Man, now I know why no one plays support

I wont say the dont have any impact on a game, but i think the biggest issue is that youre not a support. Youre a baby sitter that isnt paid and is constantly blamed for all the childrens mistkakes. Its a chore to play.


Support will always be “invisible” carry.

If you do your role well, nobody will notice that you’re the reason they’re winning.

If you do your role poorly, everyone dies.

It does not have the constant reinforcement DPS has with that feed in the corner telling everyone what you’re doing, or the tank with the obvious blocking in front of you or attention getting. You will always be the quiet reason someone didn’t die instead or pretty often the assist on a kill.


I mean thats not exactly stimulating gameplay right there , deadset looks like the enemy team is afk.

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Position sensibly. Play with your tank. Help finish off kills for your team. Put resources into people that need them.

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Everything you mentioned has nothing to do with Supports getting flanked, or the ability to help the team.

You can still get kills as DPS, but your main value that you bring should be healing. Not all supports heal as well as each other. But healing is the main purpose of support.

Claiming you need to make 1 or 2 big plays is subjective. What is a “Big Play”?

Also not all games have the same play time, how can you get 9-10k healing if a game lasts 30 seconds? Comp games also last longer, that also changes statistic averages.

Stop putting arbitrary objective standards in a game where there’s so many factors. It makes your views look naive.


Thanks for advice but this is the only 1 among your points that a support can control

I did all 4 of them in most of my games but I usually am not able to do 5th: Kill the flanker(s) by myself which they are all designed to kill healer with relative ease, as those ret_ _ _ s on my team don’t help at all


I believe he was being sarcastic.

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Then it when right above my head, thanks for mentioning. Sometimes I gotta take another glance at these posts rather then taking them for what they are.

Someone suggested going moira or lucio if you are getting dove… So only play moira or lucio and get yelled at all game because you can’t heal enough while dodging all the flankers? SOUNDS FUN!


You position well and push in with your teammates.

Get out of the noob mentality like you are a healer.

When you do that there isn’t enough damage going out to secure kills so your team is all running at the frontline trying to make up for you not doing anything.

Damage racks up way faster than what you can keep up with healing and your formation crumbles while everyone retreats. Then the flankers move in and pick off all the healbots while the frontline falls apart.

It’s safer to move in and attack them forcing them to retreat so players on your team taking damage have space to take a safe position and get healed back into the fight.

It takes damage to create that kind of pressure.


Nothing wrong about it but I don’t think this is “carrying”.
This sounds more like…functional?


Anyone who is not ML7 sucks


And sombra ruins support fun 100%


Oh, you were serious about your last post then. Not being sarcastic like the other gentlemen mentioned.

You are under the misconception that I think healers shouldn’t do DPS. I don’t disagree with any of the points you are making in this post, but these aren’t the points you made in the post before.

All I said is when support heroes are designed, their main purpose that sets them apart from DPS is their ability to heal. That’s why the roles are separated. I don’t expect players to sit there and only heal if healing isn’t needed or if they are getting flanked.


If you can’t climb out of bronze its a game problem and not a skill issue.

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Quoted for emphasis.

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Well, that’s almost the trick now isn’t it.

You can “carry” when things are going well.

Things are good when your team is doing everything they can to make your life easier.

But that good feeling doesn’t counteract the desperation and resignation when teamwork ISN’T good.

Support is usually a “Win more”.
Not a “Lose Less”.

Where as DPS/Tanks can “Lose Less” AND “Win More”.

“Carrying” when teamwork is going really well.
Isn’t the same as “Carrying” when teamwork isn’t going well.


This was posted ironically right?

Your aim was all over the place.

You barely wall rode.

You constantly fed Zarya’s bubbles. Seriously. Every single time she bubbled you just kept spamming onto her.

You basically just hit Q as soon as it was up regardless of the situation except the last ult you had.

You just sat on your team and jumped around and wildly aimed.
I actually watched this hoping for some crack head Lucio plays back lining the other supports. Waste of 8 minutes.

The reaper looked like the carry on that match.


Genji’s blade rarely gets 3-4 kills by itself. He’s getting heals and utility assists to make that happen.

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Not Kiriko though. Her damage is no good. She’s almost like Mercy and Baptiste in that you have to choose between heal or attack, only Kirko shoots fantastically slower than anyone else.

I have trained some alternating heal-attack moves and it’s had some effect, but lots of times, the angle is too far off, and I can’t catch up on heals after. Honestly, her heal talismans need to pass through teammates if they are topped off. otherwise, others in the back are going to block you, making you bad.

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