Make Symmetra a Support without Healing

Well I’m fine with her being a healing support. I’m also fine if they just made her defense.

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I just…don’t know or care enough to have an opinion on her.

I just want that gun reworked because I strongly dislike it. Really do not enjoying the lock-on it has or the ramped up damage. I don’t care what they do, I am just hoping for that change.

Otherwise, all I am going to do is just hear and try to understand the different Symm mains’ opinions cause I’ve seen different opinions on the choice to move her. They know their hero more than me.

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I really like these suggestions, but I think this would be overtuned. Personally I think we would need to choose between either 1 or 2 as having both is a little much (Personally I would prefer the slow). (3) turrets now only die in one hit because they literally have 1HP, I would agree with increasing them to say 5 health because then Winston wouldn’t be able to kill them with just one tick of his gun. I do also agree with the lowered cooldown on the turrets but on live they are actually 10 not 6, it seems like you’re looking for a halved cooldown, so maybe like 5 seconds? Another thing I really want to see happen with her turret ability is lowering the cast time that it takes to create them and would also like to see the self slow removed as it just feels annoying and unnecessary. (4) I don’t agree with the snare on the orbs but a creative idea nonetheless, I would be okay with them increasing the damage a bit to help her generate her ult faster. 5 and 6 are things I have wanted to happen to for so long, so I approve :slight_smile:. Overall very good suggestions though, just remember that as much as we love Symmetra and want her to be viable on attack, she is still a niche hero and we have to try and balance her around where she is supposed to be strong, not just for every situation.

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almost every Symmetra main would rather them make her a defense than give her healing any day.
PS: Sorry, I realize what I said to you the firs time may have sounded a little aggressive, just getting kind of sick of seeing people wanting her to become a healer :joy:

I guess I’m torn. If I had to pick, I’d say make her healer so she’d have more opportunities to get played. Making her just another DPS will put her at odds with the other main line DPS and she might not get picked.
It did sound a little aggressive but it’s fine, I was gonna say how I have twice as much hours on Sym than you but thought it not needed.

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Alright but she is an architect, so naturally in game she will always be a builder. As a builder it is most likely that her healing would be stationary rather than something she can just give out in combat (Like every other healer). Why would you want to pick a healer who’s healing stays in one area rather than any other healer, and being that her healing would most likely be built, that would mean that it could be destroyed to, just cutting off all healing for a moment of time. That doesn’t really give her more opportunities to be played over another healer now does it? (I hope you understand what I’m saying)

The only thing I would take away is the turrets taking two hits since it’s down to 3 seconds. What would make Symmetra a bit much is if beam returns her shield hp damage dealt. That means she would lose her 250 hp. The concepts I came up with Symmetra makes her a playable character what she was designed to be. She’s a defense support anti flanker.

I get what you’re saying.
Brigette is a builder lore wise and she can heal people apparently by throwing armor on them so it’s totally doable. As for her not moving, she could be defense support hybrid. Gives great heals within a certain range while locking down an area.

Why? She is and has always been a defender. Do you see her used on attack? Have you not noticed her turrets which is a very defensive ability?

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I have no words of how badly this will obliterate her.

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Yeah, the problem is that we want to be able to use her on attack. She is limited even in the case of defending, and that too is problematic. Its like how upset you get when peeps say that bast should only be used in pirate ship. You feel me?

This was EXACTLY what sym was doing before her first rework, then the devs said they didn’t like the spam e nature and nerfed the numbers to 50 and then 25. Then brig comes out and she literally has syms old e, rebalanced. I had no words for how backstabbing that felt, it was even at the old numbers from the beta.

Sym was viable on attack and as a support, even with 25 shields then. The first rework was terrible, and made peeps less capable of supporting. It was a messed up move on the devs, and now here we are.

Edit: no autocorrect, I meant nerfed not merged

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Well 50 is ok but 25 is useless and might as well be removed.

Yep, at this point I’ve given up on the dream. I hope they could, and these statements keep showing that they can’t. It’s their limited vision, not mine.

Edit: they did it because of the Torb/Sym stack synergy was apparently too powerful. Now they both need reworks,

I feel likewise, that she should remain a support without healing, but to do that she actually needs supportive abilities. Which in turn I believe would require almost an entire rework of her kit. However her kit is utter garbage, so no love lost.

First I would start with her turrets, by removing them entirely and readjusting her primary and secondary fire to compensate. They are the primary reason she is a inflexible and map/defense dependent as she is. They need to go.
Instead I suggest she gets 6 cameras she can place, being about the same size as her current turrets.

Each would have a long somewhat narrow cone of vision. Any enemy that crosses it’s vision is shown through walls to everyone on your team. This would be far in away more supportive and useful, both on defense and on attack. As unlike turrets, cameras don’t immediate give away their position, not if placed cleverly. Information on enemy movements is far more valuable to your team, at all levels of play then just more (static) damage.

Second I would do what the dev team seem to be playing with, making her Teleporter an ability instead on an ult. Where you have two teleporters, and place each independently within a given range. Allies can go between either of these two points almost at will. With either a short cooldown time between leaving and reentering a teleporter, and/or charges that limit the maximum number of times allies can be teleported. Charges that recharge over time.
This again, loads of support, esp for lower mobility heroes. Getting from low ground to high ground in an instance, or breaking a choke point, or going between two flanks.

And third I would change her Projected Barrier in instead create 3 medium sized (preferably long rather then tall), auto recharging barriers that she can place on the ground. By auto recharging, I mean that if it takes damage, it’ll recharge on it’s own so long as it stops taking damage for a time. Even if reduced to 0, it would simply become disabled and recharge in the background until it recharges to full shield, then reactivates.

This would allow her to reshape the map on the fly, in ways that can directly support her allies. From giving your snipers a reliable barrier hide behind, to cover for your team to advance on the enemy position, to protecting your own fixed placements.
Again, a focus of flexibility and creative manipulation of the map in a supportive way, but not in a way where her ability to contribute to her team requires her to set up all of them to be effective. (unlike her current turrets)

A barrier blocking some damage is valuable, a camera spying on your enemy is valuable, a set of teleporters transporting your team even a short distance is valuable.
Which is a far cry from her ‘all or nothing’ inflexible design she currently has.


Why not keep the turrets and just have them reveal? That seemed to be the function anyway, hence her personal callout. It’s better to use them like such by placing them in sets of two around flank points. The only reason we don’t really use them for attack is because of the horrendous self slow and deployment time anyway. If you solve that she gains way more attack value without needing to alter too much.

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Because they give away their position.
A visible camera is a dead camera.

Make Sym heal please

They said they’d be buffing her defensive ability so it wouldn’t be problomatic anymore. The difference between defense and pirateship is defense means literally defense on almost any map.

The overwatch assioated healing as the main point of class. Sym doesn’t provoid so many people don’t consider her a support.