Make Mercy immune to the DPS Passive

Just make her healing ignore the Damage Passive altogether and she’ll be back to mid tier. (Nerf her self heal ratio as compensation)

She’s still the only support with no alternative/additional way of healing, a clutch-save ability or high damage to compensate for her trash healing.

Literally the only support that has similar hps output is Lifeweaver (he’s also pretty bad btw) but at least he still has Life Grip and can heal/grant overhealth with his ult.

Being a support with no strong defensive ult like Lucio Beat or Zen Trans and an average (single target!) hps of not even 50 in a game where health scales from 250-700+ is just ridiculous.


The devs have been ignoring her since S9, they don’t care about the gigantic player base that Mercy has, they have left her to show skins and nothing more, it’s very sad.


May be this is the best for her since every time Blizzard touch her its only just nerf :sweat_smile:

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If I trusted the devs enough I would have suggested a partial rework instead - Mercy’s issue is being too easy to get value out of in low tiers while simultaneously being hard to get value from in high tiers. They need to raise her skill ceiling for more of her kit, as it is today most of it is centered around GA usage.

She needs a new ult for starters, or at the very least rethinking the one she currently has - it’s probably one of the most lackluster support ults with very little swing power. They should also try to move her main kit away from pocketing to a playstyle that forces Mercy to be more in the thick of it - that will make good GA usage even more of separator between good and bad Mercy players, and it will remove a lot of frustration people feel about Mercy players that only stay with one DPS in the backline.

I think Mercy also needs a new ability that’s more of a skillshot, and also allows her some playmaking. I’d suggest a damage reduction ability (reducing outgoing damage) from an enemy as it fits with her character and doesn’t already exist in the support lineup.

Mercy needs to keep her damage boost as her kit really discourages her using her gun, but they might want to reconsider the mechanics of it (I’m not a fan of it, but perhaps add a decay mechanic to discourage prolonged use while buffing her weapon swap cd).

Just some general ideas. I don’t think current Mercy is in a particularly good place, and she hasn’t been in many years.


God no.
Thats the whole point of the passive lol.

An option is to put it on a resource meter. That way it’ll be more situational and not something she can do 24/7 to the sniper in the backline.

Numbers and recharge rate would need to be tested out to find a good spot.

Well clearly it was too effective on her as she’s been the worst support ever since Season 9 hit live.

Her healing was doo doo even without the Passive.
Illari’s Pylon alone provides as much value as Mercy does with her entire existence.

Mercy needs buff and everybody knows it