Man, this experimental is brutal to Mccree lol

Nah mcree was a sniper far later than alpha…sniper cree was definitely in the live version

I’m trying to understand whether or not he thinks McCree was trash during then or not, but I can’t tell when the goal posts keep changing lol


Goalposts moving = You’ve won :sweat_smile:


I’m not trying to win though I’m just trying to understand what he means and where, if at any time, McCree was the trash pick he claimed he was originally.

Maybe my timeline is wrong, but I can’t learn if he keeps changing his goalposts lol

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At this point the whole “Mccree was the worst hero in the game pre buff” point is just a meme. It was nothing more than a desperate attempt to prevent him getting well deserved nerfs.

You won’t get a real answer.

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I dont know, i tried him out. Unless u try to duel a Widow, it didnt feel so much different, he is still good enough to be picked for midrange, and still has all the perks.

I doubt he gonna fall hard. Cree still good.

We no longer have Soldier/Ashe/Widow?

Also, if you can’t aim on them, even hacking Pharah down with Sombra is an alternative.

My position is simply this: we have YEARS of data to show that McCree at 200HP is trash. We know because the only 3 times he was not trash at 200HP came with substantial buffs: .42 fire rate, 35 yard fall off, and 70 damage fth. When none of those were true (as is the case right now) he was unpickable garbage that was never picked.

Citing a time when .42 fire rate was true as example of when he was picked is not really relevant and in fact proves my point further.

Also, you are wrong again about him being viable for most of the games history. I do not even have to go that deep about it. He gained a .42 fire rate June 18 2019, or more than 3 years into a game that has been out 5 years. He had 70 damage fan for 3 weeks and McSniper was only a couple weeks as well. and 3 years is more time than 2 years (and lets remember that Ashe was better than him for a lot of those 2 years but he was still viable just not as good) so already we are at less than a majority of this game’s lifespan.

My goal post has been constant and has been constant and I will reiterate for a 4th time (the same thing): At 200HP with his current setup he is unplayable trash. We know this because have years (3 of them to be precise) where we see what McCree is in this setup and he was unplayable trash. I am wiggling on this. I am not waffling on this. He was unplayable trash and you have to find a period where none of the 4 changes (which were again a minority of the time in OW history) were in effect and he was not unplayable trash.


We usually start seeing the “McCree is trash” sentiment whenever he is not as good as the other hitscan heroes. Why? Because the balance in this game has been so janky that historically players have simply swapped him out for whatever hitscan was more powerful at the time.

“Not as good” becomes “trash” based on another hitscan hero being good and nothing to do with McCree at all.

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Soldier/Ashe already have a hard time doing fast enough DMG to kill a Pharamecy that isn’t just floating in the middle of the air, and they subject to this nerf as well, so they’ll be even worse.

Yeah there’s definitely not other hitscan characters that can counter her in the game unfortunately. Yep - just McCree as the only scan since launch. Weird, Also unfortunate that Zen, Ana, Bap, Moira, Dva, Winston, Sigma, Ball + more can’t put any pressure on them or their team at all to help reduce her effectiveness even if they might not kill her.

They will never be done balancing the game. Probably smart to keep an eye on the flying heroes next

He wasn’t trash, at worst he was “meh” because other hitscans were more OP.

It doesn’t prove your point because for most of the game’s history, he has at least one of the buffs you mentioned. So, by your own logic, isn’t he viable then? Also, it’s actually really hypocritical for you to discard the fact that he was relevant and viable when he had it lmao. You don’t get to cherry pick which instances are valid and aren’t.

I never said this. I said, by your logic with the “the only time he wasn’t trash was when he had one of four changes”. And he did. For most of the game’s life, he has had one of those changes you listed.

I’m so done with this. At worst, he was meh. Never unplayable trash. Even in his worst state, it was almost every game with a McCree. You guys like to fabricate reality.

And even if that were to be true, he doesn’t deserve to be overtuned now anyways. I’d rather have his flashbang radius nerfed anyways.


So, hey, maybe now that McCree can’t just dump a clip of bodyshots as a perpetual counter to flying heroes, Deadeye might actually become an important part of McCree’s toolkit again!


Could it be… FLY-NOON?

Does it really matter now that you have to be mad at some brand new character?

He was something like:

“Guess i’ll die”

His kit was essentially a trade sacrifice to get someone relevant most of the times., and only really worth it to hardcounter queen of the skies (although widow was a better favored choice due to actually being hard to pester by that hero). That’s why he had one of the worse if not the worst death rate in the game.

Isn’t it more accurate to say that he had trouble contesting actually overpowered heroes at the time, then?

Mccree value requires not being denied projectiles. Considering Dva has existed on most of the game history… she was a big hardcounter to cree by denying his entire kit.

Part of why mccree has been perceived as OP coincides with a lower interest for dva, due to her own issues and the notoriety of beam + melee tanks (zarya+rein) dominating to the point of 14% pickrate.

The lowering of shield health also was a contributor to this, of course.

I’m just worried that they haven’t really allowed cree to settle after the nerfs and stuff and now they’re doing this global hitscan nerf. I don’t think it will be healthy for the game so we might see them be like: “hmmm well that didn’t work we’ll just adjust it to 40% and be done with it”… and literally push it live, like they did with the bait and switch update to reaper spread

… what? The nerfs affect him only on a range of 45 meters, let me tell you most teamfights take place in a range of 20-30m, this nerfs do literally nothing other than playing McCree as “Budget Sniper” isn’t worth it anymore.

Afaik, mccree has a falloff range of 20-40 meters. I saw a video saying 45, but the wiki with usually correct data says 20-40

Mccree will be doing 21 damage to the red haze distance on bodyshots, 42 on hs. 5 dinks to get a squishy on a game with acceleration-less strafing.