Mass Rez is an ult that can be preventable or counter-played. Bring back Mass Rez


The developers telling me “no” point blank would also give me more ammunition.

Can you all please stop ?
It’s been more than a year now.
I’m tired about that constant Mercy thing … Will it stop already ?

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Mass res won’t be coming back. Stop asking for it.

It felt impactful because you got rewarded for the enemy making a good play.
Rein gets a 5 man shatter and kills them all? You can just hide in a corner then res everyone. Very fun. Lots of counterplay.

Just because you anticipate it doesn’t mean that it’s fun. You may anticipate it, but that doesn’t mean that you can do anything about it. I could be expecting a mass res but mercy could be hiding in some building I can’t enter in time.


as someone who plays mostly mercy you cant tell people how much fun they have against her

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I still stand by my views.
There’s so many “un-fun” things that happens in Overwatch, yet Mass Rez seem to make a lot of people salty compared to all the others.
I mean, Overwatch isn’t a death match fps game like counter strike by any means.
It’s mainly a game to deliver a payload, or contest a point.
People will still come back after you kill them, whether by rez, or by respawn.
There’s so many heroes that have Ults and abilities that can potentially kill many people, why is it a big deal when 1 hero has the potential to undo them?

With halloween here, I crave mass rez back more than usual. My necromantic powers are at their peak.

I do not think Rising dead posts is allowed, even on Halloween.


There is nothing more “2018 OW forums” than Mass Rez threads


Bring back bastion with a shield in turret mode!!11!

Bro mercy is good what do you mean the only thing that has been change that you have too be good not hide then come out ultimate 5 ppl are alive or just go Rez with no way too stop sure you want her too be op again because you don’t know how to play her mercy is a great hero right now but not op and that is the point you can play her but she is not a most pick so stop saying bring this or that back when your just bad just get good and if don’t want too play other hero’s it’s not like this game has 31 other hero’s to play

No. Mass Rez was terrible. You had to hide if you had it. Your team had to always try and die in one big pile. You had to always mirror Mercy. No just No.

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While I agree with you here, I also have to say you’re wrong.

Here’s why: It’s true that a lot of Mercy’s used to hide away from a fight just to get a 5 man rez off. But that was rarely seen outside of quick play and the lower bracket. In the upper bracket, it was a lot more common to see 2 man, maybe 3 man rezzes at most, because holding onto it just wasn’t worth it. Sure, you get the big flashy moment every player wants, but you still had to make sure you were in range to get everyone, and in the time it took to get to that position, chances are you’d accidentally c9.

Similarly, a ton of heroes have ultimates that wipe out multiple enemies all at once, and a lot of those heroes hide and wait to ult. Or they hold onto their ults for the flashy plays and end up throwing a game because of it. Sometimes, using Death Blossom to secure a single pick is better than holding onto it till your Zarya farms her next grav. The same could be said for Mass Rez.

While I believe Rez should return to Mercy’s ultimate slot, I don’t think it should be mass rez, as it clearly caused too many issues. Having a tempo rez of up to 2 people should be more than enough, and justify running Mercy as (no pun intended) the Swiss Army Knife support. She’d have decent, solo target healing, good utility with damage boost, good self preservation with GA and Regeneration, and a hybrid ult, that can be defensive or offensive.

What could you give her to replace Rez’s current slot on cooldown? Valkyrie, but have it act more like Echo’s flight: A brief duration, free flight ability that grants Mercy her chain beams for about 3 seconds, going on a 12 second cooldown. None other of Valkyrie’s current enhancements would stay.