its not that im against it, i just know this community. the only difference between comp and qp are the penalties and SR changes … if you take them away, then what is stopping people from treating this any different than QP ??
thats your downside.
I think an Unranked draft kind of gamemode like it exists in HOTS would be great. Put in a second Quick Play, make it with the rulesets that are in comp (No leaving, competetive rules ), but keep out the SR and CP. There are enough people who like Scrimming in 6-stacks but my have to wide of an SR- Range to do it in Comp or don’t like that you can still get matched against “FUN-Players” in QuickPlay that just make the scrim feel worthless.
There are also comp points (a victory condition and incentive for trying harder), and more importantly the ruleset. QP doesn’t have mirror matches, so a “victory” in QP requires a full win (e.g. on payload maps you have to get all the way to the end). It makes the games feel very unsatisfying because you can do 10x better than your opponent but still lose in defeat because they stopped you an inch before the end, even though they didnt even make it past the first corner.
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