Manifesting Support Sym from ML7

They are already useful.

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Finally! It’s been since before role Queue that someone said “we need a healer” and get some nimwit wise guy picking soldier. I miss those days.

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I’m a Sym one-trick and I don’t exactly like the idea of support Sym but I’m willing to give it a try, hopefully it will be fun

Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.

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We got baptiste who was better than Soldier so nah

Mei has a lot of things in her kit that hold her back from being able to really be as fun to play as she could be.

A rework is definitely something that can help, but at the same time it might honestly be better for her character and identity if she was a tank rather than a DPS. It also might not be.

It’s the same way with Sym. I say we let them test changes and see where they land.

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Imagine this several years ago, everyone is whining about turning one of 5 Supports into yet another DPS.

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Why take a chance for something that might be better, when she is fun to play now?

You really trust blizzard to make IMPROVEMENTS? Really?

Certified Rank Dirt over here.

That’s the best part, they aren’t, it’s the actual players.

You play neither sym, nor mei, sit down.

Id like to see a support Sombra though

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“Hey, these heroes I do not play, I want blizzard to make fundamental changes to them that would essentially turn them into new heroes”

Mei’s abilities are very much in line with a tank character IMO. Her primary fire is heavy crowd control, Ice Wall has significant protective utility, and Cryo-Freeze is similar to Take a Breather. With Overwatch 2 switching to brawlers rather than main tanks I think Mei with more HP is very close to that already.


You have a fundamental lack of understanding what a tank is actually doing. Defense heroes were the anti-tanks, they fit more in-line with dps if reduced to the 3 remaining roles.

Nobody is saying that Defense heroes are all tanks. And in Overwatch 1 it certainly made sense for Mei to remain a DPSer. But the nature of what it means to be a tank is changing.

Ugh discussions like these are why I think role Queue that locks you in was a disaster. Characters who fit in between the lines and can have traits of multiple classes aren’t really possible with a system that forces you to pick a rigid role.

I for one would like Sym to have supportive abilities in her kit, like she used to have originally. However, the only way they can do that now is to add healing and make her a full support because that’s how they defined roles.

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They tried keeping the game with that level of nuance for a long time and it didn’t work well. People were not creating good team compositions of their own accord, Quick Play in particular was a disaster.

Open Queue was fine, 4 dps teams could still win. If they were losing, people switched.

6 support teams can also win

You can still have people queueing for roles, but like… you queue for DPS if you want to play Moira more DPS focused, or queue DPS if you want to play like Reddit Lucio.

This would allow them to go into making characters a lot more flexible.