March 11 is the final straw

Why March 11th in particular?

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Ohhh “sources have said”. Sounds serious.

What I’ve done is to not care about any announcements. If we get it, it becomes a nice surprise, but if not, I didn’t hold my breath so it’s whatever. You know Blizzard takes their sweet time with these things and changes their “promises” all the time so why set yourself up for disappointment? Just move on with something else you have that’s important, and let Overwatch sit on the backburner in your mind for now.


I have bad news for you

Well look at me be wrong (and glad about it).

So you are still an overwatch fan


Well lots got revealed like a day before the 11th lmao


Here some doubts: Overwatch Dev Update: Closed Beta (SUS) - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (