Why not just put her old gun to alt weapon. Even better.
Hmmm, I don’t think it needs to have a drawback. She kinda still needs buffs rather than fine-tuning personally, but yeah sure if you feel it would be too much having the 5000 HP still then OK.
I don’t think that would be the biggest determining factor on the balance of that, it seems to me that whether the shields last beyond the ult’s duration might be a bigger concern like with Brigitte’s rally armour.
I think we’ve discussed this before! I like the idea of the TP being an alternate weapon like Portal’s portal gun, but I feel they may not be able to implement something that works in that way without breaking the game or possibly even at all.
Because the only thing she needs from her old weapon is her primary, so we might as well as just change that and leave that slot open.
Piercing orbs? Good against Brig.
I meant to leave TP as is but just bind it to alt weapon. That opens up her E.
And no one else. Even then, she could easily side step them.
True. They were slow af
Yeah, but they can’t be made faster because they pierce barriers. They also fed a lot of ult charge to enemy healers.
This is more of making this rework viable over making a new rework
They also built my ULT up quick.
Main things she needs.
More base damage on primary.
Charge time reduced.
Tick rate fixed.
TP faster deploying.
Extra 50 health between shields and HP.
She’s fixed.
I want her to have her viability a bit more earned so she isn’t just wrecking low elo. You are gonna make it too easy for me.
I remember that. My fastest record was about 9 seconds (damage boost does wonders). Unfortunately, since Symmetra’s ultra stay up and prevent her from getting ult charge, she would end up feeding a lot. I had the idea for a passive that would give her allies 1/6th of any ultimate charge she gained while her ults were up. I’m surprised people didn’t like it. Most wanted to push her as a pseudo-healing support for some reason.
You forgot:
That would have been a perfect time to implement the “okay no more ULT charge for builds but here’s ULT charge for a massive wall”
Yes please. It’s so ugly. Apparently that jewel on Sym’s forehead let her control the lock on with her gun. Such a shame.
She gets bashed by Brig and she’s dead. She’s not wrecking anything. Wake up.
TBH I don’t find brig a problem with symm, as I generally avoid her altogether.
Sym is so easily taken out. She’s not an issue to anyone.
Source? What about her skins that don’t have that?
True. I feel that the Symmetra community only became really creative after the rework. Most ideas were just continuing the pseudo-healer ideas.