Make smurfing a bannable offence already!

it ruins games and it is cheating! it is so obviously an unfair advantage, which was what the old definition of cheating was before they changed it to not include smurfing. Its even worse when they have a mercy surgically attached to them (another reason to rework that snoozefest of a “hero”).

And you should ban the main accounts of streams that do those bronze to gm “challenges” if they don’t stop. It makes games so unfun and pointless I just want to quit the game. No wonder everyone is leaving, pretty soon its just gonna be the same small handful of smurfs and their 40 accounts each


Watch all the smurfs rush in to tell you how it’s not possible to do this even though reporting toxic chat, gameplay sabotage etc. works just like this and works well enough.

As long as “Smurfing” is not listed under the report player menu, blizz is literally sanctioning smurfing.


“No no Smurfing is actually fair because match maker will eventually put them where they belong, sure they might ruin a couple hundred games before they’re back in top500 and they definitely wont throw any so they can stay put in low elo! that’s why they have to let me smurf - I mean let other people smurf”

its the same bs every time, its pathetic that blizz lets it go on, gotta keep all the smurfing content creators happy tho, F the rest of the player base


“You should be grateful smurfs are in your game, playing against better opponents makes you better”

“What is smurfing? Define ‘smurfing’ so I can nitpick and ridicule your definition ad infinitum and we dodge talking about the actual problem.”


It depends what you mean by smurfing

I’ve seen large groups destroying teams but ignoring objective to take the loss. I’ve also seen duos that boost a buddy that’s 3 ranks below them. There are also people that buy Bronze accounts to demolish players then log off it forever once the system catches them. The real question is if what you are seeing a smurf or someone playing well? It’s usually easy to tell when you watch their accuracy in replay codes. I remember being accused of smurfing by a S76 that stood still repeatedly so I headshot him.

You joke but it’s a valid question. Are you asking for all alts to be banned or is there a rank limit where you’re suddenly not allowed to have an alt? What if somebody climbs? What if the alts were paid for in OW1 when there were no rules against it? Etc.

It’s not as simple as “ban all smurfs” despite what many would like to believe.

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boosting is currently against the rules

this is a stupid question and is irrelevant. Smurfing does happen and it shouldn’t. End of discussion. If they arent a smurf then one report wont do them in


It is and it also can be categorized as smurfing since they are playing against low ranked players.

How is that a stupid question? You can’t tell if people are smurfing without the replay code of the match.

“What is toxicity? It’s not as simple as “ban all toxic” people”

System already works perfectly well (as well as it can) to ban/silence toxic chat. No excuse it wouldn’t work equally well enough for smurfs.

But let’s get stuck trying to define a word. That’s how we win an argument these days after all.


Sad part is, it is already stated as such in CoC

source: Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct

I didn’t ask you to define a word. I was asking what you’d like to happen.

Specifically what do you want? Same to anyone else wanting to ban smurfs.

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The system is automatic and operates on the reports made by the community. Smurfing can be categorized as Boosting if they’re in a party or Griefing if alone. You two are just looking for drama since this is nothing new to the community. Blizzard isn’t going to ban streamers since it’s free advertising.

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Streamers do it. Why would blizzard ban it?

It’s very obviously an acceptable thing to do. Not that I would, I only have one account.

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If smurfing fits under griefing I will admit that I was wrong.

But the last time I checked, and according to what I can quickly find on google, smurfing does not fit under grefing at all.

So please give me a quote instead of just saying “griefing=smurfing.”

Cheating is cheating and smurfing is smurfing, nothings wrong with making a new acct… It is also the price to pay for playing f2p games where there is no punishment of cost to play ow2… Rofl when did having more than 1 acct became or ever became cheating…

How many do the bronze to gm challenges that stream like 2, 5, or 10… I don’t see how a small group is inhibiting your game play.

No. That is just how points are gained or lost that should be improved. Smurfs should earn lots of points regarding stats and win streaks.

They do. You can go from unranked to gm in 15 wins. You can even be gm after placements, although that is inconsistent.

Are you sure it’s not just the matchmaking being dumb? A skilled player in a match full of potatoes isn’t their fault

As a start, start handing out punishments for unranked to GM. It’s wild to me that Blizzard condones high rank players monetizing stomping bads and ruining games in ranks they know they don’t belong in.


This could help the ranking system. It would contain less smurfs and there is no need for a “smurf detection” that gives new players too high ranks.