Making Symmetra Viable - A Thread

I’ve linked your thread in my megathread. Thanks.

Thank you so much :))

Guys stay on topic

I read it on the forum. I thought it was canon.

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What’s not on topic?

but but but but but Jeff the donkey said her rework was a succes! i really like your ideas except for the ulti i think it should be something that gives her kill potential since every other damage dealer has something similar

I’m sorry but if TP is already an unreliable mess lasting as long as it does, reducing its duration even more wouldn’t help it. It should last forever like Torb’s turret, as it can be destroyed easily and, unlike Torb’s turret, can’t fight back.

Also, instead of giving barriers(which would encouraging people going back-and forth on the barrier, which is supposed to keep the enemies on one side and your team on the other). Instead, it should heavily slow-down enemies passing through the shield(like her normal turret’s), so if an enemy tried to cross the barrier, they would be exposing themselves to be focused down while slowed. Also, in order to be healed, their teammates would also have to cross the barrier, making people think twice before doing so.

I have to agree. Didn’t notice this on my first read.

The wall is already one of the strongest ults in the game right now, albeit anti-climactic. it doesn’t need a buff.

Most of Sym’s power right now is tied into her turrets, and that doesn’t really work on good players. This has lead most Sym mains to do ‘telebombing,’ where they place 3 turrets on the ground and use the portal to bring the turrets behind enemy tanks. This does some high damage while the enemy is disoriented.

Her rightclick is pretty strong. The leftclick is a lot more situational, but good in shield wars.

The tele is bananas and really underutilized. I’d imagine if they were to give her some balancing updates: the way to do it would be to pull some dmg out of the turrets and give the tele a faster deploy speed.

Her kit is just kinda awkward. She relies on these low health turrets to deal most of her dmg and they have a long cooldown between deploying nests. She really isnt THAT bad, but some tweaks would help a ton, especially in high level play.

TP bombing is a gimmick.

Sym has always been gimmicky and revolved around using those gimmicks to the surprise of the enemy team.

Gimmicky doesn’t necessarily mean bad. The turret bomb itself isn’t what is good, it’s simply the ability to stack all of your turrets and unify their damage/slow. That single change to Sym was probably the best she’s ever been given.



People can just walk through her wall, no problems there. Its annoying for a bit, but again, you can just WALK through it. Without mentioning if you are on a payload where fights easily change places, your Ult stays over there where its useless, so no, there are a LOT of cons to her current ult.

Her primary is only “good at shield wars” if you can stand by a shield until it charges up, which you can’t because if you are within 12m of a shield(her max range) you can easily get blown up because remember, she’s a 200 HP hero with no defenses or escapes. So how can it be good when said shield’s owner can just pop you the moment you get close?

Tele only lasts handful of seconds and takes 6 years to deploy it again. Thats counter-intuitive because you both have the problem of not being able to set it down when you need(because you’ll get killed before being able to use it). and be at the risk of it running out before you need it. Considering the time it takes to set another down, it is way too situational.

Do you actually play Symm that much? Because I have trouble believing you do without experiencing these big problems.

Her ult is one of the strongest ults in the game, as it gives your team a huge amount of space provided they actually apply pressure when it’s up. TP is similar in this regard, as the sheer amount of plays it can open up for other heroes makes it borderline broken, it’s just nearly impossible to expect that amount of coordination in ladder play. Not to mention expecting your team to know the learning curve of TP which is only gained by playing as/with Sym a fair amount.

Because of that, TP deployment speed will likely never be buffed. It would be great for Sym herself, but would likely be too powerful at its intended role, which is teamwide mobility.

They’re also correct about left click. Sym needs good tanks and support, and to have a certain amount of space created by the tanks in order to operate. You can’t charge left click and just go ham past your tanks. If they aren’t moving, you can’t either. You can’t always reliably be in the front lines contributing to the shield war with left click. Another aspect of Sym that still remains the same is picking your battles and the positioning involved in that.

just walk through it 4head.
You use it to bisect a point and have your team bob and weave throughout the thing. It wins a teamfight on its own the majority of the time in high ranked games.

12 second cooldown. By the time the tele dissipates, it is down to a 3 second cooldown. That is 3 seconds of downtime between different ports + the channel time.

You don’t use it just for sym btw. You use it for giving heroes without mobility options, mobility. If you port your rein to highground on horizon, you just saved your team 15 seconds which would have been spent looping around to get there. It is a gamechanger in coordinated comps.

You have a rein, they have a rein, you stand behind your rein and hold leftclick in the general direction. Their rein now is being pressured to make a play or else he is unleashing a level 3 sym onto his team (this is especially dangerous when she has a zarya ready to bubble her and a lucio ready to speed).

I agree but I decided to shift the wall more into the bob and weave, and making breaking it wih thigs like barrage or a whole hog quickly a doable strat, while making the shield dance more interactive

I ADORE the idea of restoring her shield life while attacking. But it should be a fixed regen.

But we have to be reseanable. If she gets too much sustain, she does not need a damage buff what so ever. If you want to give her sustain + damage on her primary, her secondary should get a small nerf (I think 110 or 100 is ok anyways)

I keep saying she needs QoL on her TP. The cast time/animation is the same of the old one, back when it was an ULT. TP is the only thing that gives her mobility or survavibility at the moment and it’s not reliable, she really need these changes.

I love the idea of placing a TP or a shield gen, but I don’t think it suits her role anymore, same with the ULT giving 75 shields.

I don’t think they are planning on changing her Ult to something else, but it would be nice if it had some sorta of small CC, so enemies wouldn’t dance around the shield, like some small slowth effect when you pass through it. TBH I don’t know exactly how to make her ULT more effective other than using it as the old photon barrier (to block dva bomb or high noon).

I like the idea of the shield slowing enemies! That fits really well with Sym’s kit :).
What do you think of the TP automatically teleporting Sym as soon as she deploys it for a bit of QoL?

I’ve already seen someone suggest this, but as long I think this won’t be good, unless TP casting is instant and she can come right after if she wants.

If people know where Symmetra will be everytime they see a TP, she’s going to get frag’d very easily at high ranks.

I swear the devs only reworked Sym so they could leave her alone for a while again. It is going to be forever until they acknowledge her again. “Sym got 2 reworks and other heroes have got almost nothing” will probably be their excuse. Ya Jeff, she did, but they did not fix her problems and she is till bad. Stop ignoring us and tell us what you want to do with this hero. Just say “Well we are looking at her primary fire and thinking about changing blah blah blah…”

Just something to let us know you still care about fixing this hero. Please.

That was sort of what I was trying to aim at; as soon as you activate the teleporter you appear where the exit will also be deployed & your team can follow shortly once it has properly built. This gives her a viable escape tool & could just help make her feel more fluid to play (not that that’s all she needs personally).
At present as soon as you see a TP you know she’s going to be at either end but not immediately at the exit, the possibility for focus fire onto her remains either way I imagine.

Her new kit makes no sense. I love Symmetra and i firmly believe that she needs another rework.

And now, i love all your suggestions. Its all she needs to make this 3.0 version worth a little. But i still believe that she needs to be reworked into a full off healer support that uses shields, some small healing and insane utility.