That doesn’t fix said problems, nor does trying to excuse player behavior through other “potential explanations”.

At best, it’s just navel-gazing.

Doesn’t change the hiding aspect that I mentioned. “Its not fun to fight against, and damage dealers should be helping the team deal damage, and not hiding”.

As for problems, EVERY character has problems, including Mercy, if you fail to see that then you are more biased than I think.

The developers had not idea what to do with Mercy, they still don’t now.

They catered to the playerbase of those who aren’t good and whine.

Reaper has always been able to hide and come out of the woodwork using his ultimate. No one complains.

Mercy does it and everyone hates her.

I don’t have fun when I am frozen by Mei but that doesn’t mean you should remove it from the game because it is “disheartening”


This. Also, the players that complained about her are mostly people that never play her, or rarely play her, they don’t know what she needs and doesn’t need, they go based off of their personal biases.


A Mercy main trying to break the system! Lock her up! :scream: