Mass Res: Why it Should Never Return

But nowadays, with the amount of different heroes, counters and such, Mercy wouldn’t be such a must-pick on the meta with mass-rez, a flanker-heavy team would demand healers like Lucio, Moira and Brig to fend themselves while healing the team, a dive composition would require Lucio, Moira and such since mass rez would restore the team, a defense would still work safer with Lucio and Zenyatta’s defensive ults, and a Dive team wouldn’t necessarily change the tide of the fight with a mass rez, but the momentum of the dive would be ultimately ruined and the fight would shift against the dive team which wasn’t designed to be stationary for so long, but to use their snowball momentum to win the fight, hence healers like Moira, Lucio and Brig are the choice of Dive, while Mercy follows teams with slower pacing.

Mass rez shouldnt return due to the fact that it is contradictory to basically everything in this game. It contradicts the role of a healer, as it relies on dead team mates, it contradicts the flow and goal of the game, as it encourages basically losing a fight, or a point, to then be reversed.

That’s not to say these are ideal uses of it, but they are all inherent parts of a 1:1-5 mechanic.

A 6v6 team and objective based game should not have a Mass Rez mechanic. IIRC there was a time where HOTS considered a mass rez type mechanic then axed it due to hiding and such. Basically how it contorts the game around it.

In another way, if it’s not contorting the game around it, it can be rendered to basically what E rez is now.

Mass rez is a trash mechanic that should’ve never been in game.

It’s not, but Blizzard is guilty for giving Mercy invulnerability buff at Mass Res back in the days. Before that Mercy wasn’t even meta. Mass Res only needed tweaks (not invulnerability). Imagine all the scenario you described but with Mercy doing the same with NO invulnerability and cast time… she would be dead unless your team is potato, a really bad potato.

Like I said Mass Res only needed tweaks, that would have prevented hide and res Mercy kind of players. Only good Mercys used to Q to bring back 2 - 4 allies in the middle of the fight to change the curse of the match. Mass Ress with no invulnerability would have forced Mercy players to pull this kind of strategy instead of hide and wait for her all team to die, otherwise she would be useless.

But this is just my opinion.

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Then why didn’t you realize the primary healer was no where to be seen three ults into a fight?


I mean , your opinion is lined in history. Mercy got that invulnerability buff because she died to rez and then without a primary healer, her team lost anyway.
I don’t know why people act like mass rez was OP because it was never meta. Mercy was just a popular hero. But for some reason that’s bad compared to rein I guess :woman_shrugging:t5:
Hide n rez I think, was encouraged by the Sr exploit and Mercy players complying with teammates desires for mass rez. I know I didn’t start to climb until I just started saying… “Lol nope!” And sometimes that meant tempo rezzing, other times it meant just letting the fight be list and heading back to my team and instead…just taking the salt from teammates screeching at me for not flying in with mass rez. Like dude, they nano bladed and still have grav and pharah barage. I’m not wasting my ult for a lost fight.
But that autonomy is something I had to learn came with toxicity and with a price of less sr to mass rez wins overall. But that’s not on mass rez, me or Mercy. Blizzard needed to address the Sr exploit. And teams needed to stop telling Mercy how to play . Especially when support is like, lastly chosen. I always offered to switch and guess how.often that chance was taken up?
I think mass rez needed tweaks to be more viable, not inherently OP because it never was. Mercy being tied in her ult use was frustrating so I wanted more fluidity. But valk is too much and offers so little to mercy in her choice that I’d rather go back wayyy back to 1.0 with no invulnerability and low 50hps because it at least grants Mercy some autonomy back.


I couldn’t agree more with both of those replies. It’s so true. Mercy feels like a sidekick, she doesn’t really have to decide what to do beyond target prioritisation and positioning. Even then, Valkyrie takes that pretty much away from her and does it for her. As a consequence, we’ve got a hero which is little more than an enabler and can’t potentially make a risky but fantastic play that stands out like most other heroes get the opportunity to do.

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Why do you need 6 ultimates to kill 5 players then?

The complete logical fallacy presented by people saying “Mercy is hiding” - you shouldn’t even need an ultimate then because you’re fighting 5v6 if she is actually hiding.

The team is down a main healer. Realistically, if your team is not utter trash you should only need one at the absolute maximum. Or, if you were even more clever, you shouldn’t need an ultimate at all. If your team gets even a single pick, waits 10 seconds the Mercy will either have to revive or there is no way the enemy is winning being at a disadvantage of 1 for the next 30 seconds.


Mercy mains told me she doesn’t hide though. How is this engaging gameplay?

It wasn’t optimal play but clearly if the enemy team wants to blow 6 ults at once you may as well do nothing but hide

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Hiding definitely happened. A Mercy who hid was also making a strategic decision that could easily backfire.

But a lot of DPS characters also hide to set off their ults.

I completely get not wanting mass rez back but I do also miss how it affected the ult economy. There’s a lot less strategy to ult use now that one of the major ways it could be wasted is gone.

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…you just tried to make an imaginary case where an entire team uses EVERY ult on a grav held team then the other team gets ressed, as though the issue here is Mercy for using mass res for the kind of thing it was meant for. Countering BAD attacks.

If a team uses EVERY ult on a GRAV LOCKED enemy team, they literally could not be begging any harder for it to be resed and punished because they did not consider the enemy has a Mercy, Mercy is not there in the grav, and they saved absolutely nothing as backup or any one of those things for the entire duration of the fight. There is NOTHING wrong with mass res punishing that. It’s impact is directly tied to just how badly the other team’s choices were.

And let’s stop this nonsense of claiming 2-2-2 matters at all. You brought that up for fluff and nothing more because when you start talking about res that has no impact and you know that so you didn’t mention it again. 2-2-2 is nothing more then a concept of safe team building. It’s not inherently good or bad so it has no importance.

You claim the players are at fault for not wanting to acknowledge how Mercy is supposed to be but then can’t make any connection between that and res. You pitch a fake situation in which one team does literally EVERY single thing wrong and then claim old Mercy would be the issue. You claim she then makes things an effective 6v11 but forget that in the very case you just pitched, the enemies would all be ressed right on top of each other cause they were in a GRAV and thus they are all put right back into a fight they have no positioning advantage on. Just like how the team that wasted all their ults mindlessly (nano barrage and THEN a shatter? XDDDDD) you just are mindlessly trying to blame Mercy for making a good move.


well no duh, good on her to tell when a literal ult fest was coming. The attacking team failed to think about Mercy whatsoever and got punished. Absolutely everything about that is good.

I agree with some of this. You have a good point about the flow of the game being important and disrupted by mass rez. I don’t agree, though, that Mercy is intended as an “entry-level” pick. She is easy to learn the basics with, which does make her an attractive pick to new players, but she still has the strength and skill ceiling to be effective at any level of play.

As far as the example you gave, (keep in mind that I’m fiercely against mass rez ever coming back), one could argue that mass rez was supposed to keep teams in check that didn’t budget their ults properly. Losing until you can throw all six ults at the defense isn’t ever a smart way to play and mass rez did kind of prevent that, but I think the current ult economy keeps that from happening too much anyway, so it’s not a big problem at the moment. I agree that mass rez was too disruptive to keep in the game, though.

my take on it Mass Rez - Why its gone and what it was …ive linked plenty of times before since the question keeps coming up, but thats partly why i made a post to begin with…so i can link to it and not have to give the same response every time :stuck_out_tongue:

and how on earth can you ever justify the need to hunt a singular hero before doing anything. yea yea “get the supports first!!” but if you don’t kill the zen he might or might not use trans, but if he does your ana might or might not be able to use anti-nade.

everything can be counterd, even ultimates - although require a lot of micromanaging.

killing the hero =/= counter

it is time to find out the truth

A major reply toward the question of “why is everyone dumping their ults”, it becomes second nature to do so as a “last ditch effort” that i’ve seen numerous times in both quick play and competitive (at least, for platinum and lower, i can’t speak for anything above).

You use what you have to get onto the point, if the whole team has ults, and there’s a lack of proper coordination (another major problem i’ve frequently seen), people tend to push out all the ults without thinking, my example was a specific situation that could very well happen, it could’ve gone another way as well such as nanoing the reinhardt, but if the defending mercy knows ults haven’t been used throughout the rear end of the game, she may know they’re being stockpiled and be prepared in that sense and hide away, also the particular map i mentioned was volskaya, where the entry point would give no good view to get a mercy hiding behind a wall healing from a good distance (out of graviton surge’s range mind you).

Yes it’s a good turning tool for mercy herself, but in that sense it turned into “why play other supports when i can just play mercy as a solo healer because i can get ult charge that way easier and clutch for a powerhouse team”, could mercy use buffs, absolutely, but mass res is not the answer.

As far as my point of her being “entry level”, i did mention she has capability of high level play and does take thought to play, but it allows things such as less management than zenyatta as far as constantly keeping an eye out for your debuff and healing orbs on top of putting out damage as an example.

As a major point to bring up, Mercy is picked less in high level play, however, she still maintains a ~50% win rate, a 2.40% pick rate at masters, and 8.03% pick rate in bronze (a decline as you rise, dropping most significantly at platinum at 4.86 and then staggering down to 2.40%), she’s still being used. A lower pick rate than Ana but a higher win rate as is, an example of others being Lucio at 4.72% pick rate, Zenyatta at 4.21%, Brig at 3.36%. For those medal fans, she gets gold medals 0.8 times, which is only under Lucio at .9, and Moira at 1.5, she still very much does work.

As a final note on this reply, a counter argument to 2/2/2 not mattering, it matters in a sense of game development and balancing. Again, if hero changes were changed in accordance to the meta, we would see DPS dealing immense damage to counter out GOATS comp instead of doing the damage they deal now, or alternatively, shields would have lowered health, supports and tanks would have lower health or absorption numbers. It isn’t “for fluff and nothing more”, it’s a statement as of how the game is developed. Mercy by all means was made to work with another healer to be able to have an impactful healing situation to assist two tanks, and two dps, she wasn’t designed to heal to sate for 5 tanks, or 4 tanks and 1 dps, or other oddly numbered team comps like any other hero. Again, I still agree she could use some changes, but not mass res.

You literally just answered your own statement.

There is no excuse in a game like Overwatch to not focus a support first. If the support is nowhere to be seen, there is no excuse for your team to lose because they are down a player if they are truly hiding and not just in a position you cannot see.

You don’t focus a support? Guess what! Your ultimates are basically useless and so is your chip damage. Don’t complain on the forums because you want a game with requires no planning or thought; there’s plenty of alternatives.

And yes, saying it’s “unacceptable to go and find Mercy” is redundant. If Mercy as in your own scenario is hiding, there is no need to even go and find her or use an ultimate. The enemy is down a main support. They have next to no sustain now.

What you said makes it sound like Mass Res is the answer. People should not expect to win by going overkill and wasting a ton of ults. They should be punished for it.

A same case can be made for a D.VA ult that would be impactful and lead to a winning push, a well deserved, tactically profound ult at the best time where enemy shields are down and there’s nowhere to run, and then a mercy mass resurrects and it turns back into running into a wall.