Marvel rivals and overwatch classic made me finally realize something.
Balance should have never been even a consideration in this game other than bugs.
Looking at marvel rivals and getting that sweet nostalgia crisp through overwatch classic, I almost feel like balancing was the start of the community being divided.
For anyone who doesn’t know, marvel rivals is an upcoming hero shooter game that features marvel characters. I have seen them talk about the roadmap, how it’s free to play, there will be lore. Much akin to what overwatch 1 was at first.
I’ve noticed that every single character in that game is overpowered, most abilities are not balanced in any way what so ever. And you know what? That’s the way it should be.
Overwatch should have never done balance to begin with, looking at overwatch classic. There were so many abilities that were so dumb but fun to use. Torbs lvl 3 turret, mercy’s 5 man Rez, syms microwave, Hanzo scatter arrow.
I honestly do not think, with a game that features over 20+ characters that balance should’ve ever been considered because how do you balance that? I would say it’s almost impossible.
It seems that Marvel rivals almost gets that, if everyone is OP no one is underpowered. You can get upset at a stupid ability but at the end of the day I think everyone is having fun because everyone has some stupid dumb fun strong abilities and weapons.
I miss that, sure there were bugs like roadhog hooking you through walls which should’ve been fixed but I miss this game when it was all dumb fun.
I think this community and many others in the gaming world have gotten so fixated on balancing that it reduces the fun people can have, cause you have to live with one character being better than the other or one gun being better than the other.
Bring back the OP abilities and make a roadmap and just allow the game to breathe, focus on the lore, allow people to laugh and make friends. Thats what I miss.