Marvel Rivals...Changes In OW2 Are Now Needed

After reaching GM in Marvel Rivals I have come to realize some updates are need to overwatch. The biggest up dates being the need for new heroes at a faster rate (even if you need to copy paladins heroes and stop reworking heroes kits if the abilities are so different they could of just have been a new Hero), shorter queue times (even if you need to expand queues and reduce filtering), and better hero balancing (try new styles of balancing in arcade to see how it feels).

At the moment Marvel Rivals feels better than overwatch because it has 2-20 second queue times in GM compared to 2-20 minute queue times in OW2, hero abilities visually look better, their roadmap sets them on course to release more heroes than overwatch very soon.

What makes OW2 stand out is locked role queue (very helpful for team play and increasing the skill of the player base), better crosshair accuracy (due to it being first person), abilities are more impactful and hero kits make since (cooldowns could be reduced on ultimate abilities to make game play feel faster. Like marvel rivals.), and the graphics still look great but are now matched by unreal engine 5 (however OW2 runs much smoother with less lag and higher fps than UE5)

With that in mind here are a few ideas to keep OW2 from falling behind Marvel Rivals.

-6v6 over 5v5
(Adds Tanks Combos/more enjoyable tank play)

-Balance to avg win/pick rate
(Like league of legends/tried and true method makes more heroes viable and sells more skins)

-Shorter queue times/move more of the player base to higher ranks to help with queue times
(Match within 3 skill tiers and pair off win rate of last 5 games played only/stats don’t give the full picture and it’s always better to play with individuals that prioritize winning no matter what)

-Hero balancing
(Make it easy on yourselves give each class similar stats but apply it in different ways)

600 HP
100 DPS
1200 Shielding (if they have shields, if they don’t express this in abilities applying armor/shielding on self or to others)

200 HP
200 DPS

200 HP
100 DPS
100 HPS (healing per second)

(If every Hero has the same output stats but expressed in different fire rates/abilities/methods no hero is better than any other in it’s class. Players with higher IQ will naturally play the heroes that have a greater APM even though the stats aren’t different because they enjoy the challenge.
This will also allow players with lower IQ’s to be able to contribute and play at higher skill tiers.
(which I think is the key to keeping your game on top. If more streamers and players can make it to GM they will feel like their efforts are being rewarded better and they have “skill”. Fortnite is a good example of this and is one of the reasons they keep a high player base.



like this is the biggest needed fix… the game was a bit rocky already when they switched to 5-man comp but it stood no chance after the switch. The player base is wayyyy too toxic for competitive locked roles with a 5-man comp and a single buffed out tank.


Yep 6v6 is mandatory. But I will never go back to 1 firestrike on Rein. Just copy and paste the 5v5 tanks into 6v6 it’s that easy. Yea tanks are OP because you made them that way but we are all used to it by now.

I can’t believe one of the main reasons they gave for switching to 5v5 was “tank synergy” being too strong. Then they proceed to gigabuff every tank to be “viable” in 5v5. Tank synergy was what made the game fun in the first place. Like why?

The 10% of the time you get a team that works well together and actually wins using teamwork and cooperation instead of zzzz boring matchmaker diff are the only reason I’m still here.


The fast queue times in marvels is probably largely just because it’s new and in a honeymoon phase


Six vs six is truly awful for random tanks: I’ll
double down on that, as I had too many passive support mains trying out a main tank in 6vs6.

But both the event and MR reminded me of something else: When 5v5 first launched, the games felt emptier, and retrying 6vs6 also revived that feeling.

No it’s the player density due to everyone pretty starting in bronze.

Ow too busy being a classification and MR actually being a competitive ladder.

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Average isn’t where new players should be thrown into. Why was it so hard to explain to the OW players and community that it was a major match making design flaw?



But it’s was certain principles that people didn’t want to cross, but were variables that influenced the overall situation.

  1. New players being thrown around from above avg to below avg.
  2. not wanting hard resets.
  3. Not wanting a “ladder”
  4. The mentality of preserving the bell curve instead of the curve being created over time.
  5. Not protecting down ranks from good performances (I avoided a -29 from the quantum shield in MR - it was very much appreciated because I was the svp of the match)
  6. Trying to avoid smurfs but smurfs and hackers still present.
  7. Trying protect the notion of world class ranking but not addressing the reality of time of day influence and groups vs solo queues.

If you had 6v6 role queue and made it a ladder, there’d be no queue time issue.

Last be clear MR copies a lot from ow and many other games, but I give it credit because tremendous license of characters and hero balance is out the window.

BUT another reason why I don’t worry about Mmr for either game, because time of day, to me, has been proven. The weekends and late nights from BOTH games prove to be terrible times. HOWEVER I can choose my servers in MR!!! I don’t include the west coast server and sometimes I don’t even put the down south server. So am I a “true” silver or plat? I dunno and who cares!! That’s why they have tournaments and that’s why people are enjoying it because MR blatantly said it’s not a true esport comp. Especially having frame rates dictate animations and damage outputs.

Anyhow it’s a great case study, I could go on, but we all win at the end of the day. oW3 will learn from everyone’s mistakes.

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Tbf you’re comparing two different things. Marvel rivals came out as a hero shooter, ow2 came out as a shop update and f2p cash grab.


Funny how many people say 6v6 is a must. Yet cry about 6v6 being tested.

Personally… They should have a message pop up for every player when they login over 7 day period to get most of the active players. 3 options. Can’t progress till you pick one

don’t care.

If one gets a majority. Go with it, and end this constant p!ssing and moaning from the weird sections of the community.

All the twitter votes show is community bias. If your CC is pro 6v6 the community tends to vote that way. If they are more keen on 5v5 their community goes that way. This way, everyone gets a say (on all their accounts). No one can claim they weren’t listened to and we can just get over it and move on.

Because! Reasons! It makes everything separate faster! Bunch of horsehockey that reasoning. IN No other competitve endeavor besides gaming, do you play with the average players when you start.

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Uhm, no. That is a terrible idea. Yes, let’s put bronze players vs gold, that will go over well. We lose enough games as it is. This would just make us have a 0% win rate instead of 50%

ANd you don’t in OW.

You start with other new players, then a few games in, if you are winning and your MMR goes up, you play with others that match with that MMR.

Tell you one thing I’ve noticed is no one groups since MR is just run and die and wonder why you can’t get footholds

You just explained exactly how Overwatch 1 comp was. Ever since they made it free and kept adding more characters the game became unbalanced because of too many kids complaining when they don’t have the skill set to play comp. I’m sure as Marvel Rivals gets more characters it would become unbalanced too. I think Overwatch should stop spending time on new characters and just create skins/emotes/gear/ etc. and focus on a better algorithm that doesn’t rely on win/loss. It’s always one sided and you either get ran through or the other team seems like they aren’t even playing. What’s the point in comp if you’re not trying to win. I only like first person shooters but I’m probably going to switch to Marvel Rivals too.

Nope in Overwatch when ranks resets you still are placed in games where you ended up last even if you dropped drastically because of leavers and other reasons not in your control. I dropped from masters to gold when they reset for Juno because I lost every placement except one because of players who were testing her out. My placements started with diamonds and then of course dropped to plat but then I ended up gold and can’t get out of elo hell because kids don’t listen and switch to counter because of (counterwatch) even though to balance the gameplay you counter if you can’t beat the enemy.

I don’t know what you mean by new players and average rank because I’ve been playing since the second season of Overwatch 1 comp so I’ve only ever played within my ranks

If anything to climb you play with a higher rank so they can carry and protect you. Get rid of the 50% win loss ratio and focus on role stats. If a healer has 5k vs 10k the whole game they should lose ranking, if a tank doesn’t have any MIT they should be losing rank, if dmg has low damage and is negative in elims they should be losing rank.

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that’s not true. You start in gold, or better. has been from the start.

Because the rank reset is a mostly visual exercise. MMR isn’t reset and rank mirrors MMR>

That is a you issue. Not the game, and not relevant to…

do that and i demand 5v5 again. why would you nuke 6v6 like that?tve only good thing making 6v6 great is killable tanks.

its currently the 1 thing ruining 5v5 and making it unplayable