Make hack anti heal instead

remove the ability lock out from hack because it is stupid in an ability based shooter to have a hero who disables abilities. make it so hack reduced healing recieve by 15% for like 4 seconds. her ultimate can still lock out abilities because its an ultimate. but this is way to strong and annoying for normal ability to do.

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Y’all never think ahead when suggesting changes. But sure let’s do it. So she gets 15% healing reduction on hack then shoot the target so they now have a 30% healing reduction which is 10% more than the dps passive ever was. Yup I’m sure this won’t tilt anyone.


it’s better than making is so you can’t play the game. you can still heal, give suzu or some other immortality ability. if someone can’t play the game then its just stupid and theres nothing you can do.

You can do all those things currently to hack. But with your idea no support will ever survive our flanks. 30% healing reduction means kiriko is required to beat sombra. And every other support or dps pocketed by a support would be such an easy kill consistently.

Sombra is fine, she just isn’t Tracer, Echo or Sojourn.

i dont care. i want to be able to play tanks without sombra being an instant counter pick. support is an easy babied role anyway. they can deal with it,

This would make tanking way way worst.

tell me you dont play tank without telling me you dont play tank. i dont blame you btw

I play ball actually. :joy:


you must enjoy hurting yourself then lmao

Tell me you have 0 awareness of how much resources you eat while playing tank without telling me-

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It’s a 1s hack. It used to be a 6s hack. Sombra doesn’t counter tanks anymore. Not like she used to at least. Current sombra is the healthiest version for tanks in the history of sombra.

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It’s 1.5 seconds…
You can still “play the game”, you can still pew pew and you can still move.

did you see yeetle latest video? imagine trying to roll in as ball and you get hacked. ok i can go in now. booped. oh maybe now. cass nade. oh surely now i can play the game. punched. this is it now im ready to do ball thing. slept, naded, ded. like how can you play this game??


It took you a video to realize that the Tank who’s most reliant on their abilities to even have a purpose has their greatest weakness be to have those abilities taken away.

JunkerQueen, Mauga, Orisa, Roadhog to some extent even Reinhardt would suffer even greater at the loss of 15% more healing received.

And that’s ignoring that there’s 3 supports who could remove that ability.
Adding Ana into the mix will make the average tank life even more sufferable than having 1second of being unable to cast abilities.

Since it’d take both supports to run those defensive abilities instead of offensive assistance, only to make the Tanks life possible.

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Didn’t he win that game despite all of the enemy resources being pumped into him?

In my eyes the three enemies of tanks is bastion, reaper, and mauga. You know heroes designed to cut through tanks all game.

You just hate tanks, don’t you?

Sombra counters heroes who rely heavily on abilities

Shocker. I know.

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Do you just not know how to think ahead? Like this would be awful for the game, make Tanking even more miserable, and make Support even more miserable. I don’t think you understand just how powerful that is.