Make Symmetra a Support without Healing

I honestly hate sym right now. I’ve been against and with people (more then once) who play nothing but sym in comp. Calling her a support class is only accurate when her ultimate is up.
If we keep her as support I’d say they need to replace the flying shield. That’s rather useless on average in my opinion, it still has some use but not much. I’d much rather her have a line of sight ability to add a short duration shield to any teammates within her view and not obstructed. That’s my biased view of her and a potential fix.

20 dps is way beyond low damage.

What I mean was by giving them shields, making them get to point faster, cc, etc. Def don’t do that, they mostly just dps and don’t care about getting other teammates to do their jobs better (through zoning, high but limited DPS, and traps). Sure they help mates in some cases, but more often they help themselves and literally dont care about other teammates except to pick up slack.

I’m just saying push her support side aspects more than her zoning. Its not supports heal, its supports make others better at what they need to do (buffs, debuffs, reveals, helping others). Defense does not do that normally support does.

We need more counters to dive, not another support. We have plenty of them already. Not many heroes are good vs dive and we need all we can get.

I like this idea. How far up do you outline your thoughts? Would like to read that post (also I wouldn’t argue with that guy, he’s just complaining without actually reading any of the thread)

Why do people just decide to ignore me because I disagree? You suggested giving her 400 shields and 20 dps. That is the worst thing in the entire game. I read it, I disagree, and you won’t acknowledge that I disagree and just insult me.

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BTW Why can’t we just do both anyways? Such as she can push shift then LMB places a damage turret and rmb places a shield turret. The shield turrets will lock onto a teamate and apply 25 shields that constantly regenerate at 5 HP per second. Only 1 turret per person meaning if you have 2 turrets, the nearest one will target 1 hero. If there are 2 heroes there, 1 will target one hero while the 2nd targets the 2nd hero.

Now you can choose.

It’s a tiny bit of overheal that brings it and her ult to 100 shields.

the effect lingers for 2 seconds.

Um, sorry but no. This is a legit concern from a main and your saying no because reasons now. Your just being abrasive at this point, I’ll not address you further.

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20 dps is so low that punching someone to death would be faster. That’s the problem with his idea.

Ignoring me because I disagree does not help your case. I’m not being abrasive, you’re the one ignoring what I say.

Oh and read the compromise post I made two posts above this. I’m not just some jerk or whatever you think I am, I actually care about balance and I know what can break a hero. Yeah, I don’t main her. but reducing her damage to 20 is not the answer.

The self slow on placing turrets could go a long way to making her feel better. I don’t like the idea of moving her to defense either, because her ult is:

  • Purely supportive
  • Does a long way to differentiate her from other heroes

I like symmetra a lot and really feel like they could keep her current feel while making her integrate a bit more smoothly into a team comp.

Right now Sym doesn’t act as a support. To keep her in that category she’ll either need a way to reliably heal or negate damage. Which could go one of two ways.

Give her more turret options that give shields or shoot down projectiles. Or give her a sheild that can permanently block incoming damage until she moves it. Make it stick to smaller chokes and be about the same width as an Orisa sheild. But give it low health and a damaging effect upon walking through. The idea is that while only a couple hundred health it would regen and continuously block off small choke points allowing some defense which would put her into that category but make her more useful. Enemies that walk through would take some damage and once it regens it would do damage again to anyone trying to retreat. And since only Sym can take it down permanently it’s a constant Hazzard that while easily shot down will be up at any moment during a push.

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I actually like the idea of her being able to put a permanent Orisa shield down in narrow-enough chokes that would regen like Rein’s after it takes damage. That could be pretty cool. Good stuff, my dude.

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No. She already is a support that doesn’t heal. Her damage is inconsistent, and she needs to be moved to defense imo, she has never fit the support category.

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They should just give Symmetra a healing ability, plain and simple.

How would it work without deleting anything she has now though?

One idea I had is when you push shift lmb places a damage turret and rmb places a healing turret. They would probably have 10 HPS so they equal a Mercy beam when stacked so as to not be infinity HP while fighting.

Wrecked. I like the idea of chucking her turrets as it’s smoother and quicker.

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Oh, my idea was just make her ults a minor ability and make her barrier an ult so she still is differentiated from all other barrier champs. If I was to come up with another and take it more serious here:

I’d make her ult barrier more like an arena that damages enemies on pass through, make it ult worthy it. Since her two aspects are zones and protects teammates; combine her two aspects. Make it temp obviously, that way its not too overbearing. The plus side is it doesn’t function like anybody else’s barrier so no stepping on toes.

No self slow on build, this is just arbitrary strength pumped elsewhere. Meaning kit shaved to shove more power budget elsewhere, but in this case it doesn’t really show where. If its her turrets then why do they pop, if its her ults then the binary nature of them like Hanzo scatter means they either need to go or be weakened in general.

So why is this even in her kit in the first place? Probably to discourage just deploy turrets non stop in a fight, but that’s why we have high CD AND deploy time. Just one or the other please; both is overkill, all three borderline masochistic.

Turrets reveal enemies to team, slow more, deploy time reduced (I wouldn’t want CD altered because of above, HP 2 only if necessary). Now they have a purpose in combat as opposed to setup/downtime; now can be used as a slow/beam grenade. More value being a slow then damage, but still car wash if needed/wanted. But in higher ranks still functions as they do now (higher rank players tend to use them as tripwires and slows, car wash is generally not used as much except to defend ults or get ult fast). Now has a combo of orb+melee+turret+beam.

Orb of doom:
Just a slight increase in speed nothing more. Her use of this as zoning tool is good, but those of us who use her orb+melee combo in close range know its potency if it goes too fast.

E changes:
Make her tp setup then trigger effect for saving peeps or bringing from spawn; push that clutch save tp and keeps the reduce spawn advantage. Originally thought that this should function like the current (just bring peeps out of spawn), but I like the idea more of just setup exit point and target someone. Two charges so we could (in theory) still surprise! half a team and eliminate the binary nature (op/nonexistent) ults by it having have less of her power budget.

A sg plus speedup as her alternate E. Obviously reduce the aura, they should be near enough to be placed in the next room, not squirreled away; that way she isn’t wasting time away from team or point. The biggest issue is making it easier for teammates to not take damage to trigger shield recharge, most concentrate on lower that passive effect when really you could do it via speedups for teammates (remember different from Lucio just similar, so concentration on giving shields), this also boosts her supporting overall. I’d like the aura revealed to teammates always, enemies only on discovery.

Get rid of the announcement, since now she is less inclined to be hiding them a block away. I think opposing team would appreciate that, since the thing spouts off all the time lol

Charges (2 constant recharge) this reduces the strain of them being popped but still allows enemies to want to pop them cd somewhere in the 6-8 range. By reducing their strength it wouldn’t hurt both parties (you should pop them, but it doesn’t cause make or break scenarios like current SG/TP) and still encourages her ‘owning a zone’ by making that zone hers AND her teammates better in it.

All I got for now, maybe make it more thorough later. But the biggest issue is her ults have too much power budget for the way they function, being too good or non existent; like Hanzo with his scatter arrow. So she ends up with an underpowered kit with a extremely powerful ult, but then the ult gets easily destroyed in higher ranks; leaving her just a character with an underpowered kit.

I’d rather Symmetra succeed in what her kit is already good at. She is a defense with supportive functions. That’s what she’s always been. You’ll never be able to make her on par with a healer without making her overpowered. See her in beta where she was picked in almost all comps due to giving 50 shields to heroes without cooldowns or restrictions. She just needed to be near then to activate it.

I’ve already stated that if they do move her I’d be okay with it if she remains a defense like Sombra is offense. You win some, you lose some; healing was always off the table for us mains anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

i have no problem with symmetra as is, but her damage is inconsistent, sometimes it takes time to damage some ones hp sometimes i’ve seen people shoot it at me like a pronton stream from ghostbusters and cut through my hp

same with winston his damage is weak but one time (ages ago) when i was mei winston cut through my hp super fast from full hp to death, didn’t make sense

p.s symmetra doesn’t need a buff/nerf but she could be rewarded with something when you get kills because you get nothing when your generators are up, i think each kill you get may increase the shield up higher of the group?