Manifesting Support Sym from ML7

What if 2 heroes are at 40%?

To prevent constantly switching between these two the turrets would need to have a small cooldown but that would make them feel more clunky.
Also sometimes you don’t want to heal the lowest target and focus on the target that needs the heal the most like the tank.


I really feel like you over think it, if 2 were at 40 maybe they lock onto one until a threshold, mahbe 75% and then switch. Or what if instead of single target they were an AOE ability. Or what if they weren’t syms only way of healing, so the turrets could focus one ally while she healed the rest

Probably out of all the changes. I think she would get something very unnoticeable like increased turret deploy animated speed.

Look at the recent changes the content creators made. Give her an extra turret, bonus small speed through TP, and increased turret deployment.

We’re talking about a character who had countless changes and who can create anything from light. But just her general kit speed buffs…


so? Why not make the new hero the support and keep Sym?

The same way Sigma got Mauga’s kit and Mauga will have another then. 2 heroes are better than 1.
Butchering heroes and changing them can’t be better than addind a new one gameplay-wise.

Man do I hope Sym does not trash up the support roster again. It was such a fn nightmare dealing with a Sup sym on the team , and that was before role lock. Yikes.

Honestly would’ve preferred if her teleporter did the healing. That way her teammates can just use it when they’re low hp and she’ll have to be clever with her placements as it will serve as a good distraction for the enemy knowing they need to destroy it. Reminiscent of her shield generator days when they’d have to find where she put it. It leaves her turrets able to do their thing, slow, damage, still have that area denial factor to them, and gives her teleporter more utility than just ferrying teammates across X distance. Turrets as healers kinda don’t really make much sense to me, but I guess we’ll see how it goes…

You know what if she gets that ability from beta (shield) but change it to healing bubble Im ok.

Like 2-3s bubble shield 50hp, healing 45-50, duration healing for 4s healing 15-30, CD 3-4s or something like that.
I think turrets can be more useful for her than tp. To be fair you put tp on begining of mutch and that’s all.


Especially since DPS heroes like Sym or Mei will never be allowed to compete with heroes like Tracer and Cassidy.

Its just pretty much not going to happen, so why keep them there? At least Symmetra could be made into a 5head strategist type of support which is a very interesting concept. Much more interesting than a grandma with a sniper rifle and a Jam jar.

Same with tank Mei, if they gave her multiple walls or very short CD walls, it can lead to some very interesting situations and would provide an entirely new playstyle available for Tanks.


I swear you were part of the manifesting for Symm skins last year.


[insert GTA meme] “oh here we go again …
Nah dude, reworks are 99,999999% not happening and the chances of that rework being a hero that already has 2 versions is zero.

I dont think Sym should be reworked as a Support again, she was weak to begin with and now is way better and cooler as a DPS. Nah thanks.

Keep in mind that this is just a content creator experimantal, we don’t know if this “rework” or whatever changes she will have will go to live and people are making assumption/theory that its going to be another support rework, for all we know it could be a totally different thing and she might just become a pure dps without the utility gimmick or worse move into a tank lol.

if she’s a support lets hope she is a healing support

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I don’t think they are going back to the none healing support, it didnt work before so it won’t work now.

Im not opposed to the healer Symmetra rework as long as she isn’t weak and a waste of a support slot, im willing to try the changes if it happens to be what most of here are saying that she will be reworked a support again.

Fingers cross that they make it right this time.

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Non healing supports dont work until the utility they provide isn’t useful enough to make up for 1 healer. That was the problem with Original Symmetra, they thought the utility was enough, while in reality it was barely noticable.
But put enough damage mitigation into a hero’s kit and it can work 100%.

A raw example, since we have a problem with burst damage in the game.

Imagine if Symmetra could place her teleporter like she is now, but the teleporter is also her old shield generator in 1 package.

Lets also say, that the turrets are now undestroyable and shooting the allies once every 2 seconds with a buff instead of interacting with the enemy.
The buff reduces the next incoming damage to 1. (maybe also double incoming healing until the buff is removed by a shot from the enemy)
This would mean, that it can protect someone from one shots (even ultimates) like its nothing, while still providing almost zero value against sustained damage and you still have to place the turrets pre-emptively.

As for the rest of her kit, just stay what she has now.
There you go, a viable non healing support.


These are all great ideas but we all know that they are not going back to the none healing support

Almost every OW player correlates support as a healer nowadays which is dumb in my opinion but blizzard and most of the community is to blame why this is what become of the support class.

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Wait, so they don’t know that Bastion is hitscan? Like, yes, support Sym is great and all… But what?


That is just a perception which can be changed. You can change that perception by adding more than 1 utility support. The more non healing support gets released, the more people will realize its potential.


I think if they reintroduced it in OW2 with two new heroes classified as none healing support it could work, we need more example to change the biased perception that every support should heal.

Tbh if zen didn’t have the healing orb from the start and his transcendence and orb made people immortal or have massive dmg reduction , the none healing support would have worked and the game would have had added more.


I’m hopeful, as long as she doesn’t inherit the mess that was 2.0’s TP Ultimate and primary fire in any way…

why? why do you care?

Blizzard already has changed in the past heroes and reworked them entirely changing them from their literal current form when they were released in 2016.

There is no precedent for keeping heroes the exact same… besides some post from Kaplan saying they dont want to rework/change heroes anymore