Make smurfing a bannable offence already!

So how do you tell the difference?

Smurfs keep making new accounts. Alts don’t.

I have 6 accounts all together most at lower ranks then my main am i a smurff?

Depends. Are you playing to stomp players, and do you throw away the accounts once you’re out of the ranks you can bully in?

Yes lol. Alts are smurfs unless you are learning completely new hero and probably even then. It’s not like I’m gold Ana just because I don’t play her much in my GM games. I will still easily steamroll my way to at least masters. If I would pick up Ball then it may not be as hard smurfing since I need to learn mechanically completely new hero, not something that’s transferable across everything I play.


I did throw away 3 of the accounts when i got back to master because i used the accounts to practice the new supports when they came out. But i know i was called a smurf all the time while ranking up to learn them.

I used them to learn bew supports and genji and now my genji account is my main account because of skins. But how do you tell me a person wanting to learn a new hero with out being harrased to switch to your main with a true smurf

Then yeah, you were smurfing.

And i disagree it was not smurfing because im was not my main rank on those heros i was the rank i got untill i got them up to my rank then could play them on my main account to not ruin other players games on my main

And you are not gold/plat either I would assume.

Im masters 1 but i would usaly place around plat when i would make new accounts to practice new heros

And did you struggle to climb those new heroes to at least diamond, probably low masters even?

If I would make Illari alt because I don’t play her on my main, I would steamroll my way to high masters, I guarantee you. Source? I have alt where I played something I rarely play. It was easy ride. It’s not like my aim and gamesense goes away just because I pick a new hero. Outside of few very mechanically demanding like Ball or Doom, most heroes have transferable skills.

Trolling some games in quickplay because you try new hero is fine imo. Get basics down and play on your main. That’s how I learned all heroes I know :person_shrugging: It’s not like I’m gonna get good at Ball by playing him in gold xd

If I make an ‘alt’ to stomp, rank it up a bit and dump it off, never log in again, but make a new ‘alt’, it’s smurfing. Anything you do to intentionally be in a pool below where you’re reasonably capable of playing is smurfing.

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Yeah, if you keep making alts you are effectively staying in low ranks forever…

Do you purposely do poorly so you can play against bad players? If yes, you are a smurf.

Yes because learning their based kits was difficult because they were new.

Ya and i mostly play lucio when i made alts so not much transferred.

So i was trying new heros to get them in my roster of hero i could swap too on my main account would usaly take me 2 months to get comfortable with them to add them into my main accounts lineup

Smurfing to get to your correct rank on a new account is not reportable, as it is technically just a fresh start and getting to their proper spot. Usually, the rank system slaps you where you belong pretty quickly.

Smurfing obtained via purposefully deranking, however, is reportable. It is cheating.

You don’t need to throw to be in unfair lobby due to you abusing new accounts to bypass your true rank.

Tell me what’s the difference between purposefully staying in low rank and making 12th account to be on another ride from Gold to GM? You still play multiple “smurf” games while you are climbing. Only to do it again and again on yet another account. The only difference is that you are not throwing games. But you still ruin dozens and dozens of games per account.


So, just to be clear, if I make an account and play on it until I hit certain rank that my skill level is at (lets say GM), and then stop playing on that account to make another one and do this process all over again from the beginning. This falls under your own definition of smurfing, since I deliberately keep my MMR low by making new accounts.

It’s obviously intent. The difference is that purposely sabotaging matches is bannable.

And imo alts should be bannable as well, since they are ruining the meaning of the rank. Matchmaking is there to give people fair matches, right? That’s like the whole purpose why we have ranks and MMR.

New accounts bypass that intentionally so you have games that would NEVER happen if everyone just played on their main. There is no reason why gold player should ever face GM.