Make Ramattra’s Ultimate last 1 Second

That’s it, if people leave your radius, it ends almost instantly.

3 Seconds is too much leniency.

Though maybe 2 Seconds could work better, IDK.


Better idea: Remove the duration-pause and make the ult have a fixed maximum duration of 10 seconds.

Every other ultimate in the game has a fixed maximum duration so that they’re balanced - Annihilation needs that too.


The ult needs to have expiration timer regardless of if there are people in range or not.
lasing indefinitely is what makes it broken because the only ways to deal with is to kill him or to leave him win the point.


I think a 5 second timer that decays at half speed with someone in radius would be a good compromise that still keeps the very stupid spirit of the ultimate.



And that’s so often impossible because of his infinite no-cooldown 75% damage mitigation block.

Just look at this:

Or this:

Or this:


You know what else ends Ramattra’s ult instantly?

A shield.


Ramattra’s legs walking past the shield go brrrrr


I don’t mind the Ult too much, but I do mind how ridiculously quickly he gets it. He has it every other fight at minimum, it’s absurd.

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Meanwhile, Ramattra’s ultimate timer go brrrrrrrr

I do find it funny that Blizz wanted to remove a lot of the shields and created an Ult that can be countered by a shield hahaha. Genius.


Yes, that’s another issue - he builds Annihilation way too quickly.

But Rein and Monkey suck right now, so that’s not an option.


Yep. Overstacked armor from Brigs ult USED to stick around (slightly different but close enough) even used out of combat and it was one of the most broken in the game. They’re just making the same mistakes over and over again.


And there’s 3 other shield tanks not mentioned.

Yep. Yeatle (three times top 1 tank) equates Annihilation with the old overpowered Rally:

His ultimate is literally damage rally which is strong but boring.

His ultimate feels like a free fight win too, same vibe as old brig rally „oh they rally’d just die and go next“

You’re not seriously suggesting that Zarya, Sigma, and Rammatra himself counter Rammatra’s ultimate, are you?

Posted it before but posting it again:

Shields are unreliable at stopping Annihilation - let’s take a deeper look:

Winston bubble:

  • It can break quickly
  • It has a long cooldown
  • Ramattra can easily go inside and out
  • Every teammate on the point/objective would have to be perfectly positioned inside/outside of the bubble, which will very rarely happen

Sigma’s and Ramattra’s barriers are also unreliable, as he can just walk past them and only use his ult when he’s next to Sigma/Ramattra.

Reinhardt’s shield is better, but Ramattra can also walk into and past him, sometimes with the help of a support ult. Every teammate would have to be positioned well, which is hard when you need to contest an objective. Additionally, Reinhardt’s movement gets heavily reduced while shielding compared to Ramattra’s 75% damage reduction block, which slows him down only 50%, so he’d be able to block the whole time and walk into Reinhardt’s face while his shield breaks after some time.

Furthermore, Ramattra is able to damage Reinhardt, his shield and enemies behind it all at once with his „pummel“-attack while Reinhardt can’t do damage in return.

Besides, only four out of eleven tanks even have a shield and Ramattra can just activate his ult after the shield has been used/broken.

And then there’s also Sombra with hacking & EMP.

As one can see, shields are pretty unreliable at countering Annihilation.

The following gameplay example demonstrates perfectly, how Reinhardt’s shield is unreliable at stopping Annihilation:

To balance Annihilation, a fixed maximum duration for his ult needs to be added, so its counterability is similar to all other ultimates in the game which have no uncapped duration. Furthermore, the ult-cost needs to be increased.


Sigma is the only viable one. But not going to be a good pick against Ramattra.

Bro what was that Reinhardt doing. :joy:

Looked like players who didn’t understand what to do about Ramattra’s ultimate, so they chickened in at random, ensuring to scatter themselves as much as possible while the shield tank comes in from the opposite side?

  • Tracer dies, bless her heart and 150 hp. (30 dps gives her 5 full seconds to live)
  • Reinhardt dies, doesn’t even acknowledge Ramattra at all.

The rest of the team cleans up, easy.

Additionally, for each time Ramattra’s ult works as intended, I can also show you where Rammatra’s ultimate is completely and utterly wasted. One anecdote does not set the rule.

Example 1: Ramattra Diff

Example 2: Completely wasted Ult

I would highly recommend education, so that you may further educate yourself about how Ramattra works and how he doesn’t. Something as simple as Whole Hog is enough to counter his entire ultimate.

Additionally, if you want a practical tl;dr example of Ramattra’s blatant weaknesses, Flats explains this in textbook fashion.

The last thing I’d want to tell you is to stop complaining and use your kits. Learn the character so you know how to counter what he does.

Hog is an obvious example.
If you don’t want to get hooked, how do you stop yourself from being one-shotted?
Utilize cover, CC, shields, the works. How do you know if Hog doesn’t have hook? Watch his movements, bait the hook, or listen for the hook sound. If you can’t see the Hog, you definitely can hear his loud footsteps.

Ramattra counterplay is EASY
If you want to counter Ramattra’s ultimate, how do you stop yourself from being Annihilated?
– Literally, just walk away.

If that’s unsatisfactory, sleep him, use speed boost, knock him away, boop him, shield him (yes, Ramattra’s shield is enough to counter his entire ult), use any ranged attacks to kill him, and do obviously smart things to stay alive. Understand the difference between defensive positioning and aggressive positioning, and why Ramattra excels at punishing aggression. Remember, he can only punch one person at a time - so don’t let him. :wink:

Wow, so you demand everyone to stop posting constructive and valid criticism regarding hero balancing because you disagree? I and others will continue to complain about overpowered ultimates, whether you like it or not.

The only ultimates which can consistently counter & stop Annihilation are grav & flux (to make him unable to move) and Whole Hog (to push him away).
Unlike Annihilation, all of them can be countered reliably with shields, bubbles and many abilities, even if you don’t have any support ult.

Well too bad for grav & flux if he’s sitting on a payload right before a checkpoint, is next to the robot on push right before taking the lead or stands on the point and your team needs to defend the objective or attack it in overtime - grav & flux are useless at stopping his ult in this situation because you still need to be in its radius to defend the objective so his ult is active for the entire team fight! Additionally, Whole Hog can also be unreliable, often just pushing him into a corner/wall while he’s comfortably blocking and you or your teammates will still be in Annihilation’s radius.

To make it even worse, the ult cost of Annihilation is significantly lower than grav, flux and Whole Hog:
Gravitic Flux: 1960
Graviton Surge: 2100
Whole Hog: 2240

Annihilation: only 1680 ult charge required!
Annihilation is stronger and way harder to counter than all other tank ults and can last very often over 30 seconds, but requires so much less ult charge - this is unbalanced!

All that is useless when he’s standing on an objective and your team needs to contest (especially in overtime).
Furthermore, sleep dart can be easily countered with Zuzu and there’s a high chance that just one damage hits him and he wakes up.
In addition, he can also be speed boosted so your own speed boost is negated. And knocking him back to stop his ult is also very unreliable because of Annihilation’s massive radius and the 30% knockback resistance tank passive.

Unreliable and again, only 4 out of 11 tanks have a shield. If in many situations Annihilation can only possibly be stopped with a perfectly placed shield that only so few tanks have, can outlast every support ult and be active for over a minute, then undeniably there’s something unbalanced about the ult.

I have a question for you and everyone else:

If the duration-pause passive stayed but a maximum duration for the ult would be added, how long should that maximum duration be?
Two minutes? One minute? 40 seconds? 30 seconds? 20 seconds? 15 seconds? 10 seconds? Another duration?

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