Make the forum career profile show our "all modes" stats

One issue i always find is that when you click on someones profile, you only get to see Either their Quickplay or their Comp stats, And thats it,

And theres one clear problem with it in my opininon, and i will show my own in-game profile to give an example of Why:

If you were to check my comp-profile you´d see this:

(Setting is on “all competitive seasons”)

What does this tell you? “oh, MagyTheMage is a Mercy main”

and this is where this problem starts, Because if you check my “quickplay” stats:

The result comes completly different,

and it even changes a bit to once you use the proper one, “All modes”

i keep my profile public, i have nothing to hide, But id atleast like my profile to correctly display what i actually play,

There is no reason why to exclude any Modes (maybe, you can argue arcade, but even then atleast having a “TOTAL” forum profile would be for the best) , The default setting that it shows you first should be to just, Show All modes, and have the other “optional” options be Competitive and Quickplay,

Also, another problem is that the career profile does not show the Hours correctly either,

it also only shows the current competitive season not the overall story


Yeah I hate how it automatically goes to QP or current competitive seasons. All modes should be there


Yes please, I haven’t touched QP in over two years (and never touched comp), so my forum career profile is outdated by that long. If I talk about any post-release hero from Sombra onwards, people can come with the ‘hurr durr you never played that hero’, solely because not the stats of all modes are shown.

I prefer current competitive seasons because I do not want people to see my hours on Orisa from when I was a shield sl… Um slave, for my sister playing Torb and Bastion or when Moira first came out and I thought I could climb with her because everyone was playing her wrong so naturally I would he one of the better Moira. I am not willing to tank or heal. Those hours be there for niche reasons, bruh.

But yeah, it would be nice if you could choose which stats to display. It would be hilarious to display your Lucioball stats.


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