Make smurfing a bannable offence already!

So? I didn’t make up the law…

But it does not matter how dumb rule is, if it is a rule you ought to follow it. If you break it you face consequences.

You think it is bad/badly written? You take it up with people that can change it, which is Blizzard, not me!


There is no loophole. Only Blizzard’s unwillingness to take action due to financial and statistical reasons.

This applies to any activity that creates unfair advantage!

It is already. its technically cheating

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I’m not ‘taking it up’ with you. I’m just letting you know that by their own wording, that Smurfs can technically exist because of the way it’s been worded.

It’s not cheating unless the Smurf is directly and purposefully deranking to be in easier games or makes a new account just to play with friends and boost their friends’ rank.
That’s literally it. That’s the only “unfair advantage” scenario where a Smurf’s existence is against the rules.

Them going through the ranks to get to their proper rank is not against the rules because the system does properly adjust where they belong pretty quickly.

There ya go.

No it can’t… Logically it does not follow. You are violating rule of non contradiction here!

No… as in the rules any activity that creates unfair advantage is considered cheating. I know that smurfs would like me to believe otherwise but that just violates rule of non contradiction. One of the basic laws of logic.

And you violated excluded middle…

Or are you trying to say that GM in Gold lobby does not have unfair advantage? :clown_face:

So far we are 2/3… So can you somehow violate identity also?

Well. Considering that you’re so stuck in your own mind that you’re now putting words in my mouth and your own ego being the only reason you’re still going…


A loophole is basically a technicality that allows one to escape violating the law through some activity.
This in the terms of the law means that by Blizzard’s own wording, a smurf trying to get themselves to their own rank as quickly as possible is fine. Even if, unfortunately, they do have to go through baby games, as I’ve said, to get there.
I’m not saying it’s fair, but new accounts, all new accounts have to do this. They all start low. So don’t blame the smurf in this case, blame the system. But, no, GMs don’t belong in Gold. That’s why the system shoves them up after that game.

Yes, by unfortunate technicalities in Blizzard’s own wording, once again. Only a smurf that is doing as I mentioned (purposefully deranking, boosting a friend, et cetera) is the liable one in the case of an actual cheater in this scenario.

I ask for poisoning the well to cease!

This was actual genuine question. Because I refused to believe that a person can violate 2 basic principals of logic in just few short sentences!

Now if you want honest discussion rewrite this whole post without such dishonest tactics!

Gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss your way through life, I guess.

We can’t all be reasonable.

Guess we’re agreeing to disagree. <3

Yeah, you just proved who you are by using typicall troller tactics now…

I don’t have time for dishonest pricks… Bye and cya never troll

Not trolling. But nice try. You be rude to me, and I’ll simply return the gesture.

It’s just technicalities. Sorry you can’t handle them.

Kinda like how people in real life evade taxes through loopholes. (:

Taking any action to intentionally play in a lower bracket than you’re reasonably capable of. It’s not that hard of a definition.

haha no it is not. sry to brek your bubble

If there’s 1 smurf in a game, that’s up to 9 other players that the game is ruined for. If they play 11 games in a day, that’s up to 99 other players that have their games ruined. 1% of players can ruin the game for 99% of players.


pcgamer. com/overwatch-2-developer-calls-smurfing-the-bane-of-my-existence/

The devs call it a ‘battle against smurfs’ while trying to keep new players out of the crossfire. Clearly the devs don’t want smurfs.

That assumes there rank/mmr is a constant fresh accts have a greater level of deviation cause of the win lost ratio. You can never truly tell if someones a smurf either, it is an assumption made cause your getting stomped its the exact same thing as thinking someone is cheating most of the time… People whining about smurfs are just bad people who don’t want to improve.

The question was “Should smurfing be against the rules?” Not the logistics of how best to spot a smurf. But the devs clearly say that they don’t want smurfs and simply have a hard time keeping anti-smurf measures from catching new players. No one “doesn’t want to improve”. But smurfs don’t teach anything. They just ruin the game. For players to improve, they need to see what they’re trying gets guided in. If there’s a hallway that has a death box in it, and the whole left side triggers it. Players can learn “stay on the right side”. But if that death box is 95%, players will decide “This entirely hallway kills you. There’s no point in even looking at it.” Because they don’t get enough feedback to learn what they might be doing wrong. Playing with players roughly the same don’t punish mistakes for blinking at the wrong time. They punish being out in the open. Playing with players 3-4 tiers over you, they’ll kill you by mechanics. They’ll kill you on game sense. They’ll kill you for mistakes you didn’t even know could be made. No one learns if they don’t understand where they went wrong.

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So does, manipulating the matchmaking system…

Teamstacking in casual player environments…

Point is theres countless ways to get an “unfair advantage” over other players… and you and likely everyone else here is guilty of it, if you really want to split hairs…

I as a solo player, shouldn’t have to play against 3+ player sweat lord parties who are queue in QP to rage stomp because their mad they lost their last comp match…

Is that fair to me? Absolutely not… but im not going to have a meltdown over it…

You’re unwilling to develop skill ruin games, the smurf skill win games. Think about that and stop crying. Why don’t you smurf? Not good enough? Or because there’d be higher skill smurfs sending you back to your main to practice and to become a better smurf? Do you see the logic background here? Skill matters, the good in-game experience is not just a given factor in competitive games. You want to have a better experience you have to constantly improve or smurf which is also an option and nobody to judge you for that. Stop being victim!

Problem is matchmaking don’t make balanced teams.

Uou can have a team with z ana at 1000 heal and 2 elims. Opposite team can have 5 decent players.

You will be stomped.

Or equal teams but one of opposite player is very strong : stomp.

That’s happen often.

And game balance idn’t great. Some ultimates load far faster then others and are gamebteakers.

Some characters get perfect weapons and kit compare to others.

Damages are extremelly high in this game. Combo dps + support can destroy a tank in max 3 seconds even if he is healed.


Or you could read the CoC… Or the whole topic at the very least!

It is in CoC, and your denial is so cute!

Yet you didn’t elaborate on a single one…

So you asserted that without evidence and I am dismissing that without evidence!

You’re absolutely right, irs not difficult to define it lol